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Why Do People Hate Vigilantes So Much?


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I understand getting vigied sucks and is annoying. Though you make bank off of vigi. Does anyone have a good reason why Vigilantes are so bad. So many people say vigilantes are retarded and dumb, though thats all salt. Does anybody have a good reason why they are bad.

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People don't like them because they send them to jail and take their bounty. When people don't like something they call them names.

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Noone likes being in jail and when it comes to vigi's they have barely any rules surrounding them so they can camp redzones, camp rebels, war people and all that stuff compared to cops making it a shitstorm.

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Can't pay for your super low bounty and get sent to jail and as a result losing your loadout, illegal items, licenses etc.

44 minutes ago, Thick Mans said:

Because they are the rats of the sever.


43 minutes ago, SPBojo said:

Noone likes being in jail and when it comes to vigi's they have barely any rules surrounding them so they can camp redzones, camp rebels, war people and all that stuff compared to cops making it a shitstorm.


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None likes vigis because when you get arrested by one there's no player to player interactions its just here's your charges now have fun in jail. Compared to getting arrest by cops there is an oppruitunty to get a possible lower ticket or even if that does not happen that player to player interaction is still fun, for me at least.

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8 minutes ago, Trent. said:

None likes vigis because when you get arrested by one there's no player to player interactions its just here's your charges now have fun in jail. Compared to getting arrest by cops there is an oppruitunty to get a possible lower ticket or even if that does not happen that player to player interaction is still fun, for me at least.


1 hour ago, ALLAH SAVE ME said:

Can't pay for your super low bounty and get sent to jail and as a result losing your loadout, illegal items, licenses etc.

i understand going for lower bounties, because these days being a vigi is hard, you have people who dont want to vigi with you so you're a solo vs the world, you have the fact that just to get off the dumbass pistol is 15 arrests and then you can't even get the lvl 3 vest? its a pain in the ass to be a vigilante, but you still make hella money and making hella money is hella worth if you can't get cop, i mean i myself am a vigilante and these days the only people i vigi, are like 1-2 mils and i usually ask them if they want to be vigi'd and i let them store there gear, rdmers who have pdws and 90k and if i get lucky 200k bounties, and people who just initiate cause im a vigi and then get dicked.


1 hour ago, SPBojo said:

Noone likes being in jail and when it comes to vigi's they have barely any rules surrounding them so they can camp redzones, camp rebels, war people and all that stuff compared to cops making it a shitstorm.

those are the rattiest of the rats (although I really don't see the problem with wars, i mean yeah they can KOS but most have pistols to sting due to 5.56 taser being 75 arrests)

Vigis mostly only stay in kavala, if people hate them so much i dont see why people get so salty on this server because the way of life someone has chosen to RP. It happens and it is so easy to avoid this situation.

Some vigis like nugget are fine but most people hate vigies bc tasers are op and alot of people rdm with vigi 

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