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Opinion on server wipe

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I'm just curious what is everyone's opinion on the server wipe topic?

In my opinion if there is a server wipe it's not going to make much of a difference from where the server is at now. I understand people are getting bored and instead of trying something new they stick to the same old thing. To me Altis life should be more about the RP than grinding money and trying to create the biggest net worth on the server. Big gangs are still going to bring in huge amounts of money if they choose to play that way. If they choose to play this way I have nothing against it, I'm just saying most people are going to return to whatever play style they are used to. Big gangs will rob the new players. RDM isn't going to cease. Cops/players will always be trolled. I don't see how a server wipe would change any of this. If people are losing interest in the server because they have so much money that should not fall on the smaller/newer players who are trying to create new gangs and enjoy the servers. I could go on and on about how things wouldn't change but only be a temporary solution. Two or three months past the server wipe are you trying to tell me that everything wouldn't be pretty much the same?

-Everyone is entitled to an opinion so please keep it friendly in this topic

I think you have a very one sided view of how a server wipe will fix issues.  And its not surprisingly a negative one because you are going to loose something/everything.


Its clear that when the server has people with hundreds of millions of dollars that there is something wrong with the economy of the servers.  There isn't enough for people to buy, prices aren't high enough, ect ect.  When people are able to stockpile more money then they could realistically spend it behooves us to figure out where the issues lie and correct them.


I'm sure there will be some economic twerks along with the server wipe because as you say, if you don't fix the root cause, the wipe will have been done for nothing.

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the reason for the server wipe is basicly to bring more RP back when doing drugs, 

everyone is so rich now that there is no need to do drug runs and so we end up just robbing the new guys trying to do the runs!! 


i agree in so many ways that a full wipe would be good but i reckon we could see alot of the veteran players leave due to all the hard work they have put in would be lost!!

Ive heard rumors that its just a money wipe but if you guys are going to do a wipe then it should be a full wipe of money, house's and vehicles literally everything. 

i agree in so many ways that a full wipe would be good but i reckon we could see alot of the veteran players leave due to all the hard work they have put in would be lost!!


If they decide to leave then they weren't here for the RP which is the primary function of this game & servers

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I'd be down for a server wipe. Aslong as the economy is fixed beforehand because cops make a retarded amount of money just slinging in bounty's....I know its their job and how they make money but that's when the economy went for a huge shit, when vehicle capacity increased and bounty's stayed after restart.


I remember people had like 30 million and they worked there ass off for it... week later it jumped to 100million and then 500 million.


Nobody brings out the big vehicles anymore either, when i can pull my offroad or quadbike out with 200+ storage and do a run in it, why would I need a box truck.

I'd be down for a server wipe. Aslong as the economy is fixed beforehand because cops make a retarded amount of money just slinging in bounty's....I know its their job and how they make money but that's when the economy went for a huge shit, when vehicle capacity increased and bounty's stayed after restart.


I remember people had like 30 million and they worked there ass off for it... week later it jumped to 100million and then 500 million.


Nobody brings out the big vehicles anymore either, when i can pull my offroad or quadbike out with 200+ storage and do a run in it, why would I need a box truck.

You never stick to the ground anyways :)

I think you have a very one sided view of how a server wipe will fix issues.  And its not surprisingly a negative one because you are going to loose something/everything.


Its clear that when the server has people with hundreds of millions of dollars that there is something wrong with the economy of the servers.  There isn't enough for people to buy, prices aren't high enough, ect ect.  When people are able to stockpile more money then they could realistically spend it behooves us to figure out where the issues lie and correct them.


I'm sure there will be some economic twerks along with the server wipe because as you say, if you don't fix the root cause, the wipe will have been done for nothing.

First off, yes my opinion is one sided. Second, I don't care about losing my money, house, and cars. When I do play I either play on APD or R&R. I'm not in this server for the things/money I'm in the server for the RP/friendly community. I would appreciate it if you didn't look at my opinion like I'm scared to lose things.

I'm just stating that in the end Altis life is Altis life. If a new economy is put into place then I would agree that starting fresh would be a good thing. But it's like I said, eventually I believe everything would be back to the same.

Think of it like the Great Depression. The Altis stock market crashes, banks foreclose, inflation skyrockets, mass unemployment, anarchy in the streets. In comes APD to implement pretty much Martial Law, and the State appropriates all of the land, and citizens assets to pay the debt.

If I were the admins I'd tell everyone "hey, remember your massive (or small) empire built upon sin and crushing those smaller than you under your bootheel? guess what, all gone. The Government of Altis thanks you for your property and assets, of which now have been acquired by the state. You may reacquire your aforementioned by simply buying it back from the state before someone else buys it"



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I'd be down for a server wipe. Aslong as the economy is fixed beforehand because cops make a retarded amount of money just slinging in bounty's....I know its their job and how they make money but that's when the economy went for a huge shit, when vehicle capacity increased and bounty's stayed after restart.


