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Everything posted by JoeL

  1. I liked being derputy.
  2. When your licenses and money gets wiped for no reason... Help!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      Link shorteners steal your csgo skins.  EVERYONE KNOWS THIS!

    3. I Am Fuzzy
    4. JoeL


      We aren't here to talk about Rosie! We are here to talk about support ticket #7788!


  3. I remember this
  4. No recoil, accurate, etc
  5. The other Legacy donator stuff won't happen. • Mk-1
  6. If your tag is just N your name can't be baNner. But if there is a tag it can be ba|N|ner
  7. I'm pretty sure it's a Bow.
  8. You can be my Dad
  9. JoeL


    Quit stealing my likes
  10. The vigi's drool over you because 8/10 times those vigis apply for the APD, and get denied for time, or age. So they wanna be like you.
  11. When your banned from Twitch????


    1. Thomas Blinder

      Thomas Blinder

      What happen in that stream last night?

    2. JoeL


      Idk I was banned from Twitch couldn't watch it lol.

  12. Why were you looking up trendy grandmother names in the first place...
  13. I might buy that garage
  14. @McDili Want da Outpost!
  15. You cant, and you probably wont any time soon.
  16. Happy birthday @Chris29

    Don't know you but everyone else got a happy B-day but you! Soo here's yours. 

  17. Only nine hundred, and forty days left on my blacklist!


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Fat Clemenza

      Fat Clemenza

      Didn't I tell you? It's permanent.

    3. Corporal Moob
    4. JoeL


      I have that picture lol.

      I thought it was a Joke -_-

      It would have been 2018 and Arma IV would probably be a thing by than lol. 

  18. JoeL


    Congrats Rogue
  19. It would be great again.
  20. Or Burritos.
  21. I think hes trying to say if 3 Rip gets unbanned more people will come back, more gangs will fight, and it would be fun again for the people that play to fight.
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