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R&R Medic
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Everything posted by Joce

  1. Coca-Cola tastes like the container it is stored in... bottle makes it taste like plastic. Can makes it taste metallic. Out of a restaurant fountain tastes like rubber hose. Pepsi doesn't do that and always tastes good. If McDonalds sold Pepsi instead of Coke, Pepsi would be king and coke would be in the same category as RC cola.
  2. Just do your best to fight against any changes. It's pretty damn good right now. I love seeing all these people say remove. The big bad rebels with all their armor and weapons are clearly terrified of vigis. That is the point of the role to keep you from being too comfortable. Keep looking over your shoulder for the scary vigi.
  3. The vigis want their turn too. They have just as much right to ruin the server and kill cartel life as any other group.
  4. Olympus is exactly as much fun as you put into it. If your bored or whatever you only have yourself to blame.
  5. Sounds like its medics ruining the server this week. Can't wait to see what is ruining it next week.
  6. Joce

    Server 1

    You closed the wrong server. S1 has been trash since 2014
  7. Joce

    AMD or Intel

    Uhhh hello!?!? Qualcomm is clearly better than both of these knockoff amateurs.
  8. Im so sick and tired of "insert weekly excuse" ruining this server! Its gone downhill since then! When are the admins gonna do something?!?

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Civak


      3 hours ago, SuWooP said:

      Maybe if all the new content wasnt made for donor ranks it would be different

      sounds like something a broke bitch would say

    3. Joce
    4. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup

      Bubbaloo - Reusable P Cup

      To be fair. The server doesn’t run for free. Money needs to come in somehow. 

  9. They are never happy man. For 4ish years you had 2 events to choose from. We have more than ever before and its not enough for guys like this.
  10. Look no further than South Park to see the ugly side of our society. They excel at pointing out our societal flaws. I have been watching since the very first episode aired at 8PM and the moms lost it and it was moved to midnight.
  11. https://www.corsair.com/ca/en/Categories/Products/Liquid-Cooling/Dual-Radiator-Liquid-Coolers/Hydro-Series™-H115i-280mm-Extreme-Performance-Liquid-CPU-Cooler/p/CW-9060027-WW
  12. If the question is who do I think will win it will be Trump. You are far too scared of change to vote in someone new unless you have to. If the question is who do I think should win I would say neither. You are royally fucked either way. Best bet is surrender to becoming a British colony again.
  13. Olympus was lacking in Moob wheelchair content. +1
  14. Joce


    Be pretty funny if he ends up saying no.
  15. Happy anniversary of birth you beautiful man you. 

  16. When is the Olympus Rust zerg gang gonna form up? Get like 20 seasoned shooters over there an run that shit. 

    1. Mike Lit

      Mike Lit

      Sounds like fun until you get insided every other day.

    2. Joce


      Ya by that sketchy @Jopple123 guy

    3. Jopple123
  17. o7 @Monks Good luck with animal crossing.

  18. Just like everything else in the universe it has been dying since it was born. What is your point?
  19. When is the Olympus Rust server gonna start up?

  20. Am i missing something? It looked like the guy you shot at didn't even have his gun out when you died. Did some guy somewhere else shoot you?
  21. Joce

    New Music

    Literally anything by Weird Al Yankovic.
  22. Betters are very far from OG.
  23. Must be nice. 1mill would barely buy you a shack to live in around me. https://www.realtor.ca/real-estate/21653536/133-hawthorne-road-oakville
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