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Retired Staff
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Everything posted by iPopsicle

  1. You're welcome.
  2. xd memes. Naw the staff that banned will look at every single one accordingly. Just gotta wait and see.
  3. When your friend is so inactive he has a 20k bounty for manslaughter.


    1. falcon


      those where the good ol' days

  4. Probably not.
  5. Like I said, spend your time how you want to spend it.
  6. That is a dead meme, did you hear a kid say it during recess?
  7. The apology they all deserved!
  8. Moose why are you here I didn't hear any shekels hit the floor
  9. It took me two years of inactivity to get corporal
  10. @Talindor. Keep your kreygasms to yourself creep
  11. Bitch I never message first
  12. Guys, check out this channel stack.



    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. falcon


      what the frick dude

    3. Moose


      I thought getting raw dogged by Magic Johnson would give me aids.

  13. Chapter 11: New Life Rule 1. If you die for any reason apart from dying by a Arma bug you may not return to that area for 15 minutes. (1 Kilometer from where you died) 1. Exception: When killed on the Warzone Island, NLR will not apply. 2. APD may return to legal areas after death as they see fit. (This is to simulate the size of an actual police force) 3. If APD die in an illegal area they are to return in waves. (Described more in detail in the APD Master Handbook) 4. R&R must wait 15 minutes to return to an area if killed by not following directives. (Within reason, more details in R&R Master Handbook)
  14. Eyyyyyyy. Happy Birthday Brotha. Hope it's a good one!

    1. RambleR


      On vaca, cant get much better xD thank you dude!!

  15. iPopsicle


    Banned for exploiting.
  16. There's your problem, you didn't donate to my PayPal.
  17. $20 sent to my PayPal will get you @Fedot's work address. 

  18. Happy birthday you fat virgin.



    @Grandma Gary

  19. I saw gang wars and Boonie @'ing me and I was already triggered xd
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