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Everything posted by ScreaM

  1. debatable
  2. did you forget to switch accounts young alek
  3. Use the supreme red and white letters but instead of "supreme" put "Affordable"
  4. can you please remove me from ur signature once you get a break from mowing lawns, thx

  5. considering making a gang again after watching all of these old videos from my old gangs...idk wouldn't be too serious though I'm done with being super competitive on civ

  6. if you put chocolate sauce in before milk, you cannot be trusted
  7. I will not resub unless there is a draft gang wars by November 1st xD

  8. Offers I don't have a set price
  9. can I apply if I have 4 warning points which will never expire edit: 3, my harassment one didn't count
  10. I got scammed of my virginity
  11. already sold for 2 srry
  12. 2 crater not bad considering how close it is to ingredients for heroin or just to get a small loadout
  13. offer
  14. Super overpowered. Offer if youd like ill sell individually or together don't matter
  15. Prime is arguably the best gang on this server period. Regardless of that I have 0 points so either way I'm stuck at the same spot xD
  16. 100%
  17. Read my earlier post. Imo its not as simple as just defibs. I personally think that gang funds shouldn't be put into the bank automatically. Didn't put that in the post but that's something I would like to bring up
  18. If you haven't already check out my statement for civ rep. I'd love to get gang life poppin again and feel like I have some dope ideas to revive it.

  19. no aussies allowed
  20. https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/853849275113230506/B4D48FE7094C63BB6A12A654C112629E23777218/ great house for the new black market processing feature
  21. not actually sold ill do 1.5 if you sing me a dank song
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