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Everything posted by Shelby

  1. Stop browsing the forums and check your teamspeak messages!

    1. FluffyTEDDY


      saaawi D: was asleep :(

  2. I can appreciate these snowflakes whilst I slowly roast to death in a dried out husk of a country. One day I'll see a white Christmas.. one day!

    1. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup

      Bubbaloo - Reusable P Cup

      You and me both. 87 F where I live. 73 degrees at night if I get lucky. Someday I'll also see a white Christmas :( 

    2. Poseidon


      Was too warm for snow today, but I'm sure I'll get some soon. Makes driving fun :P

    3. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup
  3. Made a new signature I'm proud of! Thoughts? :)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Poseidon
    3. Shelby


      Glad its well received. I thought maybe it was too 'cutesy'..

    4. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup

      Bubbaloo - Reusable P Cup

      A girls touch is always a good thing ;). Aside from you there are two more girls who are part of our community so the "cutesy" is more than welcome. 

  4. Honestly living in this 43°C weather (110 °F) is horrible right now, I feel like I can barely concentrate on playing it's so uncomfortable.

    1. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      Posted new status instead of replying.


      shits cold.

    2. Talindor


      Where I live it's 32 degrees, roads aren't frozen yet.

  5. it will be done
  6. My idea to make medics have better response times is to have military-like rescue centers for them to spawn at in the two more remote areas of the map that are much harder to get to. These places can also double as places civilians can get healed to 100% and could even sell defibs. Defibs would need to be expensive and probably have a longer animation then your standard revive also. However, how are you supposed to revive someone? would there be like a 'request group revive' button on the death screen or something? because even as a medic right now you can *only* revive people who have requested it. Requesting a standard medic response to get group revived wouldn't work either as it'd call a medic at the same time. As good as the idea is, logistically there is a lot of problems with it.
  7. There was a really quiet 3 hours where everyone agreed to a ceasefire on the server.. so peaceful! and profitable!

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup

      Bubbaloo - Reusable P Cup

      Definitely agree. I don't camp on a truced server.  But the nerves start running when you are in a redzone with your Tempest Device with a random person beside you. 

    3. Shelby


      We had a group of 5 of us at Mushroom processor hanging out with my ifrit, two orcas and two tempests. The worst that happened was one of them thought it'd be funny to shoot out one of my tires.

    4. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup

      Bubbaloo - Reusable P Cup

      I need to do some runs myself. I wish I had the same luck as you. I don't play civ anymore and if you see my money graph its going downhill faster than blackberry's stock. Lost my first Hunter yesterday, all for fun and games of course but I need to do some runs to balance things out a bit. Unfortunate as it is my gang doesn't play anymore. I'm in a bit of a pickle! 

  8. Must resist the urge to boot up Arma 3.. I have 3 essays to do :/

  9. .. I accidentally bought a house. Well I guess I'm not homeless anymore.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Lucki


      But you have to click 2 screens... One to Open the buy prompt, and then one that tells you that you're about to have X amount of dollars taken out of your bank... :blink:

    3. QKSILVR73


      I don't think it gives you that option anymore.

    4. Shelby


      It gave me one option. So you cant even just check if its sold. 

  10. Things that aren't fun: Only having a PO7 to use in a jail break.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. ComradeGoonie


      Arriving at the jail only to find out you didn't refit and thus have no ammo.

    3. Shelby


      i am the best deputy, clearly

    4. ComradeGoonie
  11. $6
  12. Oh boy I need my APD forum tags, I can't see the ticket guide D:

    1. Brennan


      That is located in the APD Handbook which you don't need APD tags for, here is a link:


  13. Do you hear the people sing.. singing the song of angry men..

  14. The amount of chaos on the servers right now is insane. Cops killing cops. RDM by everyone. Ifrit jousting. Admin abuse. 3rip unbanned..

  15. Deputy Shelby is on the case! :ph34r: now just to get whitelisted.

  16. I've reached the interview stage for APD. Aw yis.

  17. To whoever chopped by Medic Hemtt: I hope you step on a lego.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Fedot


      I mean serves you right for leaving a big butt toy unlocked in kavala ;)))

    3. Shelby


      I didn't leave it unlocked! I left it locked at the hospital :/

    4. Tman15tmb


      Lol, that's pretty cruel.

  18. Aw no, Odin D: we'll miss you!
  19. My favorite thing to do on the new map is to march trouble makers in Kavala over to the 'Stop killing people' sign and make them tell me what it says. The results are usually the opposite though..

  20. I love the new update! Just saw an amazing island prison break, I never realized how much I missed them. The town layouts are much better!

  21. How do you get to stats these days?

    1. badaim


      You can't until fedot gets done with the stats page.

    2. Poseidon
    3. Snake


      very professional stats page, the web designer must be 12.



  22. I wonder if I should come back as medic though?

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