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Tiger last won the day on May 18 2022

Tiger had the most liked content!

About Tiger

  • Birthday April 25

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Immigrant (1/7)



  1. Fuck this guy

  2. Nice profile. Also lower respawn timer for civs.

  3. We wont support you @ Jazzy

  4. Isn't it pay to win locking the invis backpacks behind Oly+? You can buy invis bergens, thats it. So we have to spend more money and get more sway or pay oly + and get it cheaper and less sway?
  5. Selling the Prime base for a week 15m
  6. Finally someone who only speaks fax
  7. Renting the Prime gang base for 10m a week.

  8. Still waiting for the Prime uniform, maybe next month? This shit is unreal
  9. Eazy

    congrats on deputy!!

  10. Congrats on civ council! Hope to see some great changes in the game! 

  11. Tiger


    You're still welcome to play rust with us
  12. we got same birthday 👍🏼 

  13. Yes! Winter Chernarus

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