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Everything posted by Snare

  1. Remember lads, shoot for the stars, that way worst case scenario you will land on the moon.image.thumb.png.b9416871450f1b2ef70dff7aa4ab5c0c.png

    1. johnny goose

      johnny goose

      or you win the $50 giftcard giveaway in discord and get a PC giftcard

    2. torre


      damn im laughing my ass off

  2. Accepting free Olympus money. 

  3. I'll find my way back to you...💔


    1. syndrome


      still waiting for my taru smh

    2. Snare


      @ syndrome any time in the next week hmu


  4. Afternoon BB Chilling on Armed Assault Three https://twitch.tv/snarew0w


    1. Corporal Moob

      Corporal Moob

      you will forever be a shitebag still posting this shit here hahaha

    2. Snare
  5. Can we make camping gang base bannable?

    1. doctor doom

      doctor doom

      It’s Big John’s full time job.

  6. All I want for my bday is the doorman back in action #freebiggs.

    1. jig


      https://gyazo.com/c83e68dd1f125dd5fecad03e8540cdae unfortunately though olympus plus does not save you from the mar-10!

    2. Snare


      @ jig I don't like that ;/

  7. 2 days into olympus plus and it's absolutely bussin for me.

    1. Lou844


      IF I get unbanned Olympus+ for life tbh

    2. CIA JOSH

      CIA JOSH

      Before Olympus+ I was fat, a virgin, and had no life. I’m still all of those things except now I have ifrit skins. Thanks Olympus Staff! 🥳

    3. Noble


      Glad to hear you guys are loving Olympus + 😄. We strive to provide not only the best gaming experience on arma3 but also the best textures! THANKS FOR PLAYING 😄

  8. Just like let me know ❤️ 🙂 

  9. Hey everybody just dropping by to tell all the awesome senior admins, devs, and owner good morning! Feel so refreshed after the good night's sleep I got after purchasing Olympus Plus (best purchase decision of my life) with Olympus Plus you get multiple loadout slots (been super useful for me truly, definitely, for sure!) airdrops, weapon skins, vehicle skins, clothing skin variants, and more. Subscribe today like I did!!!

    1. Show previous comments  20 more
    2. Ryan


      I see a marketing career for you my friend 🙂 

    3. CIA JOSH

      CIA JOSH

      @ Ryan you need a marketing team my friend

    4. Mason Harrison

      Mason Harrison

      no designer @ fuck you

  10. Olympus plus best purchase decision I ever made I recommend to all of you!!!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Ryan


      @ Millennium  is speaking hard FACTS

    3. Snare


      Oh and just subnote my perks ain't working yet.   https://olympus-entertainment.com/support/158570/ 

      More details in the most recent update to my support ticket that I don't want you to click on for any other reason than to activate my perks for being a Olympus + (Olympus Plus best purchase decision of my life) Subscriber.

    4. Theory
  11. I'm a menace with the 1gig upload speed 😠

    1. syndrome


      im sure you are man.

    2. lorax
  12. #freebiggs

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Excision
    3. Millennium


      If he didn't ban evade he would have been unbanned...

    4. Farrel


      Not like he was cheating and ban evading. Let him play 

  13. HEY GUYS RYAN PROMISED HE WOULD LIFT MY RESTRICTIONS EARLY LFG image.png.0cb8dca9c0161b6522c18ea953ca7c64.png

  14. I can't get cop on restrictions. Any admins wanna send stimulus package until I can get them pulled.

    1. Fuzy


      Been on restrictions for 2 years. Time's up.

    2. buckie


      U should try the corner of kav square careful though I heard @ Strafe works there on mondays and Wednesdays

    3. johnny goose

      johnny goose

      @ buckie dont give up my sauce bro

  15. arma 3 veteran god plays new act of valorant https://twitch.tv/snarew0w

  16. https://twitch.tv/snarew0w watch x arma professional ti gang member play valorant

  17. Do we have enough Valorant players for olympus 10 mans?

    1. Tech


      That'd be lit

  18. unban me 76561199051354155

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