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Everything posted by platinumfire

  1. This it the stupidest post, its like someone got permed and his friend is like "Leave Britney Alone"
  2. no u shut up let the big bois talk
  3. YES for server 3!!!!!!!!
  4. Maybe you would have made a post instead of a status update.
  5. "Unbridled Spirit" that face says it all
  6. Server 3 right here and the new map comes out June 22nd.


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ThatNerdyGuy


      It looks nice but like Jesse said the size of the map might limit the amount things that can be done with it.  I would also say limiting the total players to 75 or 90 might need to be done because of that.  I'd like it to be our server 3 to be something different and if it doesn't work out we could always make server 3 another Altis map.

    3. Ozzy Jones

      Ozzy Jones

      1 hour ago, Augustus said:

      If this came out as server 3 with a a 100% different database, nothing transferred from Altis, fresh start, I would definitely check it out. Looks like it has a lot of potential.

      Totally agree except for APD and R&R whitelists.  Would love to play on a server with Olympus rules but everyone money-wise starting over from scratch.

    4. Sociopathic


      I think that it should have seperate money and vehicles from Altis. 

      Don't want it to turn into another farming server.

  7. Can for the love of god we bring back the Dislike button. Cuz some people just need to learn the hard way.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. QKSILVR73


      You're 2 in this situation.  it's ruined now.  Delete it all!!!

    3. HyperGoat


      I mean all of your posts would get disliked and youll lose your 1000 rep

    4. Augustus


      >the hard way

      >losing rep points that mean nothing on an online forumpanel-106547709-image-69633a78026b82e4-3

  8. You should do number 3 to yourself
  9. To be quite honest I didn't have any trouble piloting last night. Yes the camera is different but not so bad that I couldn't get used to it a lot of people have been playing this game for thousands of hours and so have I to be honest I kinda like the change because now I have somthing to learn in a game that I have mostly mastered.

    1. Ozzy Jones

      Ozzy Jones

      I thought that for the first 5 minutes but after 20 or so I couldn't take it anymore - it's not the difficulty that got me as much as the visual whiplash - it's just harder to look at, whereas flying helis before was pleasant and beautiful and is one of the major reasons I play.

  10. What Kavala would look like if cops had pepper spray WOW!


    1. Augustus


      the fact that they were fine for the first 20 seconds then started freaking out makes it seem so fake lmao

    2. Hydra


      4 minutes ago, Augustus said:

      the fact that they were fine for the first 20 seconds then started freaking out makes it seem so fake lmao

      It probably needs time to actually start working.. lol

    3. platinumfire


      ^ yes rabid is right needs time to get into the eyes because all of them had their eyes shut 

  11. Good bye man was a pleasure to play with you from time to time.
  12. Have you not seen my signature?
  13. Im guessing ur trying to start shit stop before you get fucked. think before you post
  14. Happy Birthday Hummingbird master @Twix

  15. Cops dont see side chat you should know that your in the APD
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