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Corbaaan last won the day on November 23 2016

Corbaaan had the most liked content!

About Corbaaan

  • Birthday July 12

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  1. I might make a come back but i doubt anyone will remember me :(. But hi to the people that do :) 

  2. I get on after a couple months to this... You guys do understand that there is always another way to dupe. I think the big gangs of olympus proved this. But I havent even been on for a while so how is everyone doing. +1
  3. <3
  4. If I came back to olympus what gangs would take me? I know a lot of other gangs hate me but who would let me join,
  5. +1
  6. So is gang life dead?

    1. Quinton
    2. Quinton


      well if os was recruiting i think things would be popping

  7. Havent played is gang life dead or is there actually a reason to become more active?
  8. Finally my birth day :) I might be coming back to olympus also and try to be more active

  9. its not that they dont have better weapons its that they have to keep rebuying it. When a cop dies they say "fuck it lets go back" with they only money they loose is mags and pulling cars. But civs loose everything and have to pay a shit ton of money for it backs that is why cops are op in feds and shit. But a casual fight on the street its pretty fair kill the cop drive away Chances are they wont find you if you drive off
  10. I still remember when I was new to this server and the admins wouldn't buy anyone guns but @Grandma Gary Bought me a trusty katiba and it was get the VIP from the cops at ghost hotel and it use to be so much fun :(.
  11. aye. We didn't ruin the admins did making it worth 15k like the fuck. Easy fix. Keep the timer make them worth 30-40k and make scapels like 10k but they dont break. The problem was you could get a new kidney and instantly loose it to someone else
  12. You know how many times people dont get saved. Most of the times we dont go because there is no chance of beating more than 5 cops im not saying have a HQ takeover with 3 cops. If there are 5 cops on call a HQ takeover and to save your people, Cops should not be able to just send people to jail then there would literally be no reason to save anyone causes massive amount of jail break then what is it going to change again because cops are wasting to much time at the jail. NO you should have a chance to save people from custody, 5 cops with 5 MINUTES with unlitmed re spawn in those 5 minutes and randomized spawning cant save the people in custody, ex- get them to a safe area or take them out of HQ and to a new one or even taze all the civs fighting its not hard Cops are way more equipped than most civs. except people from rebel but the mast majority of cops that just keep coming quickly over run you. -1 to your idea
  13. Cops can spawn every 30 seconds. 30 seconds, if you trade with a cop they have time to re spawn and as you get un tazed they re spawn with full health. COPS have all the advantage in HQ as they should yes, But they have to much leverage if cops push Rebel they get unlimited lives but rebels have the advantage of camping its a even fight but cops get unlimited re spawn and spawn randomly you dont know were that cops is going to spawn when you kill them. Its just not fair at all when there was HQ takeovers you could fight in HQ cops got 5 minutes to stop the rebels if you cant stop them in that time then you should loose plain and simple you get 5 minutes to re spawn and fight which is already hard to deal with. When people get caught we fight for 30-60 minutes to try and get them out with no success because they just constantly re spawn and its very hard to get it under control. But one situation should not last a hour trying to save someone with a 500k bounty because cops can constantly re spawn there
  14. It would still be in there favor as they have constant respawns and respawns around HQ little hard to take on 5 cops with 5 civs. It just isnt balanced
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