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Carrot Kid
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Zahzi last won the day on January 23

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About Zahzi

Lead Web Developer
Wiki Curator
Retired Head Civilian Council
Olympus Plus
Legacy VIP
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Criminal (2/7)



Single Status Update

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  1. Bohemia (in their infinite wisdom) decided to change some functionality that's very critical to our servers... We're working on fixing it and will hopefully push an update in the next few hours.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Civak


      It's not an update that only negatively effects Olympus. A large number of servers, including Exile mods, are impacted. Not to mention the change is undocumented in the main branch update.

    3. Jesse


      @Civak what create Vehicle local? See my most recent status update...

    4. Civak


      @Jesse yeah we already had the fix when I posted that. Pretty dumb that the intended default behavior isn't as it was described by Bohemia devs, and was for the most part left out of the documentation for this update.

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