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Everything posted by Shelby

  1. On leave because I'm sick. Shall be back and medic'ing before you know it :3

  2. I really need to stop buying CSGO cases and betting skins. D: it's becoming a problem.

    1. Lethals Loaded

      Lethals Loaded

      It becomes a problem when you notice you got no money to do it... yea... experience... ;-;

    2. Shelby


      then you're frantically selling steam trading cards and shitty skins to scrape enough money together for the next key?

      wow that sounds like a drug problem

  3. Most people are pretty nice to me. It's just that one asshole every day or so who has to ruin it for everyone. I don't get 'harassed' too much - I really don't care too much if someone calls me a bitch or something (If i'm medic though, denied service until restart for bein' hella rude.) Usually people 'do my bidding' like you said also, like the first week I was here I convinced a bunch of people to work together to do a prison break. There *are* some people I quietly refer to as the 'fanboy squad' because they get way too excited to see me on the server, but yeah. My biggest issue that bothers me in all types of gaming is sexual harassment/assault threats, but thats a whole different can of worms.
  4. I've never perm denied anyone from service.........
  5. This pretty much tl;dr's my whole post. A good summary of how I feel.
  6. Thanks for replying to that point I put there. I find it really disturbing they even role played that out. Male/male female/female male/female and vice versa, it's gross in any context. What weird people.. But thank you for receiving what i wrote. I just find it difficult/daunting at times to ask people not to talk about it/act like that when so often before I've been laughed at/abused for suggesting that it's not acceptable.
  7. Stepping up here to say that yeah, Gendered harassment is a huge issue on these servers but also on basically any gaming community. For instance, I've been playing CS:GO frequently over the past week and receiving death/rape threats, told I'm a 'bitch and a slut' as soon as I open my mouth and people hear my voice. It's everywhere, and sadly it's not an issue with just Olympus but an issue in gaming everywhere. For instance, a guy in Kavala yesterday went on a rant about how I was 'probably fat' because 'all girls who game are fat' - which is odd, considering thats not the case with all males, so why females? Females do have a prevalence in gaming, and probably would more so if gamers chilled the hell out. So not only is it an issue in Olympus, but in most other online communities based around gaming. (Since when did pressing buttons on a keyboard or controller get stereotyped to be masculine anyway?) Most of the time though, older males (say.. 17+) tend to be a lot more kind/respectful then your regular run of the mill 12-14 year olds. I think it's also a maturity thing. One thing in gaming communities that does bother me is people specifically stating to females they 'deserve to be raped' or 'will be raped' and variations thereupon. 1 out of every 6 women in america have at some point/will at some point be a victim of sexual violence. Saying things like that to women perpetuates that treating women like that is 'okay' and thus perpetuating threats and sexual assault jokes adds to the likelihood of more instances of sexual assault happening. Interestingly enough, from a psychological stand point, is that all men who have committed acts of sexual assault believe that most other men have also and are great at hiding it. Tl;dr by joking about it/threatening it, you're causing it to appear accepted and welcomed in society, thus perpetuating the likelihood of the crime and contributing to a very real problem. It is something that does personally upset/distress me, although I've rarely spoken up about it, this also happens in casual conversations with senior R&R and community members (RE: 'Kavala rape cave' what the hell is wrong with people? Y'all wonder why I awkwardly leave the channel on TS or go very quiet for a while when its brought up..) However carrying a gun and killing people in self defense if they're saying this in game is handy. I'd just like to see these self defense killings pardoned when correctly role played by the people involved. In some instances, they aren't. And people wonder why, as a medic, I deny service to people so often. I don't enjoy denying service, but I do it when people are being particularly rude/disgusting, which.. is sadly quite frequently. Those who have rolled with me in game (as in, other R&R, my boyfriend and friends of mine) know just how much crap I cop some days and how bad it is. And I know it's not just directed to me, it's not just personal - because it extends to other lady players like Queen, Lady Icarus and others. However.. on the bright side, I have reported and had someone banned for it previously, which is always a great option. Screenshots for text abuse, videos for verbal, etc. All good. Submit those tickets. And on another bright side, thank you to the people who have been really kind and have stood up for me when getting some nasty abuse.
  8. Applied for mod 8)

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Fat Clemenza

      Fat Clemenza

      Blood in Blood out, ese.

    3. wrice4


      McDili, stop telling us you're in love, show us!

  9. I made heavy responder :D

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Fedot


      Why do you choose who you revive? Thats not what medics do.

    3. Muthinator


      If you didnt get a revive, or were denied service, then its probably because you were acting like an ass wipe. We have had multiple female medics since I have been in R&R. I have seen first hand the crap they have to put up with every time they play. If you decide to act like an immature fuck stick then anticipate getting denied service(those of you floating in this boat know who you are so dont bitch when you dont get revived).

    4. Shelby


      Believe me, Fedot - I have the intention of reviving everyone but when I get harassed and abused I deny service as it's one of the few things I can do to have people understand that their attitude is wrong. A lot of the time they apologise and I help them anyway :)

  10. Was in hospital early this morning and only got out recently. I'll be back playing soon :)

    1. Tman15tmb


      I hope everything is alright

    2. Muthinator


      No excuses! Get back out there First Responder!

    3. Muthinator


      Just kidding. Hope you got things sorted out.

  11. I was taken hostage 6 times yesterday. I hope today is a better day..

    1. Warfare


      My news van got jacked 3 times if it helps.

  12. Pretty much sums it up
    1. Muthinator


      Welcome to R&R, lol.

  13. I've had an awesome time in my first two days as medic. Just under 700 minutes. Thanks for the warm welcome R&R team <3

  14. I hope I get whitelisted for R&R soon so I can spend my friday night being a medic :3

    1. SPBojo


      i know who to call if i want to be touched ;) i mean, ergh, revived!

    2. Matt (Barbosa)

      Matt (Barbosa)

      No you're a faggot bojo

  15. Passed my R&R interview! I'm a medic now :o

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Fat Clemenza

      Fat Clemenza

      Nice! At least your hemmt won't be seized when you get Heavy Responder :P

    3. Shelby


      You tempest thief you. Broke my heart you did. *Shakes fist*

    4. Fat Clemenza
  16. Away for a few days! However still checking back to see when R&R interviews are back open..

    1. Muthinator


      R&R interviews should be open soon!

    2. Shelby


      Thank gosh, I can't wait for it :3

    3. Muthinator


      Look forward to having you on the team, good luck!

  17. Was grumpy about losing 500k last night.. made one million tonight. :D

  18. Wasn't able to record it but I sold 500k worth of heroin and got no money from it :(

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Fastik
    3. Lethals Loaded

      Lethals Loaded

      I lost a Tempest due to Cop's deciding it's more important to chase an Orca with P07's than to impound a Tempest Transport that because of being restrained you could not of locked. Ggwp Deputies

    4. V4GAMER
  19. Still eagerly awaiting my R&R app to be seen to! I hope I get in :)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Shelby


      Aw I just got a reply :D yay

    3. Odin


      Interviews are postponed, not applications.

    4. Josh Tombstone
  20. Thankyou
  21. I've been waiting for so long and I still haven't been able to get into the server :( 3 servers please!

    1. Tdog


      Been almost an hour for me

  22. I've only experienced a few people giving me things! Like I got a medic hat. Most people kinda wanna shoot me apparently. It's not like this:
  23. Thank you all for the warm welcomes and the threats of tazing Much appreciated! <3
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