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On The Topic Of Tazing APD

Guest G.O.A.T.

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32 minutes ago, TheRandomOne said:

P.S @G.O.A.T. If a child throws a temper tantrum you don't just give them what they want, that'll just teach them to throw more temper tantrums.

Their he goes again... yet again disrespecting another valued influential member of the community...

Basically equating himself and people that agree with him to "Dad" or "The Parent"

Honestly disgraceful mate.

Especially considering that goat is providing STATISTICS that are seen in the LOGS not throwing a tantrum.

If anythings a tantrum...

Image result for I quit meme

P.S Oh wait nvm that's too toxic

if this post is going to get deleted please just remove the picture and the last three lines(this one included.) because those were the only useless banter.

  • Like 1
2 minutes ago, TheRandomOne said:

Agreed, though I'm for remove 5.56 because a vigi shouldn't be more powerful than a deputy. Let the people who played it for easy money because you couldn't ever lose anything leave, there's plenty that will stick around.

I think cop gear prices need to be relooked at because they aren't reflective of this change.

I think the tazing cops needs to be relooked at since they didn't think to reflect upon this terrible outcome. Take a minute hop off your high horse as head of news team and see eye to eye with the REAL APD members.

Let's keep the debate civil, don't take shots at each other....just voice your opinions for or against the feature.

1 minute ago, Danger said:

Let's keep the debate civil, don't take shots at each other....just voice your opinions for or against the feature.

I'm trying to limit my self forgive me if I go over a bit I'm just tired of loosing APD gear that is a APD issue yet APD was never asked.

  • Admin
14 minutes ago, TheRandomOne said:

There's an ebb & flow of good ideas in Altis Life as a whole. Just because you model something off of another idea doesn't mean you're trying to become them.  On the Dev side,  this means having cleaner/more organized/better coding. On a game play side, this doesn't mean Olympus is trying to become Asylum. Just meant the Devs recognized a good idea when they saw one.


P.S @G.O.A.T. If a child throws a temper tantrum you don't just give them what they want, that'll just teach them to throw more temper tantrums.

I understand your point. I'm a strong advocate for taking ideas and making them better or mold them to our needs. It's just that this particular "feature" was one we didn't need nor want. 

I mean to me the big thing with the whole change is you can't just rob a civ if you taze them. Why should you be able to do it to cops?

Not to mention civ's have a lot more power then cops (except SAPD)...

if you don't agree with that I can make a short video to prove it would take me like 5 minutes.

Typically something can only be counted as a "good idea" if it is actually accepted as a good idea.

If A LOT of people are acting like its a "bad idea" I think there needs to be the maturity level in this community to recognize that and think of how it could be modified or removed. 

Granted when I say maturity in the community I mean on both sides MAYBE we could try some different things for instance the reduced damage that's been added maybe we should give that some time see how it pans out.

But I think acting like it's not an issue is ignoring a problem.

Oh and by the way i'm pretty much neutral in the argument itself but when I see a lot of people disagreeing with something and particularly people that should have a good idea of what is good for the community particularly the cop faction (Goat who is chief, SAPD, Bubbaloo an X long time admin, and a lot of other mods/admins.) I don't think that just because the people who have the power to introduce these things yet don't really know the ramifications should be ignoring them when they show up granted we did get the debuff which I think is a great first step and could be a possible solution.

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8 minutes ago, DeadPool1337 said:

I think the tazing cops needs to be relooked at since they didn't think to reflect upon this terrible outcome. Take a minute hop off your high horse as head of news team and see eye to eye with the REAL APD members.

What high horse? The fact that I'm news team means nothing in these discussions. I don't bring it up because it's by no means relevant, and if I wasn't on the news team it wouldn't change my thought process.

9 minutes ago, Snare said:

Their he goes again... yet again disrespecting another valued influential member of the community...

Basically equating himself and people that agree with him to "Dad" or "The Parent"

Honestly disgraceful mate.

Especially considering that goat is providing STATISTICS that are seen in the LOGS not throwing a tantrum.

If anythings a tantrum...

Image result for I quit meme

P.S Oh wait nvm that's too toxic

if this post is going to get deleted please just remove the picture and the last three lines because those were the only useless banter.

Disrespecting? No. That's basic psychology. There was a similar visceral reaction to the removal of CSAT clothes and people got over it,similar principle. Cops finally have a real ability to lose stuff and now a bunch of people are unhappy about it, that's not exactly surprising. Everyone knows the running meme of cop being ez money ez life. Because sure you would die,but what did you lose? A mag? Nobody cared. Now they got some skin in the game and it's an issue. I personally play more cop than I do civ at this point (especially while waiting for the news team launch). This forces me to have to think more now that I've got something to lose.

