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Everything posted by Ahmed99

  1. Lmao not from the APD from the civilians who robbed the APD of their shit
  2. @TheRandomOne what was the point of this? If this makes you feel good in anyway that's terrible because that was all trash. I don't know why you are trying to humiliate Tree just stop.
  3. Then don't complain if you're too lazy to report. And second don't even vigi if you're not up for it. All I hear is complain complain complain
  4. Easy solution don't be a salty cunt and report, it's just a game grow up
  5. $$$$$ hungry ehh?
  6. It's a virus don't click the link!
  7. How do I ascribe?
  8. Good shit you fucking nerd keep it up
  9. hbd
  10. not gonna even bother to fight with you, you're not worth my time goodbye
  11. talk more shit it entertains me
  12. Lmao if you think it's stupid why did you voice your opinion? Did he tell you to comment if you liked it or not ??????
  13. dayummm
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