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Everything posted by Aress

  1. whos area
  2. only around $47 till the goal is met who willl push it there

  3. getting one when they release the full version Anyone have the BenQ EW2440L LED VA http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B00HVCJS8K?psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=ox_sc_act_title_1&smid=A3P5ROKL5A1OLE
  4. lol i wish toeknee
  5. Like the title says need help choosing some monitors for a 3 panel setup. The price does not matter but the panels need to be 1080p 120hz, with a bezzle that is thin so there is no/little gap between them. If you have any suggestions please provide a link to purchase or a spec sheet. Thank you will look forward to the suggestions
  6. Mr Posiedon i think its time to take down the sites Christmas decoration

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup

      Bubbaloo - Reusable P Cup

      If only I knew. Makes sense Vermont has snow. It's higher up. 

      I just noticed. The airfares are really cheap to Vermont. Hmm. Usually long does snow season last over there? 

    3. JoeL


      Snowing right now in Michigan.

    4. T3x4sSl4y3r1776


      @Bubbaloo Not sure how long the snow stays up here. Recently moved this past summer from Chicago.

  7. elite dangerous horizons has released start downloading it boys. servers are being hammered so slow download oh yea

  8. for all you elite dangerous players

    the release date for horizons has been announced 15th december



    hope to see you somewhere  


    what moob sings when he showers

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Fat Clemenza

      Fat Clemenza

      A Hun singing a Fenian Bastard tune. Despicable.

    3. Corporal Moob

      Corporal Moob

      @Winters Not a chance, I have literally heard this song a million times, even though it's not my type, it is Catchy. However, It was not because of Duke.

    4. Ventar


      It's like a lullaby... Nearly fell asleep in my chair :huh:

  10. http://imgur.com/fiHTcSw Not as good as it i hoped.

    Krispy Clouds ejuice

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Fat Clemenza

      Fat Clemenza

      You're not meant to smoke a donut, you egghead. Come out to California and I'll buy you a dozen donuts from Krispy Kreme. We'll go there when they make them fresh. You'll leave the states without that highfalutin fog machine as well. 

  11. but but my houses no you carnt go you have 1.85m left to pay off Take it easy bud hope it goes all well
  12. something about this bit on mute makes me laugh
  13. how gary parks


    1. Adaptation
    2. BENJI


      That crazy sum bitch

    3. Fedot


      Tac View is Disabled?! Just Repair then try FIXED ENABLED

  14. Good luck affording all them vests . Just be patient they will come when they come. There is no point in Poseidon adding buggy stuff because he was rushed
  15. Hades i know we have had our differences but it will not be the same with out you hear as head admin. I hope to see you once more in game (cough cough :P) have a nice time in your free time now. To who ever takes your spot (Ace is my guess :P) good luck to ya
  16. Hello! I've been debating with myself for days with myself and some trusted people of mine about my position within the Altis Police Department (APD) on Olympus, reasons to stay and leave. This post is late, indeed, but I was unsure if I want to write it or not; as you're reading this you can assume which option I went for. Firstly, I'm going to thank the following people for making my time on the APD amazing: Travis - For being there when i needed help. Zues - For training me up in the APD Ace - For giving me the chance of Chief As I've progressed through ranks within the APD I've made many friends and improved my role play due to many tricky scenarios that I have been put under. My patience has been tested a lot with some cops that have been messing around at important times or have been general chaos to Teamspeak - but aside of that, my experience within the APD was amazing, so far. As I've progressed onto Senior APD I noticed the flaws - I tried to fill them, at times successfully. One of the most known and remembered ones is some officers not excelling at Role Play as I wanted them to therefore with the help of McDili I've set up Role Play sessions, which in my point of view have helped the community to engage better role play overall as their skills learned on the APD have carried over to their civilian life (Still gutted nearly no deputy showed up!) After being Chief I've decided that the whole tilde is ruining some aspect of the game, which is Role Play - I've never introduced a rule against it but a suggestion to improve your chances of being promoted. I personally would promote someone who manages to role play their way into a 2 million bounty more then an officer which bluntly tildes someone, it soon became successful as people started thinking tildeing is bad. Gives you a bad name, even though you're doing nothing wrong, just like an unwritten rule. Wanting to focus more on the APD, which I loved I've decided to step down from my Administrator position, with two reasons: 1) I wanted to focus more on improving the APD, doing tickets & handling people loosing apples they bought just stood in the way. I wanted to play with my force, to see who is doing well and may one day be my future Sergeant. 2) As well as wanting to focus on the APD I've forgotten how it is to be a civilian, which I think is important when adjusting the APD so the balance is there, stepping down from admin gave me the time to be a civilian and seeing it from their perspective. But everything comes to an end eventually, after having a few issues at the back end of the stage where only a few lurk I've decided to step down from the spot of Chief of Police (At this moment, I'd like to congratulate Ace - welcome back to the CoP spot!) due to multiple reasons. I just did not see the point of me staying as the Chief, if in the end I was only the face of the APD (I felt like i was just a proxy and Ace and Hades where the ones who made the decision). Hopefully the APD will go the right way and there will be no problems between Civ v Cop's anymore (Doubt it, but lets hope!) Best of wishes, Ares
  17. Still wouldnt make a difference to many yes votes
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