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Status Replies posted by Snare

  1. IMG_2540.jpg?ex=6632e18a&is=66206c8a&hm=

    so i met an island boy🤣

    1. Snare


      Just one brother kisser meeting another brother kisser... inspiring.

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  2. Happy holidays you heathens, I hope y'all spent time with your families or with friends today. Remember to check up on your friends during the holidays, you never know what people are going through ❤️ 

  3. @ Marcus I didn't say anything racist mate?

  4. Requesting a transferral of my material wealth to @ Jazzy

    thank you for your consideration @ Ryan


    I tried to connect with your staff in ts over this but was told to kill myself and falsely banned for racism

  5. Requesting a transferral of my material wealth to @ Jazzy

    thank you for your consideration @ Ryan


    I tried to connect with your staff in ts over this but was told to kill myself and falsely banned for racism

    1. Snare


      OOOo hope you have a good christmas my man

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  6. Requesting a transferral of my material wealth to @ Jazzy

    thank you for your consideration @ Ryan


    I tried to connect with your staff in ts over this but was told to kill myself and falsely banned for racism

    1. Snare


      dante @ -Shawn- the slanderous ts ban is actually just insane tho no?

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  7. I really fucking hate Americans

    I just don't understand how people from America are just, on a consistent basis, shitheads.

    The vast majority are arrogant, annoying, and they do this weird thing where they'll say a joke, it's not funny so no one laughs, and then they'll say it TWO MORE TIMES. WE FUCKIN HEARD YOU DUDE, YOU'RE JUST NOT FUNNY.

    They also, for AN ENGLISH SPEAKING COUNTRY, never seem to understand English. For fucks sake the people I've met from Africa or India know english better. How do you not know simple words.

    They also have very poor logic skills. I don't know how to provide an example here but I just always expect to have to explain stuff to an American like I'm explaining to a literal child

  8. I really fucking hate Americans

    I just don't understand how people from America are just, on a consistent basis, shitheads.

    The vast majority are arrogant, annoying, and they do this weird thing where they'll say a joke, it's not funny so no one laughs, and then they'll say it TWO MORE TIMES. WE FUCKIN HEARD YOU DUDE, YOU'RE JUST NOT FUNNY.

    They also, for AN ENGLISH SPEAKING COUNTRY, never seem to understand English. For fucks sake the people I've met from Africa or India know english better. How do you not know simple words.

    They also have very poor logic skills. I don't know how to provide an example here but I just always expect to have to explain stuff to an American like I'm explaining to a literal child

  9. all i did was get two lucky rips? I don't record this shit game anymore so ggs i guess.

  10. all i did was get two lucky rips? I don't record this shit game anymore so ggs i guess.

  11. Everybody get one other person to play conquest tonight and we will get it jumping I'm bringing nephew. 😮 😮 😮

  12. @ House and I are the most attractive arma 3 players of all time

    1. Snare


      I think randy is actually number one actually he looks like god amongst men if you must know.

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  13. 20 people yesterday unban Matt the w doof proud 

    1. Snare


      how do we know he's not a talented god child?

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  14. God damn i was cringe

    1. Snare


      Me too I used to write books on threads on this forum.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  15. @ Masoooooooooon  honey as much as your sweet voice is music to my ears, you are greatly mistaken in your recent judgements. You can't be banning Doof for a koth ban shared with Asylum. You just can't. Honestly you shouldn't even be sharing bans with asylum in the first place. those people are idiots. the server has 20 people playing on it so the talent pool for moderation/administration is equally as low. Find conclusive proof of Doof playing with cheats on oly conquest. The guy barely even goes positive let's be honest with ourselves.


  16. @ Masoooooooooon  honey as much as your sweet voice is music to my ears, you are greatly mistaken in your recent judgements. You can't be banning Doof for a koth ban shared with Asylum. You just can't. Honestly you shouldn't even be sharing bans with asylum in the first place. those people are idiots. the server has 20 people playing on it so the talent pool for moderation/administration is equally as low. Find conclusive proof of Doof playing with cheats on oly conquest. The guy barely even goes positive let's be honest with ourselves.



  18. pls no cherno winter

    1. Snare


      If we all lose our vision young it will be your fault @ Zahzi

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

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