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Everything posted by bigPat

  1. You were kicked off the game. (Server owner is to contact Bohemia Interactive @ [email protected] a)


    1. bigPat


      Happened to several people on s1

  2. When someone makes a bet on a guy that is losing then removes the status! LOL 


    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. orcpoc


      This the first mayweather fight you've watched, or mcgregor fight?

    3. orcpoc


      haha what did you honestly expect to happen? mayweather is a defensive genius and mcgregor's cardio is shit

    4. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      I believe what he meant to say is McGregor lost the fight to a superior opponent. Silly Boonie.

  3. I wanted the white guy to win cuz the other guys was a criminal, but I knowed thet the other dood was doing to win.
  4. Anyone wana buy some APD loadouts? PO

  5. Should probably make it where jail contraband is saved on restarts

    1. bigPat


      I was salty cuz I didnt do that and lost like 20 contraband. 

  6. I dont need money I am just willing to sell some of these things so make it worth my while. Send me offers here or in a PM. https://gyazo.com/5be906741c2c8e8eb434aa76c3abf432 https://gyazo.com/e6aeacfd388f0313733f4cf6aa91f211 Thanks to a Generous donor that wishes to remain anonymous. @heyday
  7. Feels Bad for these kids
    Kavala Space Program will never die!

    They were comped btw.

    1. Decimus


      3 day RVD incoming


    2. hesalittlerunaway


      everyones a kid to BIGpat

  8. hate to say it but, I am pretty sure there are houses for sale there right now. No one will pay you for this one bud.
  9. Thats what I have. It will do you fine as long as you have a SATA drive as well that you use for all other bullshit.
  10. Congratz to tiger for getting Corp!

    Riding your cock Kappa


  11. Wtf are you doing saying that we are salty? How in the fuck sake does what we say reflect being salty? You made a useless/meaningless post for information that most people could find out for themselves or just dont give a fuck about.
  12. what was even the point of this post??? dumb fags found a dupe glitch Exploited it Devs/Staff found it Banned em! done. End of story. Good job
  13. I have nothing of value to say.

  14. No, you should abandon all means of common sense and run around Kavala naked. This would make this man happy.
  15. big Pat says you look like a sweaty potato, and I have to agree with him.
    - Jwillayy 2k17

  16. Im selling an armed quillin. hmu if interested. 

  17. 07 One of the best OS/Sr.APD that I have ever had the pleasure of playing with. Hope that all goes well for you, Remember that once you have hit bottom, the only way to go is up. Happy I can call you a friend.
  18. We all gave @Poseidon a shit ton of likes to make the stats page. Lets see how many we need to get on this to get rid of Fedot's hawk.
  19. Jesse does more for the server and gets nothing in return for it, why should fedot have a hawk? unfair to the entire community.
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