On a personal note (i know personal notes hold no value in the discussion) It's the same reason when I play KOTH I run around with an MK1 when a bunch have lynxs and navids. I like a challenge.

11 minutes ago, DeadPool1337 said:

If we are "throwing a temper tantrum" then where are the crying children throwing the stuff around. We are speaking out opinions and giving facts with constructive criticism. On a APD career cop side this means giving out strong weapons and spike strips. So if you get hit with a random spike strip or some kid swinging it around killing and blowing up everything don't say we didn't tell ya so.


P.S. what was wrong with the 3:1 out numbering? Why must civs taze a cop and not out number him with lethal guns but tazers. Btw excessive tazing for a vigil is vigis abuse.

If someone swings a spike strip at me I'd report them,send in a comp request, and move on with my day. Same as I would with an RDM case. It makes no difference to me. 

As for the difference/problem. From a rule perspective, 3 to 1 rule leads to quite a gray area. Were they in a tactical position or not? How exactly do you define that? Whereas this is clear cut.


On a personal note(which holds no grounds her  I understand) if I'm going to be taken hostage/made to drop my gear, I'd rather it be by someone who bested me rather than some randos running up to me shouting 3 to 1.

  • Like 1
6 minutes ago, TheRandomOne said:

On a personal note (i know personal notes hold no value in the discussion) It's the same reason when I play KOTH I run around with an MK1 when a bunch have lynxs and navids. I like a challenge.

yeah I do the same It's good aim training.

Alright this post is kindof off topic :P 

  • Like 2
Guest G.O.A.T.
16 minutes ago, TheRandomOne said:

What high horse? The fact that I'm news team means nothing in these discussions. I don't bring it up because it's by no means relevant, and if I wasn't on the news team it wouldn't change my thought process.

Disrespecting? No. That's basic psychology. There was a similar visceral reaction to the removal of CSAT clothes and people got over it,similar principle. Cops finally have a real ability to lose stuff and now a bunch of people are unhappy about it, that's not exactly surprising. Everyone knows the running meme of cop being ez money ez life. Because sure you would die,but what did you lose? A mag? Nobody cared. Now they got some skin in the game and it's an issue. I personally play more cop than I do civ at this point (especially while waiting for the news team launch). This forces me to have to think more now that I've got something to lose.

On a personal note (i know personal notes hold no value in the discussion) It's the same reason when I play KOTH I run around with an MK1 when a bunch have lynxs and navids. I like a challenge.

If someone swings a spike strip at me I'd report them,send in a comp request, and move on with my day. Same as I would with an RDM case. It makes no difference to me. 

As for the difference/problem. From a rule perspective, 3 to 1 rule leads to quite a gray area. Were they in a tactical position or not? How exactly do you define that? Whereas this is clear cut.


On a personal note(which holds no grounds her  I understand) if I'm going to be taken hostage/made to drop my gear, I'd rather it be by someone who bested me rather than some randos running up to me shouting 3 to 1.

sAPD in the past was able to pretty easily make that determination, like Meth said before...we've had 1 report of a cop not dropping their gear since this was implemented and that cop was removed. 

The statistics speak for themselves quite honestly, you generally speaking don't see a fluctuation of more than an average of 10% weekly in times. 

Make no mistake, what has occurred over the last 2 weeks is not a statistical anomaly.

1 minute ago, G.O.A.T. said:

sAPD in the past was able to pretty easily make that determination, like Meth said before...we've had 1 report of a cop not dropping their gear since this was implemented and that cop was removed. 

The statistics speak for themselves quite honestly, you generally speaking don't see a fluctuation of more than an average of 10% weekly in times. 

Make no mistake, what has occurred over the last 2 weeks is not a statistical anomaly.

I don't believe it to be an anomaly. I believe it largely to be because of the reasons outlined in my post you quoted.

42 minutes ago, TheRandomOne said:

What high horse? The fact that I'm news team means nothing in these discussions. I don't bring it up because it's by no means relevant, and if I wasn't on the news team it wouldn't change my thought process.

