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Everything posted by Orgondo

  1.  I FOUND THEM! MUAHAHAHAHAHAH. Our lovely drunken Chief of Police everyone, #BlackLivesMatter? http://imgur.com/a/vHCZ7

  2. http://imgur.com/EWs1zXw When you have flashbacks to when things could of been good again. BRING IT BACK BABY

    1. Orgondo
    2. Poseidon


      SOON TM, I still have plans for it

    3. T3x4sSl4y3r1776


      with my dick flapping majestically in the wind, ill bash all your heads in with my rock

  3. Y'all aren't even ready for this mixtape we droppin later @Linka

  4. Happy Bday, have a great one you mong. @Ham

    1. Ham


      Thanks <3

      ily Dad

  5. ~ Tell us a little something about yourself! ~ I'm a semi-professional World of Warcraft player, been playing the past 10 years. I barely play anything else. ~ Which section of the forums are you most interested in and why? ~ Videos & Screenshots, you always see something absolutely hilarious at least once a day for sure. ~ How did you find out about Olympus entertainment? How long have you been a part of our community? ~ I found out about Olympus by just searching for Altis Life in the filter and picking this one since it had a lot of players on it. I've been playing on Olympus for the past 16 months and have loved it ever since. ~ Have you made any friends during your time in this community? ~ Absolutely, I've been in only a few gangs since I don't gang hop and I always have a great time with everyone in the gangs. ~ What is your most memorable experience in our servers? ~ Doing Terrors in Kavala with only rooks or pdubs, shooting down a full hummy with 9mms during the Terror. And role playing with my boys Postman and GrandpaSquid whenever we get caught by the cops. ~ Do you have a video of your favorite RP moment you would like to share? ~ Sadly no, on my old harddrive that fried ~ Do you have a video of your favorite funny moment in-game you would like to share? ~ Not the funniest but i love my boy Catsmeow ~ What do you think a player should do at least ONCE while playing in our community? Kavala Terror, Fed/Jail, apply for either APD or R&R ~ What is your favorite location in Altis ~ Sofia, then you get to fight off hundreds of waves of Mk (Murksanity gang) ~ What do you think is the best thing about Altis Life and our Olympus community? ~ The actually friendliness behind all the bullshit, if you look in sidechat most days it's absolutely cancer filled. But get on cop with those people or just dick around with them in game and not against them, everyone's usually actually pretty friendly and nice. ~ Do you have any tips or hints for new members? ~ Do legals, SUVs only if you go bigger you will get robbed by me Join a gang, always best to have back up available. Just have fun, it's a damn game in the end. ~ Who do you consider the most UNIQUE member of our community? ~ With no bias or bullshit, my dad/Gang Leader, @Jaeger Mannen absolutely has the most unique role play in this community. He started a gang that has lasted a Year and a Half now, and we all worship a fucking Tree, and I mean we WORSHIP it. We sacrifice non-believers to it, on a island we founded.
  6. Thank you again to everyone who wished me a Happy Birthday, love you fucking mongs


    1. Peter Long

      Peter Long

      Listen, I was there for all 3 waves. Dude had to get put down. 

    2. Orgondo


      Combat Log inc


  8. You're still an absolute God.
  9. Oh baby yes please. Thank you for all you do here at Olympus.
  10. We fight daily, log on for more than 10mins fam
  11. Let's bring RP back to the APD. Sounds like a great idea right? We can all dream though.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Orgondo


      @Underdone I was in no way trying to save them when i entered the HQ that final time, those guys had like 80k bounties lol. I was in Kavala and was going to go do Kavala things like Pdub'ing cops trying to have some fun in the final moments of the Terror.

  12. @Bubbaloo yo can you lock our old ass recruitment post. Were gonna make a new trial post in the future.

  13. Reindeer Kitten Soco Ham GrandpaSquid Postman
  14. Trees bring life, Trees are love, Trees are life. All Hail The Great Tree
  15. I listen to basically children dying and people being murdered so "Metal" was the closest thing I guess. I listen to everything but country so go yee yee fuck your cousin elsewhere.

    1. Poseidon


      like = dislike now :Kappa:

    2. Jaeger Mannen

      Jaeger Mannen

      God.. I wanna DOWNVOTE the shit outta that comment :(

    3. Lethals Loaded
  17. Lolol exactly why I don't/can't play that type of shit
  18. When you forget that Cop Lethals reset your bounty and you insta Respawn. Sooooo fucking pissed. Rip 4.5mil bounty

    1. orcpoc


      Forgot to alt f4 after u died to keep ur bounty? Why would u want to do that

    2. Orgondo


      I don't understand why you fools think I do that, never have and don't need to.

    3. Orgondo


      My highest and i didn't even get to screenshot it :(

  19. I'll pass you tonight, sorry fam.
  20. Better set a delay this time around, don't need anymore snipers
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