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Outrageous Meth House Prices

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So the other day, I overheard people selling meth houses for over 4 mil in Abdera (Server 2) and when I went to go look, the first two houses were available. Are people just too lazy to look nowadays?

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Be careful when buying houses, if you see one available soft log and re join to make sure your not bugged, it's a common bug where 2 ppl can own the same house, soft logging before you buy seems to work best just FYI 

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2 hours ago, RogueMK said:

Be careful when buying houses, if you see one available soft log and re join to make sure your not bugged, it's a common bug where 2 ppl can own the same house, soft logging before you buy seems to work best just FYI 

Good idea

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40 minutes ago, RAYRAY said:

I would never on my life pay 30 mil for those two houses and I hope you know you're seriously dreaming with that kind of price 

Imo the best most valuable property is dp24,25 

it was a joke hahaah i know no one would pay that much for them

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6 minutes ago, tim2 said:

anyone else relize how old this screen shot it has T as in Titans and |SS| as in semper saves O.o

Holy fuck I didn't even notice that. Look at the bounty and hunger and thirst bar. This picture is vintage!! :D

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