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Everything posted by Horizon

  1. I have a dp 24 house on server one the closest one from rebel outpost. (615m) offer me
  2. https://pcpartpicker.com/b/KsGfrH This is my custom build that I built for arma 3. Plays it on ultra like a charm and is quite an impressive machine. I've got a strong cpu that is a bit overkill for other things but I made it for college too. You can save a few hundred with some cheaper parts but the GTX 970 is perfect for arma I think.
  3. 5Mil
  4. What are the specs! I want to see it !!!
  5. Windows 7 master race no need to upgrade
  6. the stats page is now extinct... all hope is lost

    1. Juwanna Man

      Juwanna Man

      Horizon returning hope is lost :/

    2. Fedot


       S M A S H E D

    3. Juwanna Man

      Juwanna Man

      ^ he's not banned just been gone for a bit 

  7. ............ u srs?
  8. If you take all their shit and weapons and leeave them naked aren't you doing them a favor by killing them so they don't have to wait the 10 seconds to click respawn? pffytttt
  9. fuck im always to late to threads to make the joke first.
  10. Name: Frank Level: 79 townhall 8 basically maxed.
  11. Fresh installs have proven unlucki (no pun intended). I've done multiple. I don't know what the issue is and its bugging me to death. side note: tilde key does work when user is the leader of a group.
  12. officer iz my hunting rifle I killed people with pls dont zeize it! I just shots only a few people not a lot and since its my hunting rifle u no sieize if u do its on my gopro!
  13. day 386: moobs maturity shrinks lower 

  14. Day 377: still no stats page

  15. with 8 minutes left in restart I was rushed to a vigilante shop, robocoped hard as fuck. When I asked why are you rushing through this, he answered "I was ordered too". Now that's fucked up. Also I was blacklisted from cop for sending an rdmer straight to jail instead of waiting for my higher up (PO) that ordered me not to do anything because he wanted to send him to jail because he had a high bounty. How awesome is the apd?
  16. Still no stats page? So sad

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup

      Bubbaloo - Reusable P Cup

      Oh no.... you said "boro".... wasn't that line from the "special guy" from the subway commercial?... ah no, I heard it from a very "special guy" that streams crappy stuff...lolz

    3. BlackJack


      Bubbaloo no its from a streamer SayeedBlack

    4. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup

      Bubbaloo - Reusable P Cup

      I know.... hence the reason I said he was a "special guy".  In other words, I don't like him.  Doesn't sound like a smart guy.  Lolz. 

  17. Built it yesterday, still not done, waiting for more sata cables and i accidently broke a ram stick so lel im gonna return it get my money back cause yay for warrentees. Liquid cooling installation is like defusing a bomb cuz too much thermal paste will give u aids. motherboard: MSI gaming 5 gpu: MSi 970 4gb twin frozr Cpu: Devils canyon (4790k intel) 16gb ram 1833mhz corsair vengeance (8x2) h100i liquid cooling 1TB hardrive 750W PSU Asus 23" monitor 60hz shoulda went 144 :(
  19. Can we perhaps get an ETA on the return of the stats page?
  20. Horizon


    If all else fails u r eligible to downgrade to 8.1 for a month
  21. Isnt he apd when hes like 10, he should be grateful he can play as APD?
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