Disrespecting? No. That's basic psychology. There was a similar visceral reaction to the removal of CSAT clothes and people got over it,similar principle. Cops finally have a real ability to lose stuff and now a bunch of people are unhappy about it, that's not exactly surprising. Everyone knows the running meme of cop being ez money ez life. Because sure you would die,but what did you lose? A mag? Nobody cared. Now they got some skin in the game and it's an issue. I personally play more cop than I do civ at this point (especially while waiting for the news team launch). This forces me to have to think more now that I've got something to lose.

On a personal note (i know personal notes hold no value in the discussion) It's the same reason when I play KOTH I run around with an MK1 when a bunch have lynxs and navids. I like a challenge.

If someone swings a spike strip at me I'd report them,send in a comp request, and move on with my day. Same as I would with an RDM case. It makes no difference to me. 

As for the difference/problem. From a rule perspective, 3 to 1 rule leads to quite a gray area. Were they in a tactical position or not? How exactly do you define that? Whereas this is clear cut.


On a personal note(which holds no grounds her  I understand) if I'm going to be taken hostage/made to drop my gear, I'd rather it be by someone who bested me rather than some randos running up to me shouting 3 to 1.

3:1 is easy to understand if you are out numbered hands up. If you are in a car and have the chance to leave you can take it. If you are behind SOLID cover not a car or short wall then you can fire back. If you did some digging in the APD grey area you'd understand that the 3:1 rule is very clearly explained by many SAPD. 


You are on a high a horse you are talking down the APD as if you were God and we were man. I know you have not played enough cop to comprehend our daily struggle. If you step out of the password News Rooms and play cop the average hours of a APD officer. 


If you like the fact that cops get tazed and restrained please feel free to give every cop who was ever robbed comp for every loadout that was stolen.

1 hour ago, Bucko said:

OK but the max a civ can have taser wise is a 5.56 spar.. a majority of cops have MXs and other better guns. Also, if a cop gets engaged, its a fire fight , and the best side wins, but in the logic of those who disagree with the tazing, I should just stop playing civ since I lose fire fights due to my lack of skill.. If anything, the tazing of cops is sort of eliminating all of the "trash" cops who lose fire fights, rage, and then leave cop. Which in turn leaves the better and more skilled cops to oppose those who engage and attempt to taze cops. 

4 Rebels with 5.56, better gear, and a better team > 4 POs with 6.5, tac vests, and have very little experience fighting with each other. 

Let's put this comparison into perspective: (I mean no disrespect to anyone here)


BFO (APD) vs MC (Rebels) Both gangs have 5 players. 

Now BFO is geared with a tac vest, 3 with 7.62 weapons (Compare this to three POs) and 2 with 5.56 weapons (compare this to two deputies), and winnie the pooh shirts. MC is geared with plate carriers and NATO ghillies, and all have 6.5 weapons.

BFO has less chemistry (as they haven't been fighting together as long and aren't as familiar with each other)

MC has the better chemistry (as they have great experience fighting together and know each others strengths and weaknesses well)

Who is likely going to win? (Most likely MC, but it would be possible for BFO to win since they have a few extra weapons) 

Now let's make this closer to how it is for APD vs Civs.

MC get to defend. They don't have to worry about pushing, and fortify their area.

BFO has to attack. They have to come up with a strategy to attack. To win on the first attack. 

Now this makes it further in the advantage of MC. BFO will most likely lose. (This is how it is for APD now, they have to win within the first couple of attacks or they risk having all units restrained)

How it used to be (for the APD):

Let's say BFO had additional backup. They could send a couple guys after the prior wave died, every time. 

Good chance that BFO might actually win. 

To get to the point: The APD cannot possibly rely on one firefight to end a situation every time. The reason most cops are leaving not that they are "Trash", but rather that it can be next to impossible to win situations with these standards. 

Another point to bring up is that it isn't the money hungry cops that are leaving. It's the RP dedicated officers and those who enjoy cop for what it is. 

Want examples? Talk to @Krisskross  @Pledge @G.O.A.T. @Bubbaloo Burrito @Lucki just to name a few. 

  • Like 2

When was the time anyone saw something that affected the APD that was not discussed with the current chief?

If you want to keep vigis with 5.56 tazers or even APD gear with a GA to the Specail GA carrier Rig the Tier V vest. Why not add corporals with 7.62s and tier 3-4 vest to counter the tazing but oh wait, the Dev team already shot down the idea of giving corporals 7.62 or better vest.

7 minutes ago, TheCmdrRex said:

4 Rebels with 5.56, better gear, and a better team > 4 POs with 6.5, tac vests, and have very little experience fighting with each other. 

