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johnny goose

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Everything posted by johnny goose

  1. I see this being aids for anyone who robs people lol. Go rob anyone anywhere on the map and they can be back there or in the area within 10 min with a full kit lol. Just seems kinda aids.
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Eddy Spagooti

      Eddy Spagooti

      or you guys could just idk... fix your website so we dont have to do a temp fix ❤️ (just trolling.... maybe)

    3. johnny goose

      johnny goose

      @monsterr  Looks like your in all status updates and ive only tested that this works thru the index.

      @Civak Sorry no one wants to pin something just for status updates lol. It shouldn't be that hard of a fix if i can get around it by turning 2 settings off and on again lol.

      And yea i agree eddy it shouldnt be that hard lol.

    4. johnny goose

      johnny goose

      Just tested it again its working on index

  2. @Xaviervw My bad he said that his donations do nothing in terms of staff trust. Is that what you nit picked out of that whole thing fr lol. You guys are still tiptoeing around my main point Again proving what ive been saying that you guys litterally have no comeback to this lol. Nit picking a small portion of someones post like its their whole post is small brain but that seems to be the silla hive lol.
  3. Telling me to chill when i hardly play this server lol. Im just straight up telling you as someone who puts tops 24 hours into arma 3 a week. I get rdmed and fucked by silla more then any other gang. I like how you completely left out the part This is the most valid point against you and you literally cannont rebuttal. Again ill gladly post the clip and again if i didnt have it i could go get one in 20 minutes lol. If your hands up or dying nakeds at 3 in the morning (and yes it was the middle of the night for him as he had a US accent) for a 30k bounty increase then what changes when server pop fills up? You think they just stop killing nakeds lol. Everyone's points still stand so please actually make a valid arguement instead of tiptoeing around the subject at hand or i wont humor you with a response xoxo and then why was it one of your main points? That you get people to donate? If it doesnt affect anything like you said why bring it up. Pretty clear you were trying to use donos to excuse/allow it lol
  4. Stop lying thru ur teeth. I just got on my alt and spawned in kavala and walked to square. I was hands up or died by silla within 4 minutes of logging in. Naked, new name, 3 in the morning. Please stop pushing the narrative that you guys are helping new people and trying to be less toxic. Everyones points still stand against you and you have nothing to say. I also like how one of your big main points is that you guys donate basically implying your donating in hopes of being treated better pog. Oh and i have the clip of that happening so dont even say im lying because i could make a whole compilation of your gang being toxic in a week.

    1. buckie


      Crazy gold is very good maka Chinese ruinscap wery fun

    2. johnny goose

      johnny goose

      Where do i pay soulja boy to shoutout my soundcloud?

  6. POG SKATEEZY BRO I LOVE YOU BUT YOUR BRAIN IS GOING BRTTTT. Yea the staff are very intimitated by a women they dont know on a virtual game on a dying server lol. Take a step back and realise how miniscule this is. And also its not a small portion of the gang, I can recall almost every member being shitty to me at some point lol. Make a alt and goto kav and i guarntee you wont think that your gang is "helping new players" and "toughening people up." I understand its part of the game but if ALL of your enjoyment comes from ruining the fun of the game for someone else then your genuinely a sociopath lol. You guys break rules when its deemed worth it. I have so many clips from my vigi of you guys coming to a house in butt fuck no where after i took bros comms and gps lol. Id report but whats the point lol, itll get lifted in 24 hours because you dmed a staff member saying you were sorry lol. But at the end of the day you also have to realise that this community has essentially become a space to house assholes and toxic people and very much encourages it lol. Its been that way for most of olympuses life.
  7. who requests medic saying "dag nabit im gonna request so i dont get nlr"
  8. Oklahoma coming in clutch. A guy on a motorcycle pulled in front of me trying to turn and i hit him going like 30-35. He only has a broken leg but in oklahoma hes at fault so his insurance is paying me and i got off gucci. I had a qtr in the car and everything. Im glad bros good but like damn if your gonna ride a bike be aware of your surroundings.

    1. vedalkenn


      It's good that you weren't charged with anything, or had to pay him anything. But coming from someone whos been around bikes and guys with bikes I definitely feel like its a 50/50 straight. 
      None the less though glad you didn't have to pay shit. It gets fuckin expensive

    2. johnny goose

      johnny goose

      @vedalkenn I agree 100% i would say neither of us were 100% completely in the wrong. Every vehicle incident is very circumstantial. In this neither of us could see eachother and with my best guess someone waved him on like he was good to go without knowing i was coming.

  9. Smoking cigs > Drinking alch > Smoking weed
  10. @Ryan could you increase or decrease the s2 closing time to a hard restart? Currently it closes on a soft restart and allows players who were already on to play after it locks people from joining during soft restart.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. johnny goose

      johnny goose

      does it because i was able to get on after restart and server lock and kit up

    3. Tech


      it kicks people incrementally. If it didn't kick people that server would always have > 0 people on it doing runs.

