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So, I did some investigating


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Hey now!!! Don't be removing my gym set at the hospital!! What am i suppose to do in the morning when my service is not needed as much...smh getting them gains over here as medic.. trying to take my precious appliances as well, what now? we have to do our paper work on the floor, have we gotten that low in budget??

P.s you have to love the role play that comes out of them tho, but I'm not gonna get to deep into this right now so i will leave it to the rest and how dare you expect me to leave a like after attempting to take away my stuff straight out of my home! 

oh and also we can't have some people having the option to have such things like a desk or white board not spawn in for them while others have them in..you should no why tho as well, but i understand the struggles for some, much respect!

Personally, I like all the objects. It gives a sense of being in actual places instead of barren shops with people standing in them. Also, I get significantly better frames on Olympus even around all these objects than I do on other servers. That said, if that slider is supposed to reduce the amount of objects and its not then its clearly not working but I don't think that is the cause of the texture bug and it is hardly unique to Olympus. Asylum definitely still has it, and I even had it happen on an EU life server I was playing on.

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finee, I will like your post, I did say much respect tho! although I  will find other ways to workout in the hospital, it's all good but don't be blaming it all on my gym set! @brodyunderwood1 I can't live with a -1 on my record! and +1 for @Ozadu 

1 hour ago, Jesse said:

All 3 of those statements are very true.

The slider was before my time obviously.
However, I can tell you that basically the object slider is meant to hide these "Shit Objects" as they are referred to.

So as you can see that list is all guns and clothing, not necessarily large objects. So basically the junk in gun stores and what not. Also it looks like it just does some random objects it will remove (not positive on this one).. However, I'm sure we can talk with Poseidon and determine why the current stuff is the way it is and see if we can some more changes to it. Possibly regarding things like the blood-bags and smaller objects. However, I doubt things like desks and large obstructive objects will get added due to the potential for that being detrimental to game-play if one person sees it and the other doesn't. :D 


2 hours ago, Ozadu said:

Personally, I like all the objects. It gives a sense of being in actual places instead of barren shops with people standing in them. Also, I get significantly better frames on Olympus even around all these objects than I do on other servers. That said, if that slider is supposed to reduce the amount of objects and its not then its clearly not working but I don't think that is the cause of the texture bug and it is hardly unique to Olympus. Asylum definitely still has it, and I even had it happen on an EU life server I was playing on.

I am going to have to disagree on this one. I played for about 5-10 hours of asylum over the last couple of days, fighting cops and civs, doing drug runs driving around the map and never encountered a single texture bug. Yet I spawn in at pyrgos, go to the jail to fight and get a texture bug the second a cop rolls up to the bridge. Also, I am not stating that the frames are unplayable or anything like that. I still get 30ish in Kavala, 60 at cartels, very playable however I feel that we have a lot of unnecessary items that are clogging up our servers and our mission file that is already crazy gigantic for an altis life server.

Also, you can see on other servers across arma that this texture is NO WHERE near prevalent to be mentioned so much. On asylum it happens, on a lot of serves it happens but I believe that our server sets the bar for the amount of texture bugs is unnecessary. You are lucky to not get a texture bug whilst fighting cops or a medic showing up to the scene. I am wondering if maybe it is the advanced loading system that poseidon uses now. 

I have seen that arma is releasing an update that may fix a lot of the reasons why you get a texture bug but I am still concerned that it will not help as it happens so much. We have had the talk with Muthinator about removing/ reverting back to our old hospitals and he did not like the idea one bit. And I am not bashing for that. I understand that you worked really hard on all of them and they truly do look good. But I ask, at what cost. It seems as though so many people complain about them and yet they are still there. People complained about big towers, they were removed within the month. People complained about the mk-1 and we got that. I just don't see why we cannot get a new hospital. Maybe without using one of the biggest objects in the game just for three vendors that in all honesty could be shortened down to two or maybe even one at that.

I talked to some other staff and they informed me that maybe you have found a possible way to stop the bug from happening so often, or maybe that was some arma 3 developer but it was someone that was working on something like that. 

Now to you Jesse, maybe you can be the sway we need to make this revision to our server. Muthinator has stated that when he enters the hospital he never gets frame drops or anything in that nature but I bet he probably has not had a fire fight or drove past one of his hospitals going 327 km/h on a full server. It isn't a good time. In some cases I have lagged so bad to where my whole screen froze for multiple seconds. Or maybe there is something you can add or change the way we load items in because I find a huge difference in frames once I have loaded everything in. Maybe there is a better way to do it than the way e currently have it. 

I am not a developer and frankly have no idea/business even trying to tell you how to do your job but maybe there is something you can think of that would help our situation on the server. I know you play a lot and have been to the hospitals and at some points civ life is unplayable. Olympus used to be the server you would come to from asylum and everyone would LOVE the frames on our server. Now all I hear is how unplayable and awful the bugs and frames are on our server. 

Muthinator, I am not singling you out/ bashing your work. And I want to thank you and all the staff/ designers for your work towards the server however I feel that you and the community have a different perspective of what the word "necessary items" would mean in the hospitals for instance. Please accept my constructive criticism for what it is and know that I am not trying to ruin the hard work you put into this map, just know that it may be hurting the performance and maybe we could try something new unless Jesse is a magician and can fix everything.


soz for the paragraph, but I feel that to not hurt anyone's feelings/ make this into a useless thread I need to explain exactly my stance so that we can all have some respect and actually improve this community that we are all apart of. I would love to chat if you do not want to do this whole typing thing and that stretches to anyone that would like to talk, designers, staff, developers, anyone. 