Let's put this comparison into perspective: (I mean no disrespect to anyone here)

  Hide contents

BFO (APD) vs MC (Rebels) Both gangs have 5 players. 

Now BFO is geared with a tac vest, 3 with 7.62 weapons (Compare this to three POs) and 2 with 5.56 weapons (compare this to two deputies), and winnie the pooh shirts. MC is geared with plate carriers and NATO ghillies, and all have 6.5 weapons.

BFO has less chemistry (as they haven't been fighting together as long and aren't as familiar with each other)

MC has the better chemistry (as they have great experience fighting together and know each others strengths and weaknesses well)

Who is likely going to win? (Most likely MC, but it would be possible for BFO to win since they have a few extra weapons) 

Now let's make this closer to how it is for APD vs Civs.

MC get to defend. They don't have to worry about pushing, and fortify their area.

BFO has to attack. They have to come up with a strategy to attack. To win on the first attack. 

Now this makes it further in the advantage of MC. BFO will most likely lose. (This is how it is for APD now, they have to win within the first couple of attacks or they risk having all units restrained)

How it used to be (for the APD):

Let's say BFO had additional backup. They could send a couple guys after the prior wave died, every time. 

Good chance that BFO might actually win. 

To get to the point: The APD cannot possibly rely on one firefight to end a situation every time. The reason most cops are leaving not that they are "Trash", but rather that it can be next to impossible to win situations with these standards. 

Another point to bring up is that it isn't the money hungry cops that are leaving. It's the RP dedicated officers and those who enjoy cop for what it is. 

Want examples? Talk to @Krisskross  @Pledge @G.O.A.T. @Bubbaloo Burrito @Lucki just to name a few. 

Lmao I already talked to @Krisskross when I tazed and robbed him

  • Like 2
8 minutes ago, Bucko said:

Lmao I already talked to @Krisskross when I tazed and robbed him

Please never do it again.

30 minutes ago, DeadPool1337 said:

3:1 is easy to understand if you are out numbered hands up. If you are in a car and have the chance to leave you can take it. If you are behind SOLID cover not a car or short wall then you can fire back. If you did some digging in the APD grey area you'd understand that the 3:1 rule is very clearly explained by many SAPD. 


You are on a high a horse you are talking down the APD as if you were God and we were man. I know you have not played enough cop to comprehend our daily struggle. If you step out of the password News Rooms and play cop the average hours of a APD officer. 


If you like the fact that cops get tazed and restrained please feel free to give every cop who was ever robbed comp for every loadout that was stolen.

Go back and read any of my forum posts from before I was on news team,you'll find that my demeanor has not changed in the slightest. I understand full and well my scope of "power" or whatever you want to call it, and where it extends (aka decisions of the news team). Even then, Jesse and some other staff members made a change I, as well as others on the news team, didn't agree with. After arguing about it for days with Jesse he begrudgingly convinced me with superior logic. I don't entirely agree on a personal note still but I understand he was right. The point I'm making is you don't need to personally agree with something for it to be right.


Additionally, I have no delusions of grandeur.  I'm easily replaceable on the news team, just like any staff or any APD member. I'm not sure how old you are(and this isn't a dig at your age), it's relevant in the sense of how long you've been in the work force. At my job I handle the hiring/firing of most departments, I see in real time how everyone is replaceable, even myself. The way I talk is in no way reflective of my position on the news team, I spoke this way before I was on it and I'll speak this way after I'm not on it, so let's try a different angle,shall we? Especially since I was vehemently for the removal of CSAT and happily shared my thoughts on the matter in a similar fashion and I wasn't on the news team then.


Also, like I said earlier, I play more cop than civ at this point. If I get tazed and restrained and robbed (which will inevitably happen) then they bested me and they earned it as far as I'm concerned.

  • Like 1
52 minutes ago, MrRonSwanson said:

Have not played for coming on 3 days now because of this. Please revert.

you can play just don't sit in kavala all the time you're on cop and you won't get robbed most of the time

2 hours ago, TheRandomOne said:

There's an ebb & flow of good ideas in Altis Life as a whole. Just because you model something off of another idea doesn't mean you're trying to become them.  On the Dev side,  this means having cleaner/more organized/better coding. On a game play side, this doesn't mean Olympus is trying to become Asylum. Just meant the Devs recognized a good idea when they saw one.


P.S @G.O.A.T. If a child throws a temper tantrum you don't just give them what they want, that'll just teach them to throw more temper tantrums.

