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Vigi guns

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Can we take the 5.56 away from vigis the whole arguement for vigis to have them was that they needed it because rebels had CSAT take a wild guess whats gone, CSAT I think it would be good to put the vigi guns back how they use to be theres no need for vigis running around with fucking spars anymore. :) ty for reading

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no, vigis need them when tasking on a rebel 7.-- one tap death gun. stuff needs to be equal. make the spar 75k or 80k as its more expensive but not to the point were a vigi cant by it, vigis go through more money than any other faction so it would be about 120k if it was under rebel. it is cheap right now

6 hours ago, Mclovins said:

Can we take the 5.56 away from vigis the whole arguement for vigis to have them was that they needed it because rebels had CSAT take a wild guess whats gone, CSAT I think it would be good to put the vigi guns back how they use to be theres no need for vigis running around with fucking spars anymore. :) ty for reading

Take away the vigi 5.56 and let rebels buy a 7.62 tazer:)

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The problem is not necessarily the gun. It's more of the whole "new shit thing" that is possible now. Anyone who's anyone is becoming a vigi and buying tazers just to rob cops. It's pure aids. 

3 hours ago, reno walkins said:

no, vigis need them when tasking on a rebel 7.-- one tap death gun. stuff needs to be equal. make the spar 75k or 80k as its more expensive but not to the point were a vigi cant by it, vigis go through more money than any other faction so it would be about 120k if it was under rebel. it is cheap right now

idk, armor maybe? :Kappa:

My whole thing is the whole argument for vigis to even get the 556 tazer is because of CSAT cloths and GA Carrier. CSAT is now gone and being a vigi is extremely popular among a LOT of people now I can't go into any major city without seeing them now It's kinda bullshit how they get the 556 tazer and we lost CSAT  @reno walkins Rebel loadouts are pretty expensive if vigi loadouts are no where near the price of it 1 7.62 gun = the price of the whole vigi loadout.

14 hours ago, Mclovins said:

My whole thing is the whole argument for vigis to even get the 556 tazer is because of CSAT cloths and GA Carrier. CSAT is now gone and being a vigi is extremely popular among a LOT of people now I can't go into any major city without seeing them now It's kinda bullshit how they get the 556 tazer and we lost CSAT  @reno walkins Rebel loadouts are pretty expensive if vigi loadouts are no where near the price of it 1 7.62 gun = the price of the whole vigi loadout.

as if vigis make anymoney lol...have you ever tried to vigi in kavala? watched a guy yesterday get 10 ks members on his ass

On 3/7/2017 at 2:16 AM, Mclovins said:

Can we take the 5.56 away from vigis the whole arguement for vigis to have them was that they needed it because rebels had CSAT take a wild guess whats gone, CSAT I think it would be good to put the vigi guns back how they use to be theres no need for vigis running around with fucking spars anymore. :) ty for reading

But spars are actually a pretty shitty 5.56 compared to other 6.5s and 7.62s

I think the spar is a good gun for vigis because we have been dealing with the sting so long we needed a change and we got one but overall if it comes down to it a rebel could own a vigi 7.62 vs a 5.56 obviously the 7.62 gonna win when it comes down to it 


5 hours ago, Bucko said:

But spars are actually a pretty shitty 5.56 compared to other 6.5s and 7.62s

I am against removing the vigi spars but I will say this: Vigis aren't meant to counter rebels directly, so it doesn't make sense for a vigi to have over 5.56. 

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On 3/7/2017 at 10:35 AM, reno walkins said:

pretty sure the vigi armour gets one tapped. vigis cant buy rebel gear.

Who said that XD

On 3/8/2017 at 1:11 PM, TheCmdrRex said:

I am against removing the vigi spars but I will say this: Vigis aren't meant to counter rebels directly, so it doesn't make sense for a vigi to have over 5.56. 

no idea i just think its overkill for them to have them still

I was in kavala for 20 mins today and I was tazed 3 times randomly out of nowhere by a spar-16, 3/4 of the times i had a 30k bounty so they couldn't send me to jail... please remove this gun because it has become a HUGE pain in the ass to report literally half of the kavala population. This being said, we could also make the price needed to send people to jail higher. The bounty prices were changed so why not make the Vigi limit higher to match that?

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