      One time the kicking was broken and 10 people stayed on and started pulling tempests and hemmts.

    4. johnny goose

      johnny goose

      ah okay. was just bringing up to see if it was getting abused

  11. So im asking a fr question ik i usually shitpost but i need advice.


    About 5 months ago my second cousin raped my step sister. I have screenshots on snapchat of him admitting it and she took a rape kit after it happened. We reported it to the police and have never heard anything since. I dont know if its lack of communication with my step sister as i suspect because shes really nervous and scared to talk about it. Ive seen it eat at her these past months but she never wanted to commit on putting him in jail. Hes still free to this day. The kid destroyed my personal family and that girl mentally. I really have no clue how to handle the situation properly. I want him in jail.


    For anyone about to say it yes i went and beat the shit out of him the next day his parents didnt report it until they lawyered up after my step sister stopped communicating with the detectives and at that point he had healed any wounds so i never got charged. I really just dont know how to handle the situation since rapes such a touchy subject and i cant force her to report him nor do i even really feel comfortable talking to her about it.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. |REAL| Boing

      |REAL| Boing

      This sucks Strafe. Sorry she went through that and I'm sorry you are struggling with it. I know exactly how you feel, as my wife went through something similar just a year before I met her. The dude walks free still. If you ever want to chat about it let me know, as I've personally been in the position you're in. Feeling powerless and dealing with the hate you have are pretty tough things to go through.

      If you ever want to talk about it let me know.

      I also live in Oklahoma, so if you ever need a side kick for some revenge, I'm here as well!

    3. Xlax


      Bro I'm sorry you any of this happened, fucked up man. I'd beat the shit out of him too. I've never been in a situation like this so I have no idea what the fuck to suggest man. Sorry you gotta go though any of this, along with your step-sister man, nobody deserves anything like that to ever happen.

  12. -TR- Revenge - JOINED January 24, 2021 Strafe - JOiNED October 11, 2015 SP - JOINED June 12, 2014 Trust me buddy we have just a smidge more knowledge then you. Almost every person in this thread has been playing for atleast 2 years. Ill go thru your post and respond since thats what you seemingly want and im bored waiting on s2 open so lets go. Players are assholes. Its no ones fault but your own that you decided to trust people in KOS zones. Just useless talking theres nothing for me to say. If you read the server info like you so clearly did before making this post complaining about the server rules then you would know cops can only patrol red zones every 15 minutes. They litterally cannot stop someone selling moonshine after they caught you even if they wanted to. The most likely scenario here is that they didnt see them. If they did they couldntve done anything either way and if it was like you said "1 minute later" then they fs couldntve done anything. No ones hating on you directly their hating on the fact that you think your interpretation of the few rules you did read is how they should be forced. This is the part i somewhat agree with you on. There are a good amount of cartel rats and scats that use some form of script. And yes im going to ignore your silla comment. Is sarcasm not a thing where your from? Pretty clearly a admin in the video. "Buddy if you report hackers then staff come to you and say its staff, its def staff. Theyre not just going to let someone be that obv, as much as i disagree with staff on alot of things i do know they wouldnt just sit by idly and watch that happen." Anyways have a good day man. Also im so down to do it rn
  13. this man is down bad yall. First he gets rdmed at redzones, Then he sees @Ryan and @Grandma Gary hacking the server. And then to top it off he gets banned for exploiting when he cant get out of the car. I like how his defense boils down to "you didnt lock the doors." Buddy if you report hackers then staff come to you and say its staff, its def staff. Theyre not just going to let someone be that obv, as much as i disagree with staff on alot of things i do know they wouldnt just sit by idly and watch that happen. Second, dont make a wall of text post quoting the rules all the way thru when you yourself dont even properly understand them. I know for a fact there turkish altis life servers if the language barrier is too much of a problem goto them. But at the same time you sound very not turkish in your videos and your pings amazing. Overall 1/10 post either a good bait or this guy needs english classes. Youd be suprised...
  14. yall trippin cant nothin compete with gods drink sprite
  15. 32gb ddr4 3200, 2x 2tb hdds, 1x 1tb ssd, 5600xt, ryzen 5 3600x, b450m-a mobo. Cost me about $1200 (i got the ram from a local best buy who had someone order a kit and never came to pick it up. I spent about $65 per 16gb.) Easily averages 100+ on olympus 40-60 in kav and can push mid 150's when im in the middle of no where.
  16. So with summer coming up is there any plans to keep s2 open 24/7

  17. also was ran by like 3 gangs that just farmed 24/7. Server was almost always in a server wide truce and if u didnt agree youd get engaged on sight. TLDR Tanoa would be a farm server
  18. 50m radius around player. Make them deploy a physical terminal and limit the radius seems like a easy fix and would allow cool shit
  19. If they had a super small radius so people couldnt sit far out of red zones and watch and were ~100-200k each i could actually see these being used and not to broken, maybe disable them entirely in the cartel area so the rats dont complain.
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