The reason people said you're on a high horse is because you refer to everyone as children. This is a COMMUNITY, not a day care center. We're not children, but rather a significant portion of a community, which is supported by donations. While donations don't mean you get to pick and choose what you want, its common sense that if the leadership does things that the community doesn't like, donations will drop.  In the end, money talks. Some of us have been around for way longer than November 2016. Some of us have been with this server for 2 and a half years.

We have every right to be frustrated when a server, that we've spent so much time on, all of a sudden has such a radical change that appeases many of those that just hop between servers, depending on how the wind blows.


I have not been robbed on cop for over 2 years, because I play smart. I'm never in an area by myself, and the few times I have been outnumbered or tazed, I usually have back up that is several seconds away that comes in to save the day.  The fact that I got robbed twice in 20 minutes just a few days ago is very telling. I pull out of Pyrgos HQ with another officer, instantly get engaged by campers, and I LITERALLY have no place to go because the roadway has walls on both sides and no cover. Get tazed, restrained, and robbed. A few minutes later, I go into Pyrgos to help out 4 other officers. Lo and behold, 11 god damn people of multiple gangs just running around and robbing cops. Best part is, they don't get charges unless APD outright adds the charge, because tazing someone doesn't add anything.

  • Like 4
30 minutes ago, TheRandomOne said:

Go back and read any of my forum posts from before I was on news team,you'll find that my demeanor has not changed in the slightest. I understand full and well my scope of "power" or whatever you want to call it, and where it extends (aka decisions of the news team). Even then, Jesse and some other staff members made a change I, as well as others on the news team, didn't agree with. After arguing about it for days with Jesse he begrudgingly convinced me with superior logic. I don't entirely agree on a personal note still but I understand he was right. The point I'm making is you don't need to personally agree with something for it to be right.


Additionally, I have no delusions of grandeur.  I'm easily replaceable on the news team, just like any staff or any APD member. I'm not sure how old you are(and this isn't a dig at your age), it's relevant in the sense of how long you've been in the work force. At my job I handle the hiring/firing of most departments, I see in real time how everyone is replaceable, even myself. The way I talk is in no way reflective of my position on the news team, I spoke this way before I was on it and I'll speak this way after I'm not on it, so let's try a different angle,shall we? Especially since I was vehemently for the removal of CSAT and happily shared my thoughts on the matter in a similar fashion and I wasn't on the news team then.


Also, like I said earlier, I play more cop than civ at this point. If I get tazed and restrained and robbed (which will inevitably happen) then they bested me and they earned it as far as I'm concerned.

You just admitted to your self that this tazing and restraining cops is wrong on your personal note. Well thanks for sharing your personal note so now you agree with us it is wrong why continue to bicker over something that should have involved the APDs decision?

I am 17 and been with this server for almost a year now a few days to be exact. Look at my forum name see that color it means I have put time, money, and effort to get where I am today in this community. I may not be the head of something that cost us our TS tags and something new. But I am apart of the APD and from what the handbook states as a Corporal in the APD I am a fully fledged APD member. With what that means is that I have put some serious dedicated time into the APD. I use to sit on the side lines and watch people argue over this stuff as a PO and deputy, but now that I am no longer gonna stay quite. I'm gonna speak my mind to the full extent. You have been here since November 2016 I have been here since march 2016. If you haven't noticed the APD has always been able to approve what comes and goes when it affects the APD. But not like this unforgettable trama that has hit us. We no longer get a say nor does the chief get to decide what happens to the APD. Is this the so called "New Dynamic System" that is taken over ?

23 minutes ago, Lucki said:

The reason people said you're on a high horse is because you refer to everyone as children. This is a COMMUNITY, not a day care center. We're not children, but rather a significant portion of a community, which is supported by donations. While donations don't mean you get to pick and choose what you want, its common sense that if the leadership does things that the community doesn't like, donations will drop.  In the end, money talks. Some of us have been around for way longer than November 2016. Some of us have been with this server for 2 and a half years.

We have every right to be frustrated when a server, that we've spent so much time on, all of a sudden has such a radical change that appeases many of those that just hop between servers, depending on how the wind blows.


I have not been robbed on cop for over 2 years, because I play smart. I'm never in an area by myself, and the few times I have been outnumbered or tazed, I usually have back up that is several seconds away that comes in to save the day.  The fact that I got robbed twice in 20 minutes just a few days ago is very telling. I pull out of Pyrgos HQ with another officer, instantly get engaged by campers, and I LITERALLY have no place to go because the roadway has walls on both sides and no cover. Get tazed, restrained, and robbed. A few minutes later, I go into Pyrgos to help out 4 other officers. Lo and behold, 11 god damn people of multiple gangs just running around and robbing cops. Best part is, they don't get charges unless APD outright adds the charge, because tazing someone doesn't add anything.

