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Everything posted by Mesita

  1. probably 80 cases of rdm and the rest being vdm.
  2. Make it so Medics can gamble. If civs can blow their money then medics should be able to as well.


    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. SPBojo


      Never going to happen.

    3. drama


      @ SPBojo not even if I say please daddy?

    4. Millennium


      When medics could gamble, they would just sit in square and wouldn't leave it for revives unless they went broke. Same shit will happen if it came back.

  3. Oh yeah the game is so boring that after abandoning it you still lurk server forums for the game. You're an Arma boomer. Move on.
  4. https://steamcommunity.com/id/yolo490/
  5. 1.5mil?
  6. Drop what you got in the comments
  7. There was a disclaimer but you clearly didnt listen D:
  8. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PWmfNeLs7fA
  9. Another cop update. Woo. -_-
  10. Foul mouth comment you say? Where?!?!
  11. 10/10 made me fucking cry.
  12. Yo, what happened to this? https://gyazo.com/05752f73023e17ac542b600b1ef69d4f
  13. 10/10~~~
  14. Fuck the stats page

    1. Poseidon


      Hey man fedot put a lot of time into that, not cool

    2. Mesita


      My face when from :D to :c . My dreams were crushed.

  15. To be fair, its amazing how easily you got mad before. People tend to make fun of others they see as easy targets. You were an easy target and your anger made you vulnerable. Something so simple as following you around in a car would result in "Sir why are you following me" then continuing of said follow would further result in "WHY ARE YOU FOLLOWING ME AROUND IU(*#&( FDSUFBUI#$*#((*@ UODBSF(&*(#$*()#) F)NUOSD*F))N" Then i remember one time you were restrained by cops for doing something and you just flipped out calling 8 of us abusive and stuff. For a moment there we all thought you might have an aneurysm and then finally you quieted down ( im guessing you ran out of energy) you were let go and then you walked away mumbling something inaudiable in direct chat... Glad to see you attempting to make a change, thats always good. Last week I made a shit ton of fucked up comments towards fushigi when he arrested me LOL
  16. Yeah I would love to hear from Poseidon more regarding updates nobody ever has a clue on what the heck is going on.
  17. EYYYYY gimme that loadout doe
  18. So like 2 and a half months ago there was a post that said "House inventories will be fixed by (insert date here)" so about 5 days from that, the day they said the update would be released, it wasnt. Well fast forward to now and since then theres been the update involving cop uniforms and a few other small things so what about house storage for y menus? This is a major feature that is being missed out on by a lot of the players on olympus. People even buy houses not knowing that they only get 100 storage space and cant upgrade. I could only imagine what its like to buy a home for a certain function only to figure out its broken and yes i understand development isnt the easiest thing but within 2 and half months im sure a fix could have been put out. I dont mean to be disrespectful its just that after being told something would be released and then it not be im sort of upset and I know a lot of others are too. inb4 legacy donators say "be patient"
  19. Glad yeah ive lost titan rockets too which is why im so bummed out about this :/
  20. Yes! thats the exact issue i have! thank you XD
  21. yeah i know about jailing and stuff but lately my backpack just goes away for no reason and im never sure why :/
  22. Anyone else have their backpack randomly disappear? I have had that happen to me maybe 2-3 times and i wanted to know if it was just me.
  23. I would love an MK-1 :D

    1. drama


      You mean MAR10s when you're on medic? ( ͡⚆ ͜ʖ ͡⚆)

    2. Mesita
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