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About zMatt

  • Birthday 04/14/2000

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  1. Both 2 craters and both server 2
  2. I have a 2 crater in DP22 and 1 in DP25, hmu with an offer.
  4. zMatt


    I don't know how you guys feel about this, but what if we used the hexes form Exile for a fix? Somewhat a suggestion but also want to hear some opinions. Also don't know if it's fixed.
  5. I checked this 2 hours later and it's already a flame fest, I fucking love it!
  6. I am back boys and looking for some people to kill. If you see me around just know you only killed me because I was vaping and didn't have my hand on my mouse. But, if I kill you you're a goon. Love you all it feels nice to be back.
  7. I went in there and they thought I was the medic. I bought an SDAR and killed one or two then died. I was a freshy.
  8. I am taking a break from Olympus boys or pretty much video games in general. For the last couple of weeks I have left in school I will no longer be active. I would just like to say I will miss Gidgit and Trimo most of all, Gidgit you'll be missed since we are #VapeGod #VapeBros and Trimo you'll be missed just because you were my boy. Cya in a month or so boys. Keep the server going strong and keep making it better.
  9. Congrats buddy, now to just work on paying off those nice fat loans. Do you think they will accept your Arma millions?
  10. Gidgit I am just happy we have the same tank babe
  11. Lol did Trimo tell you? Not gonna shit talk here, PM me if you need anything.
  12. The best part about this was that Hex went to clear the bridge for us with a tempest. Then we were all saying not to seize the tempest, I jokingly said "Forgot about them and do it." We all shared a laugh until a money hungry deputy seized it.
  13. Honestly I feel the opposite. Myself included getting the name of a medic to send a message is easy, actually you don't even have to send it to the medic directly! You are suppose to send them a message in EMS if I remember correctly. It makes it that much easier. Also, medic do have stuff to lose and don't want to be KOSed just for reviving someone. For all the medic knows is that you're friend isn't dead, how is he suppose to know who is who.
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