Preach brother Lucki preach. Show this man the truth and light of the APD. Make him repent against his sinful nature and ways.

39 minutes ago, Lucki said:

The reason people said you're on a high horse is because you refer to everyone as children. This is a COMMUNITY, not a day care center. We're not children, but rather a significant portion of a community, which is supported by donations. While donations don't mean you get to pick and choose what you want, its common sense that if the leadership does things that the community doesn't like, donations will drop.  In the end, money talks. Some of us have been around for way longer than November 2016. Some of us have been with this server for 2 and a half years.

We have every right to be frustrated when a server, that we've spent so much time on, all of a sudden has such a radical change that appeases many of those that just hop between servers, depending on how the wind blows.


I have not been robbed on cop for over 2 years, because I play smart. I'm never in an area by myself, and the few times I have been outnumbered or tazed, I usually have back up that is several seconds away that comes in to save the day.  The fact that I got robbed twice in 20 minutes just a few days ago is very telling. I pull out of Pyrgos HQ with another officer, instantly get engaged by campers, and I LITERALLY have no place to go because the roadway has walls on both sides and no cover. Get tazed, restrained, and robbed. A few minutes later, I go into Pyrgos to help out 4 other officers. Lo and behold, 11 god damn people of multiple gangs just running around and robbing cops. Best part is, they don't get charges unless APD outright adds the charge, because tazing someone doesn't add anything.

Everyone? No. I don't believe everyone to be children. I think it was a smart move by goat to pull those stats. I don't think he expanded on them properly,but it was an intelligent decision. I think the people who have voiced their opinion saying that vigis shouldn't have access to 5.56 are acting intelligently.  The people who say "get off your high horse", "fuck off", whose posts consist of saying how much they don't like getting robbed, or attempt to attack myself instead of my position, those people are children. If this isn't a day care, those people should stop acting like it is then. Come after my position on something all you want. I encourage it, in fact, since I know I'm not infallible. Find holes in my argument any time, I want people to. It sucks being wrong, but crazy levels of respect to anyone who does. But don't expect me to take someone seriously when they come at me with an ad hominem or some emotional response, because then I'll call them out for being the child they are.



24 minutes ago, DeadPool1337 said:

You just admitted to your self that this tazing and restraining cops is wrong on your personal note. Well thanks for sharing your personal note so now you agree with us it is wrong why continue to bicker over something that should have involved the APDs decision? I didn't even bother to read on once I was you know it's wrong on a personal note.

Preach brother Lucki preach. Show this man the truth and light of the APD. Make him repent against his sinful nature and ways.

No. If you read what I disagreed with was in regards to the news team. Specifically, the fact we can't be killed by being shot.


@Lucki, see this is what I mean. Do you honestly expect me to take this seriously?

Admittedly though Lucki, I think our ways to handle people are somewhat based on our respective professions. You, without a doubt, have more patience for people (which makes sense given your career choice).

  • Like 1
Guest G.O.A.T.
3 hours ago, TheRandomOne said:

There's an ebb & flow of good ideas in Altis Life as a whole. Just because you model something off of another idea doesn't mean you're trying to become them.  On the Dev side,  this means having cleaner/more organized/better coding. On a game play side, this doesn't mean Olympus is trying to become Asylum. Just meant the Devs recognized a good idea when they saw one.


P.S @G.O.A.T. If a child throws a temper tantrum you don't just give them what they want, that'll just teach them to throw more temper tantrums.

Listen, your argument is that cops should have better tactics, not zerg rush, etc. How do you expect cops to be able to get their officers back when the majority of the time, if 2 cops gets tased that is literally 20%+ of the force available GONE. It's a snowball effect. I've said for awhile, it makes complete sense that cops should be tased. But not that they should be able to be restrained by some random with a rook+. The majority of the staff AND community recognize this is a bad change for Olympus.  

I think the statistics were provided in the best way possible. 


P.S. @TheRandomOne throw another jab, I'll hit you with the left hook fam. Don't think for a second that this Chief tag makes me immune from laying down wood.


1 hour ago, bigSMOKE said:

you can play just don't sit in kavala all the time you're on cop and you won't get robbed most of the time

True, maybe every cop should log in at the same time and show that we have the power. 20 cops in each city?

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