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Official Vigilante Proposal


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Guest G.O.A.T.

lets use fancy fonts to make my argument appear better

ur proposing an update that affects 2-5% of the server

why should 2-5% of the server that has arguably worse RP than most rebels get a buff?

want to see what a community thinks about buffing the worst faction on altis? go look at asylum's update where they buffed the shit out of them.


thank you for accepting my well constructed constructive criticism. 

4 minutes ago, G.O.A.T. said:

lets use fancy fonts to make my argument appear better

ur proposing an update that affects 2-5% of the server

why should 2-5% of the server that has arguably worse RP than most rebels get a buff?

want to see what a community thinks about buffing the worst faction on altis? go look at asylum's update where they buffed the shit out of them.


thank you for accepting my well constructed constructive criticism. 

Autism speaks

1 hour ago, Bow said:

i WaNt mXc bCuZ i FeEl LiKe A rEaL cOp

Next vigi I see in Kavala is getting ripped, and not their abs.

the argument isn't at all about wanting to feel like a real cop, and the solution is not joining APD, the situation is giving a balance to the small amount of players who like doing things other than rebel. Whats the issue with it if vigis will still be underpowered in comparison of firepower, armor, and more than likely numbers?

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Vigi is for shit tier scats to come on and make shit tier cash while not having to leave Kavala /thread

The gap between a 7.62 and a 9mm is pretty big if I must say. if vigi's are given a 6.5 there is still a gap in combat advantages. The gap is not gone, rebels still have the upper hand in a 1v1 scenario. If a guy with a 7.62 cant win against a 6.5 then they lost the bounty GG, better hope your 5 other friends can win against a most likely solo vigi. 1+ for the buff.

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16 minutes ago, Supremacy said:

Vigi is for shit tier scats to come on and make shit tier cash while not having to leave Kavala /thread

This is a self-fulfilling prophecy. Everyone treats vigilantes like dirt, kill them on sight, and refuse to give them decent weapons. How do you think rebels would react if this was reversed?

  • Like 1
6 hours ago, Tron said:

And I have also discussed this. Vigilantes almost have to break the rules to make any money. Giving them the tools to stand a better chance at being successful while following the rules will reduce the amount of failed RP among vigilantes, not to mention that tier 2 vigilantes would be making a large financial investment in the role, giving them motivation to follow the rules so they don't lose their stuff.

Also, rebels break the rules too. Where's the outrage against them?

Vigis dont need to break the rules, if they did, then why would there be rules in the first place??

Be resourceful, dont sit in the square and expect a $500k bounty to walk up to you and surrender... Get a group, go around to red zones, use a heli.... I don't care what you do, but Vigis arent supposed to be OP, that is why there is the APD. And if being a Vigi gives you better gear than most of the APD, a lot of poeple wont have a reason to join the APD then...

Also, yes, some rebels do break rules, but the thing is, not nearly as much... Most rebels that can afford the gear are long(er) term players who have no intention of getting banned. Most Vigis are short term and either do one of two things. 1- Leave the server(got banned / Rage quit / got bored / etc)   2- Become rebels... Since nearly all Vigis are short term, they dont even know there are rules half the time, and the other half they dont think they really matter / know about them. This leads to more often than not, Vigis breaking the rules. So they break the rules a hell of a lot more than rebels.

6 hours ago, Virus said:

If anything I would suggest a good change to the vigi role would involve instead of the person being put straight in jail they were automatically sent to a holding area (HQ or some other place accessible to APD) and the APD were notified that they were there. At that point the vigi gets some sort of compensation and the person can argue their charges with the APD. Better RP and I think ultimately more satisfying for both. The vigi gets their money, the criminal gets a chance to fight their charges and ultimately maybe an extended period for their friends to come fight to break them out.

In theory, I think this would be a good idea, but I would be a little worried on the fact that the APD would need to be free / online to get to them. And if the APD are dealing with a Fed / Jail / BW, riperino

5 minutes ago, JBruesch said:

Be resourceful, dont sit in the square and expect a $500k bounty to walk up to you and surrender... Get a group, go around to red zones, use a heli.... I don't care what you do, but Vigis arent supposed to be OP, that is why there is the APD. And if being a Vigi gives you better gear than most of the APD, a lot of poeple wont have a reason to join the APD then...

