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I wasn't born yet, but I grew up with plenty of people who had lost a parent due to 9/11.

Never Forget

I was supposed to go to Preschool but my Mom and my Grandmother decided it wasn't the best thing.  I found out when I was with my Grandmother and her sister at the mall like we did every Tuesday morning when I was that age.  We listened to the emergency report in the car and had no way of checking with anyone in the family if they were okay, my Mom was the person in my entire family that had a cell phone at the time.  She was at work, so was my Dad.  We got to my Grandparent's house and turned the TV on.  The time was 11:30 AM EST, instead of the Price is Right being on, we watched the second plane hit the Tower.  My Grandmother grabbed me and held on to me as in that very moment, anything was possible.  We were going to all be under attack?  Were there sleeper cells?  Were there going to be nuclear attacks?  No one knew.

The rest of the day was a blur as I was 2 months away from turned 5 years old and I only remember the big moments from that time.  I remember my Dad leaving work and coming to my Grandparents house to get me.  By this time a plane had already hit the Pentagon and the 4th plane had crashed in Western PA.  With all the attacks being within hundreds of miles of us, my entire family was fearful for what could happen.  I got home and then my Mom got home after my Dad.  We ate dinner as we watched the news where we saw people jump from the Towers.  That was a growing up moment for me, I realised that this wasn't normal or right.

I was lucky that no one in my family was hurt or those that we knew weren't hurt either.  So tonight, if you're eating dinner with your family or eating alone.  Just remember all those that were lost and those that were fighting to save them.

Ps. Sorry for the long post but figured I'd share my experience as some of the people this community either weren't born or don't remember 9/11.

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Awful that we have to remember such a tragic event today. I wish nothing did happen, and September 11 would just be a normal day.

Thank you all military and first responders for doing your job and keeping our country safe. And RIP to the people that perished on that day.

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i was in 8th grade when this went down... i grew up in NJ in a town where most kids parent(s) commuted to NYC...ill never forget that announcement 


i belive the one that crashed in pa was aimed at my nuclear reactor which was across the lake from me. (erie) im still afraid of that thing which you can see everyday on the drive

18 minutes ago, Bahamut said:

i belive the one that crashed in pa was aimed at my nuclear reactor which was across the lake from me. (erie) im still afraid of that thing which you can see everyday on the drive

The report read that it was supposed to go to the White House but the flight was late and the passengers were fighting the terrorists to take the flight back over. 

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I was in 4th grade watching it on our school's television and watching my teacher cry as they replayed the same clip of the planes hitting the towers over and over again.

Canadian, but it still struck Canada just as hard.


Had a lot of family go over to Afghanistan when the US first started putting the hurt back on them.

And I followed 10 years afterwards.

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Lets take a moment and send a prayer to those that risked their lives and those whom lives were lost....  Life is good take advantage of it before the last moment.

Amen thank you for all those that prayed..

Edited by SuprisedAlpha
46 minutes ago, ThatNerdyGuy said:

The report read that it was supposed to go to the White House but the flight was late and the passengers were fighting the terrorists to take the flight back over. 

i know there was one but im not sure which

47 minutes ago, ThatNerdyGuy said:

the passengers were fighting the terrorists to take the flight back over. 

@source please.

Just now, HunterBklyn said:

He's correct, that did happen on one of the planes.

@source please.

8 years old. Pulled out of class and gathered in cafeteria until my mom came and got me. She tried to explain it but all that really stuck with me was "Sometimes very bad people do very bad things. Today was a day that this happened."  Simple but as an 8 year old it helped me understand it.  I followed the story like everyone else and every time I watched a video or heard about it, it struck me as very very tragic and eye opening. Everything changed on 9/11. Living through it, you just knew that this was something different, insane, and catastrophic. Still is. Especially being on the East Coast and living only a few hours from the areas being hit.

Rest in Peace. God bless the heroes that day that did everything they could to help.

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3 minutes ago, ThatNerdyGuy said:

@Corporal Moob here you are

I read it, I misread the OP, I thought you were referring to the planes that struck the towers.

  • Like 1
  • Hmm 1

Everything I ever needed to know about Islam I learned on 9/11.


3 hours ago, ThatNerdyGuy said:

The report read that it was supposed to go to the White House but the flight was late and the passengers were fighting the terrorists to take the flight back over. 

That was "Flight 93". They crashed in Somerset County, Pennsylvania. 

Edited by Luke Duke

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