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Everything posted by Augustus

  1. I would think so
  2. Servers are going to be dead almost all day now that schools starting

    1. Rusty
    2. QKSILVR73


      Goood, Goood. HEHE

    3. -dante-


      Less traffic for us old folk in-game. :)

  3. civs get an off-road armed and Titan launchers, gotta give cops something to counter with
  4. This was a great idea. +1
  5. oh my god this is great
  6. Happy birthday Isaac!

  7. The only way you could probably prevent chopping is to put GPS trackers on each one and monitor, and if they go to chop shop, kill them.
  8. the moment/decision you most regret that you have made on Olympus
  9. Moderator fedot!
  10. i dont know if this is funny or cringeworthy

  11. Andre is literally a professional Bambi slayer. No wonder he has a 4m bounty.
  12. Send the whole APD force!
  13. Not in editor you can't, but maybe the server lets you do that? I'm not sure if they can change that or not, but maybe.
  14. 1: No, I don't believe so. 2: Zamak Transport (Covered) (not sure about this one) 3: You drive behind the blackfish in the vehicle you want, and scroll wheel on it while in the vehicle and it should say "load vehicle" 4: Only the vehicle transport can.
  15. 12 units of time
  16. The /sil command on rust should be accessible to non donors. It's not like it gives the player an advantage of any way, it's just appearance. 

  17. the ak-12 price increase was a little over exaggerated

  18. I've heard it's fairly easy. You'll do fine.
  19. Asylum has a large number of staff that helps develop the server and make it better, and we in Olympus have very few and we still have a better server than them. Sure, there are some features that they have that we don't, but our server isn't a constant rdm and lagfest
  20. fedot throwing shade, holy shit
  21. They should bring it back but make it in between meth and moonshine prices
  22. I thought 3 craters were 2200?
  23. I was thinking about buying those a while back. How durable are they?
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