I remember people had like 30 million and they worked there ass off for it... week later it jumped to 100million and then 500 million.


Nobody brings out the big vehicles anymore either, when i can pull my offroad or quadbike out with 200+ storage and do a run in it, why would I need a box truck.


It would be a lot cooler if when someone paid their ticket/got arrested, their bounty/percentage of ticket paid got automatically split between all the APD online at the time. It would severely cut down on how much someone makes individually as it is now.


It's not about the money at the end of the day for APD, and shouldn't be.

For me the only draw back to the wipe I see is White list ranks. As Air responder when the wipe happens I wont be able to buy my heli let alone pull it out. Hell I wont even have enough for an SUV or Hatchback. So then I suppose Ranks would need to be reset as well? Or Admins/Moderators would need to fund those High ranks with funds to purchase apropriate Vehicles and gear?


On the APD side I'm sure its the same but I am not APD an could care less. No offense to APD but it really is much easier for them to make money then anyone else.

I agree that the server is about rp but you cant get an altis life server with full rp unless its whitelisted.

We have not decided if there will in fact even be a wipe. Unless otherwise said by Poseidon or myself assume there is not going to be one. If there is going to be one then the details of it will be posted on the forums.

If there is going to ever be one the best time would be now

i mean with the map update

I don't give a fuuuuuuuuuuuuu... It's still the same fun shit. Wouldn't mind being a Kavala Scrub occasionally.. Nostalgic.

  • Head Admin

I don't give a fuuuuuuuuuuuuu... It's still the same fun shit. Wouldn't mind being a Kavala Scrub occasionally.. Nostalgic.

Where you ever not a Kavala scrub?


As for the wipe I would personally enjoy a fresh start.  That said though Blackwing Gaming, did a server wipe and their community never recovered.  Double edged swords are fun!

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I have pictures of moob with a pdw and gangbanger gear... It happened

IMHO a complete wipe would kind of be punishing people who have stuck with this server for 6+ months while rewarding the kavala trolls who just rdm people and complain they can't compete with gangs

If you guys are going to do a partial wipe (money, gear, housing, vehicle) then please pick one with a specific purpose to solve a specific problem

Suggestion: Having a Script that goes through The Database that Adds up all Assets (Ex house, Car, Inventory) then it sets your bank a a Percentage say 20%

I don't think that this would balance the current state of the economy, as some players have substantially more money than others. 

I feel there should be a server wipe of everything besides whitelisting ranks the reason being is if we wipe the whole server of everything than we put the prices up a little more for everything than it'll make people think twice of buying things and it will be nice so people don't get bored and just go troll becuase they have so much money they don't know what to do with it...

Look... here is my thought out response to all of this: I am sure this has been debated 100 times and all points have been considered but I have to ask:


What are you hoping to accomplish? Fix the game


Re-balance the economy? OK great, cut drug prices by 50%, double the cost of vehicles, reduce cop ticket prices by 75% (so cops dont get insta-rich)


What will need to be wiped? All player money, player vehicles, clean out player house inventories (do not remove existing home ownership as that is just unfair)


What will this accomplish? It will turn playing into more of a grind like a traditional MMO where you will need to play on a work vs reward system. Donors will be extremely rewarded as 4-5 times standard player income will be a huge tactical advantage in the first month.


What is the end result? Players will be forced to form together into larger gangs. Smaller groups of people will be hunted down and cannibalized. The server will be much more predatory than it already is.


What is the heart of the problem? Things went upside down when increased vehicle storage hit the server. Do we need to address upgraded vehicle storage directly or indirectly through drug weight and prices? Maybe. I think besides cops just blowing the economy up (1 asshole with a rook can generate like 500k+ in cop money) increased vehicle storage is the point when the economy went nuts as 1 guy in an upgraded hummingbird could pull down $1.2 million in moonshine in under an hour solo. I am trying to think of a real solution, but I cant. Leave vehicles in maybe? Make them more expensive to take out? Remove the ability to chop certain vehicles? This would give starting/middle income players less risk to reward ratio.


Here is my personal movie of the week story: I would spend 2 hours every morning running drugs. I would do small hatchback runs from fields to my store houses until they were full. I would then do small hatchback runs from my component houses to the processor. I would store all the processed drugs in a separate house in case cops or rebels followed me. Then I would make small runs with the processed drugs to the drug dealer. Never return to the same place more than twice. I did a lot of crystal meth because it was safe as compared to the other drugs. I would have to grind for 2 hours doing that to raise enough safety money to go rebel at night. Is that how most people approach this game? No, but its how you succeed.


Do we want a risk vs reward model? Or a time = reward model?


This is just my thought dump, i am sure people here are smarter than me and have figured this all out.

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