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A lot of you play with me, few of you really know me. Im here to express, to warn, to announce in hope to make some of you aware (if your not already) how bad this habit is.  My name is Blake, I am a junior in high school, and I want to share with you how pathetic I have been in hope you will learn and not make the same mistake. Let me start off with, self control. I apparently have none and you will see what I mean when you read.I have thousands of hours on games. Gaming is something I love, something that takes my mind off of things, its better then drugs and safer kinda, I say kind because i've been part of this community for years not active 100% but I have been 100% these last 2 months. And in the last two months here's some example of the most pathetic things i've done

1.I Was late to Jr Hoco because I waited for a APD test I never received that night

2.I Was late to Jr pep rally because I waited for a APD test I never received that night

3.This game almost ruined a amazing relationship with my girlfriend, because I wasn't giving much attention to her.

4.I missed out on some amazing opportunities 

This list could go on for a long time, however after reading the thing's people say when they decide to leave the community it's always about time. Time is something you can not gain back, however you can make the most of it. So instead of grinding Saturday for corporal , or grinding hours to get off parole (me) go enjoy a night with friends this game will still be here when you get back. I am 16 and have already realized what games have done to me. I will be laying off my time put forth in this game, however I will still be active and plan to run my gang [KK] and get my cop hours 10x over the limit each week, and hopefully R&R as-well one day. I did not post this for you to laugh or roast but to maybe open your eyes. Instead of leaving a comment think about what you have missed out on, or put off for this game. Take it easy boys and for the ones that have learned self control on the games, good job, for me something has to happen for me to realize it.


Excuse my poor grammar for I suck at it.....

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22 minutes ago, Lemon said:

This game almost ruined a amazing relationship with my girlfriend, because I wasn't giving much attention to her

Arma 3 nerds don't have girlfriends :eatmeth:

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1 hour ago, Lemon said:

Take it easy boys and for the ones that have learned self control on the games, good job, for me something has to happen for me to realize it.


Excuse my poor grammar for I suck at it.....

It also seems you've abandoned learning English to play this game...
My Grade: F-
@Lucki Grade: TBD

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8 hours ago, McDili said:

Looks like the APD really failed you here. @G.O.A.T. you're gonna have to get your shit together so more jr high school kids don't go down dark paths. You are setting a bad example for this generation of youth.

Its not just the APD, but I get the meme

7 hours ago, Mercury said:

It also seems you've abandoned learning English to play this game...
My Grade: F-
@Lucki Grade: TBD

Terrible grammar but good sentiment. 

Yeah, video games suck life out of you. I was able to play with some of my RL friends, so it kept it somewhat social. I recommend you find some extra-curricular activity at your school. I worked backstage at my theater a lot which was pretty sweet. You get to do all sorts of dangerous jobs, while chilling with like-minded not super social people. You also get the added benefit of laughing at all the over-dramatic actors. That was a nice regulator for my time.

Looking back, I really enjoyed my time in high school, and miss those days. You will not have such a good combination of free-will along with the ability to be care-free again. Use it wisely. College is fun, but if you mess up in college, you're wasting tuition money. Most high schools are free and have all sorts of free resources.

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