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johnny goose

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Everything posted by johnny goose

  1. @Strae stole my name prove me wrong

    1. Strae


      no one needs to know 🙃

    2. Iloveanime_astral


      who the fuck is strae

    3. johnny goose
  2. alot more then 3 grand pog
  3. still waiting on someone from the staff team to 1v1 me on bedwars for a unban

  4. @Sho-Time sells me shitty weed

    1. Strikke


      Damn, hes the works kind of person then

    2. Sho-Time


      My problem.isnt selling its buying 😅

    3. johnny goose

      johnny goose

      @Sho-Time whoever you buy from sells you shitty weed

  5. how much for your socks my queen

  6. Im just saying if poseidon still ran this hoe itd either be dead already or a banging server. Either way its a win realistically

    1. John Wayne

      John Wayne

      It would be dead.

      Jesse saved this server. 

  7. How is it making shit up just because you never heard about it? Sorry irrelevant people and people nobody likes are kept out of the loop. Also you may want to look up what a pathological liar is. Maybe you should ask the staff about it lol. Im not throwing anyone under the bus because im not a snitch but i know without a doubt in mind that you lied on your app retard so try again zzzzzzzz. Wasent spamming the n word autist it was litterally anime music pog. Get your ears cleaned.
  8. Fuck if i know his name. Sorry that i have a life outside of olympus. Gonna keep ignoring everything else im saying retard? We can talk about the time you banned me from the teamspeak when you joined a private channel started and was the only one bitching about the music and banned me for mic spam poggers
  9. Nah not rlly ive seen 14 year olds make it into SAPD plus this servers current staff team are kinda apes so it wouldnt suprise me. you capatilized kid like it really hit a nerve with me or something i was just saying that im definitely older than you. Sorry i forgot to care. Anything else you wanna try retard cus im off tmro so i got all night.
  10. >kid Older then you buddy how was your freshman year? And i was permed most of 2016 and dont remember you or anything called 187 so try again retard zzzz Also im not gonna @ half the community lol its kinda widly known you lied abo ur age
  11. Says the most inactive useless shit tier senior admin zzzzz then why have multiple staff any multiple members of the community said other wise You act like olympus is the only altis life server lol and now that im on my 6th "perm" i cant even think about pressing that play button on steam. Rethink your life buddy if your really that heated about a roasting thread that you need to type out a wall of text you should seriously rethink some of your life choices. Also very oddly specific thing to say. Im sorry about your mom and brother 07 16331 JOINED January 1, 2017
  12. I love you and everything monster but check your math please
  13. Im banned for backpacking a wall 5head if half your brain wasent missing you wouldve been able to understand what i said. Im permed for backpacking a wall while the kid who reported me was shooting thru big tower walls and killing us only got a 2 day ban.
  14. bruh you see that "apd member" tag you got. Just be big brained and use that to get tasers its not hard just grab someone who wont snitch and buy 10-20 at a time and have that person put it in a empty house so if it does get wiped you dont lose much. Buy mxs for 50k sell em for 125k 150% profit
  15. Arent you the most shit tier admin on the server who lied about his age on his staff app pog. Please jump off your nearest bridge youd do the server, your family, and the world a favor. Also @ChrisGG you shit inactive admin. Can you explain how im permed for backpacking a wall when the kid who reported me was peeking thru big tower walls and killing us lol. You and panda should jump off the bridge together. Two jews one river. Also why are all the nons arguing this whole thread is resident sleeper get my nigga @buckie in here
  16. who are u lol 32926 JOINED January 3, 2019
  17. @Ryan has it been long enough for my next unban or do i need to wait another few months. i lowkey just wanna play cop

    1. Linka


      lowkey or high key

    2. Lex yo

      Lex yo

      @Linka prob both honestly

    3. johnny goose

      johnny goose

      @Linka i just wanna sell more tasers pog

  18. 120 fov is actually p nice to play on once you get used to it.
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