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Everything posted by Augustus

  1. Maybe since the AK-12 was nerfed, it can be reduced to 135k ;)


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Augustus


      @Rusty Lower Muzzle Velocity according to Moose

      Has a little more of a kick 

    3. Jmb


      Recoil is still very minimal, only noticable change was the armor penetration, barely tears through ifrits now, I believe it takes 12 bullets to the side windows of a fully repaired ifrit to kill the driver now.

    4. Rusty


      so you cant 1 tap people out of ifrits with the ak no more you're saying? well thats gay

  2. everybody uses these now in VOIP
  3. ewwwww You do realize that Stratis has TWO towns (the big one by the airport and one called Girna I believe) Stratis is a military island, simply wouldn't work for life. Hell yeah! Personally, I think that Takistan would be better but Lakeside is cool too. Takistan is an awesome map for RP with the border, and the different police forces (if we do that.)
  4. Happy birthday to Superiorr and 3 Rip

  5. waitwhat
  6. o7
  7. Augustus


  8. Donation goal got reached real quick

  9. I agree with MK, exile sounds cool. A heavily modded Chernarus server sounds great
  10. I would say make it a CQC. It needs to be something different other than an alis server.
  11. I need my dislike button back...

  12. How much would a 1 crater 1 km from meth pro go for average?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mr Kevin

      Mr Kevin

      I have a 3/4 crater and a 2 crater 1km from Meth Lab

    3. bigPat


      I would prob pay 1m for it. But thats me, if you find someone desperate they might give 1.5 or maybe 2 

    4. Augustus


      Thanks bigpat and dejay

  13. welcome to the server! Check out the rules here!
  14. What do you mean? Putting in a big tower that already used to be there? Wouldn't be hard at all.
  15. Happy birthday @Ninjaman427

    1. Ninjaman427
    2. Augustus
    3. Ninjaman427


      5 hours ago, Augustus said:

      okay then

      It's a prank man. Keep doing you

  16. This idea has been brought up before. There is definitely cover in a broken big tower, barely any, but there is a couple spots that you're safe in. There need to be something in those green walls at mushroom tower where tower used to be.
  17. Just bring back the big tower at mushroom, but make it a broken big tower
  18. ARCO is personally my favorite, I just hate the green tho
  19. I use 90. I like it personally.
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