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TO satisfy some questions that i've gotten

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Hi everyone.



So i recently got a question from someone asking me why i still have the ability to get angry from time to time, and i've come to the decision to enlighten some of you with the reason why...


So last year my ex got her children stolen from her by CPS. One of them being my oldest son. Not gonna go into details of the case, but truth be told i have chosen to turn to internet and streaming to find comfort while this case in ongoing. That being said i am a emotional train wreck. Some days are better than others and you guys might here me laugh in game and have fun, and yes i have fun cause i enjoy this game and i enjoy being on this server. BUT some days i don't know what to do, i feel like either falling apart or start to punch stuff. That is also one of the reasons i came on to break rules before i got my 14 day ban given by @Peter Long.. This is not a justification for doing it, i admit i did it and i wish i could take it back. I served my ban and that was the end of it. I am coming back to Olympus more and more cause this will always be my home since this is the first RP server i joined when i first got Arma. SO hopefully this will enlighten some of you guys in terms of curiosity of why i still have the tendency to become angry and yell in game. I try not to do it, but truth be told, i don't know how much longer i can keep going without crashing and falling apart....



SO this is me trying to be brave and shed some light on who i am and what i struggle with on a daily basis and besides, i have been thinking a long time on this before even started to write this post, but i am out of options.. I had to tell someone of what i go trough, so why not inform you wonderful people in this wonderful community that i am still only human and that i make a ton of mistakes..  


So thanks to everyone who has been understanding towards me in game and has added to the fun i've had since i returned to Olympus, and hopefully this can shed some light on my anger issues. 


Best regards


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  • Senior Developer

Olympus actually helped me with some anger issues. The bullshit is so abundant that it becomes quite clear there's nothing you can do about it but just keep going on and laugh about it.

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Damm bud sorry to hear that man i know how it is to have cps in ur life as a kid i was a ward to the state and had cps in my life for a long time and at one point in life my wifes family are super duper Christian tried to get my kids taken away from me for smoking weed but they werent succesful just keep you head up and keep moving foward bro thats all you can do i wish you luck and i hope it works out for you man if you ever need someone to talk to just holla at ya boy in here man 

Fluffy, I'm gonna be honest, I never really knew you and just assumed you were a dick, but that's definitely changed. I'm gonna be honest, I'm giving my you mad respect. It's not easy to talk about your own problems online, especially when you go to the online communities to escape those problems. I myself have a lot of social anxiety and don't really do much outside of school related stuff and games. I think a lot of people on Olympus come here to escape their real lives but don't admit or want to talk about why they come here to escape. The fact that you were willing to share all of this shows something about you that I never saw, and I give you mad respect for sharing this with all of us.

1 hour ago, J O E said:

I am a big dumb dumbface

guess you missed it you fuck!!!


while this case in ongoing - MEANING i am fighting, we went to court and are fighting CPS like crazy cause they refuse to cooperate with us. SO don't type anything if you have nothing good to say!!! but as i said also i am not gonna go into details so don't comment if you have nothing good to type.. 

I get it, Fluffy, you've got a lot of feels. But you've said one person asked you a question and you feel the need to throw all this stuff out there to the entire community. I think you're an alright bloke, but this kinda stuff is what has in the past and continues to make you a target to people. 

I mean, you said one person asked you a question about your life - I'm not sure why that means you gotta air your dirty laundry out in the world like that. Why not sit down that specific person and explain to them? May as well paint a target on your face and say 'Mock me, please!' - you're giving people fuel. You also don't owe the world an explanation.

Olympus is not a fuzzy bunnies and hugs community. Maybe try talking to a counselor, not literally hundreds of random people on the internet who already might have negative opinions of you. My FYI is that people have been passing the link to this around and laughing about it. Just watch what you're doing, and don't complain about the inevitable repercussions.

Sorry to hear things have gone so bad for you.

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People laughing and making fun of others misfortune to make themselves feel better happens every day, i am used to it.. Truth be told, i know several people sit behind a computer screen making fun of others cause they have it equally as bad or worse and that making fun of others makes themselves feel better.. Sadly i've done that myself and it isn't worth it. 

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