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Everything posted by Snare

  1. Is this facebook????

    1. platinumfire


      is this real life???

    2. Danger


      This is better than Facebook. The people of Olympus are the ones who really matter.

  2. there you go +2 but if it gets deleted then those are going away
  3. +1 https://gyazo.com/e8a9c9ba6468090aee925890c2fb564e as long as you let me post this up here otherwise -10
  4. #2 is footsteps IGN: Snare
  5. you merk 10 20 kids and you think you can rp out of it? you think criminals in real life can rp out of 20 or even 5 manslaughter guess again. they cant even "rp" out of 1. Thats what im saying it doesn't make sense to say someone can rp out of that many kills.
  6. dont complain about rp or inbalance of apd. apd are awful if you cant kill them your bad. if you think you can rp your way out of multiple manslaughters your an idiot no one has time to deal with that this isn't real life and if it was and a cop saw you kill someone or had record of you killing someone they wouldn't listen to your stupid story; they would just lock you up. But even that being said this isn't real life and nobody has time to just listen to your generally garbage story and spend all that time with that garbage. The only real problem with apd is that you generally fight them in areas that give you texture bugs and there vehicles give you texture bugs but they exsperience the texture bugs as well so its not unbalanced just annoying.
  7. why did I just read that?
  8. @Corporal_moob

    The New Chief 
    Grats i remember when you were brownlisted. 

    1. Corporal Moob

      Corporal Moob

      I was never Brownlisted. Please and thank you sir.


    2. Snare


      yeah you were 


  9. found this on youtube 

    When the Tree squad went on the training server.



    Gone but not forgotten.@The Haunter

    @Everybody else who doesn't play anymore or I don't know your forum name

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Snare


      ooooohhhhhh it's encore : p my bad.

    3. Fuzy


      Nah, it was Fuzzy's training server.

    4. Orgondo


      I wasn't there for that but fucking hell that shit don't surprise me


  10. eh. it happens. Mk1 it would have been one shot tho.
  11. they nerfed the ga with the update












    haha Goteeeemm



    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Snare


      :)@McDili haha yeah still 4 to the chest with csat hex and a ga 

  12. @Big B

    Happy Birthday to my first gang leader.:P 

     haha mems

    1. Augustus


      First olympus montage I ever watched 

    2. Big B

      Big B

      Thanks man :) went to the store and got a fat bottle of rum haha

  13. I don't know if we've already made a decision about the November donation goal but I was thinking Rangefinders would be cool as they are quite useful for ranging out non landmarks that its difficult to find on map. Granted mcdili should be able to decide considering he payed for it :P.

  14. I understand. But I think the whole point of donation goals and donations are to better the server giving poseidon money to keep them running and adding a little treat for the community. The GA is not a treat. A donation should be to help the server not to hurt it. I think that the donors should just come to understand that the gas are hurting the server more than there helping it and driving people off of the server who would love to main it. back in the day only big dollar donators got the GAs so we didn't notice it as much but now that everybody does... the tanking is a little ridiculous. My problem with raising the price is that people are still going to buy them regardless because of the competitive edge they give all its going to do is drain people bank accounts more, Especially people like me who already spend 1.5-2 mil daily on fighting. I'm not going to stop buy a GA just because they cost more. So that being said the big dollar donators who donated pre-bohemia wouldn't really be losing anything at this point because they don't have anything over any other player as everybody has them. the whole purpose of donating for them (legacy) was to get an advantage over everybody. the whole point of donating to the month goal was to level the playing field. If nobody had GAs when that stretch goal came up I genuinely think it wouldn't be fulfilled. At this point for the legacy donators its kind-of like they didn't really get anything at all, because even if they hadn't donated they still would have had the GAs today. So I ask all of the legacy and month goal donators to look at the server as a whole and decide what really helps it, and what really harms it. and again I think that the BW option is a great alternative because then there not so common (personally not my preference but still a better alternative imo) thanks for your input though guys and I hope you guys can think about this. Personally I just want what's best for the competitive community because I've watched so many people leave the server solely because of tanking. and recently are cartel fighting experiences have been lacking to say the least
  15. http://www.strawpoll.me/11724060 I know this has been brought up before but after talking to numerous players from this server and other servers I have decided it might be time to bring it up again. The GA question. Does this community really want the GA? I remember when only donors had the GA you would only find a couple people to have it and people typically didn't tank because only a few had it. I've talked to people on this server and other servers and most have said they would enjoy the server to a higher degree if the GA was removed. Allot of people from the most popular altis life server have said they would like this server better then there current server if people didn't tank so much. So maybe if we could fix or somehow reduce the GA problem this server's competitive fighting scene would flourish again? Just my thoughts OH and STRAWPOLL http://www.strawpoll.me/11724060
  16. @Huskers look at all these folks roasting you haha!
  17. i'm not quite sure it was the cartel island that killed the server... allot of the good gangs formed on here when the island was around. But what i mean is not necessarily the island but more cartels, doesn't really matter where as long as its a good place to fight, while keeping the ones we have.
  18. I just think we need more diversified fighting idk what do you guys think.
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