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Linka last won the day on December 13 2023

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About Linka

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  • Birthday 02/06/2001

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  1. Does anyone agree with the abolishing police movement? If so, why? From what I’ve read instead of law enforcement it’s “if someone kills someone, let’s go over why they did it and help them :)” type of thing, which there isn’t ALWAYS a reason people do the things they do. It just sounds like the purge waiting to happen. 

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Lucien


      Economy is gonna be unbalanced without the APD

    3. Panda :)

      Panda :)

      It’s all fun and games until there’s a mass shooting and no police.

    4. MAV


      @Bloodmoon isn't the issue right now with police that they don't have enough training?? Reducing budget means you reduce the bar for who can become a cop... police is more of a deterrence then anything (as shown from the riots) If mass hysteria broke out (aka riots) police can do fuck all even with the current funding to stop it. (without going all china/russia on their asses) Would be a terrible idea.

      Police are needed in masses to uphold structure and order, the issue now is not that cops are racist. Its that no one respects the police. (just like Olympus 😉 ) Cops are always outnumbered, but the fear of consequences has kept the mob at bay, take away that fear (most effective deterrent) and you get whats been happening now.

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