Use a heli and do what? Shoot at people from 50 meters up on a moving bench with a 9mm, while they also shoot back with higher power and more accurate rifles? Any Kavala scat can go to black market and get at least a 5.56 rifle. Ballistics are a thing in arma, and I can tell you from experience that 9mm doesn't cut it because I've tried that before. If you think the MXC is an overpowered weapon, I don't think this conversation can continue much farther. If anything, the MXC would be a bridge between the deputy sting and the PO MX. The APD would most certainly still be a relevant and populated role with the vigilante improvement.

I have honestly seen many deputies taze people with 7.62s in many areas, yea its hard but it happens. Deputies are given stings and they arent the best guns but they make it work and do what they can with it. I dont see why vigis really need 6.5 to do their duties. At MOST a 5.56 MAYBE

3 minutes ago, OutCast said:

I have honestly seen many deputies taze people with 7.62s in many areas, yea its hard but it happens. Deputies are given stings and they arent the best guns but they make it work and do what they can with it. I dont see why vigis really need 6.5 to do their duties. At MOST a 5.56 MAYBE

Deputies can make it work because they don't have to buy their gear if they die. Usually if I die fighting a rebel as a deputy, I might buy more ammo. That's it. Then I'm back in the fight. If a vigilante dies, one of two things happen.

a) They wait for a medic and pay the $10,000 for revive + amount of money to replace their food, water, redgull, and zipties. Possibly ammo too if they don't get that back after revive.

c) (I skipped to c because it kept making the emogi) The vigi respawns and spends $69,000+ to buy their gear back.

There is a much higher loss for vigi's to lose a fight than for a deputy to lose a fight. That's why vigi's need a better chance the first time, cause it's the only chance they get.

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1 minute ago, Tron said:

Use a heli and do what? Shoot at people from 50 meters up on a moving bench with a 9mm, while they also shoot back with higher power and more accurate rifles? Any Kavala scat can go to black market and get at least a 5.56 rifle. Ballistics are a thing in arma, and I can tell you from experience that 9mm doesn't cut it because I've tried that before. If you think the MXC is an overpowered weapon, I don't think this conversation can continue much farther. If anything, the MXC would be a bridge between the deputy sting and the PO MX. The APD would most certainly still be a relevant and populated role with the vigilante improvement.

I never said shoot from a bench... Im not going to do all the work for you, but I will tell you this. If you dont get a group, use a M900, learn how to fly it, then scan red zones and walk in. I run solo most of the time and I have taken down runs of over $500k with rooks, PDWs, and SDARs before because I don't just run into the building and spray.

Another thing, I never said the MXC was OP in general, but if you give it to RDMing Vigis, well guess what, its OP as fuck, as is any gun if they are RDMing...

Also, you said "Ballistics are a thing in arma, and I can tell you from experience that 9mm doesn't cut it".... Kinda ignorant to make it sound like you know about Arma ballistics and I dont, dont ya think? Especially when you created a scenario and tried to infer that that scenario was the one I was implying...

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I already replied to your post on Tuesday. I said the staff had a meeting and one of the things mentioned was giving the vigilant role something new. I talked to the dev's and there is already something in the works but its not going to happen tomorrow. The devs have a full plate and there are other things they need to focus on before they add a new items or features to the vigilante shop. Be patient. I understand you are excited and you want to share your ideas but posting multiple vigilante topics is not necessary. We understand people want change and the staff and Dev's are doing their best to make sure that change happens.

Just now, Tman15tmb said:

I already replied to your post on Tursday. I said the staff had a meeting and one of the things mentioned was giving the vigilant role something new. I talked to the dev's and there is already something in the works but its not going to happen tomorrow. The devs have a full plate and there are other things they need to focus on before they add a new item or feature to the vigilante shop. Be patient. I understand you are excited and you want to share your ideas but posting multiple vigilante topics is not necessary. We understand people want change and the staff and Dev's are doing their best to make sure that change happens.

I appreciate and understand that the devs have a lot to work on. After grandma gary posted, my main goal was basically completed, which was getting admin attention. At this point all I'm trying to do is sway public opinion about vigilantes. I promise no more threads beyond this one, as I agree that no more are necessary, as my point is made.

@JBruesch, I think that me and you could go on forever. Let's agree to disagree, as it's up to the admins at this point and this thread is super long as is. I'd like to apologize if I was a bit rude with some replies, and started making assumptions. It's been an uphill battle for me to make my case, and appreciate the criticism, as it gives admins more to consider.