Thanks again


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1 minute ago, Jesse said:

Hes not saying its just olympus!

He says it happens much more frequently in his experience, and i agree as it has in mine too.

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6 minutes ago, TheRealKyle said:

Hes not saying its just olympus!

He says it happens much more frequently in his experience, and i agree as it has in mine too.

It's a sampling bias. To claim this we would really need to get people on different servers and measure the amount of time played and amount of bugs that occur.

Just now, Ozadu said:

It's a sampling bias. To claim this we would really need to get people on different servers and measure the amount of time played and amount of bugs that occur.

Personally for the past month i've played asylum more then olympus, And i got 0 texture bugs on asylum compared to just two or three days ago where i played for 3 hours and had 4 texture bugs on olympus.

You can say its a sampling bias or say i'm playing with the truth, i really don't care. I'm just saying what i've experienced.

1 minute ago, TheRealKyle said:

Personally for the past month i've played asylum more then olympus, And i got 0 texture bugs on asylum compared to just two or three days ago where i played for 3 hours and had 4 texture bugs on olympus.

You can say its a sampling bias or say i'm playing with the truth, i really don't care. I'm just saying what i've experienced.

Well if that's the case then your experience is less bias. I am assuming, since this is the Olympus forums that most people play on Olympus and of course, people playing on Olympus will claim they get more occurrences of the bug than others when their playtime is 90% olympus 10% other server.

1 minute ago, Ozadu said:

Well if that's the case then your experience is less bias. I am assuming, since this is the Olympus forums that most people play on Olympus and of course, people playing on Olympus will claim they get more occurrences of the bug than others when their playtime is 90% olympus 10% other server.

Both me and dejay play together almost all the time, so hes been playing asylum just as much as me. Hes not representing a sampling bias either.

59 minutes ago, Jesse said:

I mean. Some people say its objects. Some say its certain vehicle textures. Some say its a bit of this a bit of that. No one... including bohemia has anything solid on this matter...

As of this recent update i got it a lot more. I modified my video settings and have yet to get it now..

I play on the potato (low) preset and before this last update, I think I got the texture bug two or three times this whole year whilst others were getting it daily. Since this update, I've had it twice I think but I do frequently have my game completely freeze and it almost looks like I'm about to get texture bugged but its fine again.

Map decor is an obsolete setting, it's no longer used. Map decor settings are hard-coded at around 20% with the current system.

11 minutes ago, Poseidon said:

Map decor is an obsolete setting, it's no longer used. Map decor settings are hard-coded at around 20% with the current system.


2 hours ago, Jesse said:

I mean. Some people say its objects. Some say its certain vehicle textures. Some say its a bit of this a bit of that. No one... including bohemia has anything solid on this matter...

As of this recent update i got it a lot more. I modified my video settings and have yet to get it now..

Care to share the simple change of video settings you had to do to stop texture bugs?

2 hours ago, Bow said:

I play on the potato (low) preset and before this last update, I think I got the texture bug two or three times this whole year whilst others were getting it daily. Since this update, I've had it twice I think but I do frequently have my game completely freeze and it almost looks like I'm about to get texture bugged but its fine again.

That freeze you get... and if you're lucky you might see the green screen flash. This is your system doing a video dump so it can recover. I run the game on ultra for the most part and this is what happens when I get the "texture" bug.

I believe that people running Windows 10 AE are more prone to this bug since the VRAM changes. Anyone who used OBS after the update may recall seeing that the preview/stream freeze. This would happen often or rarely. Win 10 changed how it dealt when running out of VRAM. Nvidia, AMD were not giving a lot of details for this change and were not ready on release. OBS solved this by doing a video dump and refresh. 

58 minutes ago, Brennan said:

Care to share the simple change of video settings you had to do to stop texture bugs?

Jesse was under utilizing his GPU. He told me that most of his setting were around normal I think. Had him move that to Ultra. He also got a FPS boost. I think he's using the perf build. I'm not. I do have my malloc set to system.

Why did it help? Read my post above about VRAM and Win10. From what I can tell, GPU's are more capable of recovering when that issue happens. Pushing setting towards the ultra uses more of your GPU.

Here are my settings with a GTX 970 and i5 4690k (oc to 4.4). Ignore the FPS in the corner, that's from the menu. In game while streaming I won't dip below 30 fps in Kavala. Rest of the map is a usually around 60+ fps




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4 hours ago, Jesse said:

I mean. Some people say its objects. Some say its certain vehicle textures. Some say its a bit of this a bit of that. No one... including bohemia has anything solid on this matter...

As of this recent update i got it a lot more. I modified my video settings and have yet to get it now..

I'm still convinced that its vehicle textures considering you hear about it most when a police vehicle comes into the scene. I never had texture bugs until our vehicle textures got updated, and with the last few updates it's only gotten worse.

Have you guys considered doing some "in-house" testing? Maybe have 1 server be "normal" while the other server has significantly less objects, or radically simplified vehicle textures? Our Police vehicles used to be mostly "stock" skin with a couple of labels on it, now you'd be lucky if you found any of the original paint job on it.

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