GG to all who replied to this thread, now we play the waiting game to see what fruits are born of our labor.

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ummmm lets not forget the Po7. The derputies are getting smarter I tell u dat. Been harder to catch em lil derputies for dat Po7 :P

19 hours ago, Grandma Gary said:

10 times in the first day.  History has taught us that the APD sucks at attacking defensible positions. ^_^


As for Vigilantes getting bigger guns I wouldn't be totally against.

Kavala scatters are obviously the ones most against it.... Bow, which is a =1 in my book.

Big gangs spend most of their time at cartels and wouldn't encounter vigilantes, so even if Vigis get bigger guns and dare to step foot outside Kavala and encounter a  heavily armed phat bounty chances are the bounty isn't alone and is also gonna shoot their face off.

APD.  One of the big arguments originally implementing Vigilantes was "OMG IS GONA KILL CUP NOBODY PLEH CUP" which didn't happen, at all.  Vigilantes follow the server rules same as the APD, APD on the other hand have those rules plus an entire handbook as well to follow.  Vigilantes pretty much have one extra rule: Don't abuse.  If a cop fucks up their case is tossed to Senior APD and potentially they face demotion unless it is pretty severe in which case staff take care of it, if a vigilante fucks up there are no Senior Vigilantes and the staff take care of it right off the bat and they face a ban. The APD isn't everyone's cup of tea, learning the handbook, going through an interview then the stress of being a useless Deputy when the likes of a Fed or jail start are pretty offputting for a lot of people.  The alternative for those folks is Vigilante.

I don't scat like, at all. And especially not in fucking Kav. I have pretty much forgotten about what all was said in this post as I have the attention span of a dog on meth. All I have to say here is I think it's pretty retarded for MORE power on Vigi. Maybe a 5.56 Tazer For like 80k-90k would be cool. I really don't think 6.5 is reasonable. If they got 6.5 I would want the vest to be tactical vest. same price as at rebel. maybe more, 30k? Maybe a combat helmet. But this still won't stop some people getting full rebel gear and just carrying the 6.5 around. I don't know if anyone has heard me but 6.5 can demolish if you just know how to shoot even decently. So that paired with full gear from rebel. done. Although this won't happen often, it will still suck ass. I honestly hope they don't make vigi more powerful but if they do I would want like a tazer trg or some other 5.56 gun. and change the vest to something less powerful? Jbreusch or however you spell it said just what I was saying yesterday. If vigi's have better gear than fucking cops no one will play APD. It literally WILL die. (Literally leafy.) You can get a carrier light and a 6.5? as a vigi? that's better than most of the APD unless you spend a dick load of time on APD and progress in the ranks. Doesn't work imo





Vigi's r dum

13 hours ago, JBruesch said:

I never said shoot from a bench... Im not going to do all the work for you, but I will tell you this. If you dont get a group, use a M900, learn how to fly it, then scan red zones and walk in. I run solo most of the time and I have taken down runs of over $500k with rooks, PDWs, and SDARs before because I don't just run into the building and spray.

Another thing, I never said the MXC was OP in general, but if you give it to RDMing Vigis, well guess what, its OP as fuck, as is any gun if they are RDMing...

Also, you said "Ballistics are a thing in arma, and I can tell you from experience that 9mm doesn't cut it".... Kinda ignorant to make it sound like you know about Arma ballistics and I dont, dont ya think? Especially when you created a scenario and tried to infer that that scenario was the one I was implying...

I have taken down large runs with rooks and Pdubs as well and it's easy if you just follow what Socio said a while ago please just fucking spray the legs or get headshots. Not that hard to use the iron sights on the 9mm guns and get that fatty one tap or 3 just 3 shots on the legs.

Edited by Merpfer
17 hours ago, snipeZ said:

The gap between a 7.62 and a 9mm is pretty big if I must say. if vigi's are given a 6.5 there is still a gap in combat advantages. The gap is not gone, rebels still have the upper hand in a 1v1 scenario. If a guy with a 7.62 cant win against a 6.5 then they lost the bounty GG, better hope your 5 other friends can win against a most likely solo vigi. 1+ for the buff.

Not like this snipeZ

On 11/17/2016 at 0:36 PM, lil boat said:

You provide good points and arguments..... but fuck vigis aye lmao




I fucking hate lil boat 

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