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House Raiding Debate

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On 3/17/2019 at 6:29 AM, RDyer216 said:

As much as I hate to admit that asylum is better than Olympus in anyway, this is straight facts!


go to asylum then you act as if you can't be replaced

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27 minutes ago, Kamikaze said:

go to asylum then you act as if you can't be replaced

Not sure why you made this comment, but I am well aware that I am replaceable 

1 hour ago, Lex yo said:

retard right here

your whole career on this server is based around pressing windows key I wouldn't be calling anyone retarded but yourself

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2 hours ago, an overweight giant retard said:

Correct, as it should be. Would make literally 0 sense to give players the ability to put something in their house without a chance of losing it...simply because we “weren’t engaged”.

Also, IRL, if a cop saw you putting an *entire tempest device* worth of weed/meth/coke in your house

there’d be a lot more than a simple search warrant, bud

If a cop saw this, he would be calling backup and dealing with it immediately. Not wait for the person to leave to then search the house and not attempt to apprehend the person commiting the crime. Id be fine with my house being searched if the cops saw me storing a tempest of drugs, attempted to stop me, and I slaughtered the cops and left after storing the drugs. The problem lies with cops having a "house map" and camping houses, not intending to actually catch anyone and take them in, but just watching so they can wait for someone to leave and take the drugs the easy way while avoiding any RP or conflict.

Also the problem lies in the fact that if someone simply walks into a house it can be searched, regardless of any other factors, their house or not. This is horrible for scats, which is a huge portion of the community.

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3 hours ago, an overweight giant retard said:

Also, IRL, if a cop saw you putting an *entire tempest device* worth of weed/meth/coke in your house

there’d be a lot more than a simple search warrant, bud

But how does the officer know what’s in the tempest?  Is driving a tempest illegal?  Is owning a house near an illegal area illegal?  Where’s the probable cause?

Yes, if the vehicle was observed entering or exiting an illegal area, and followed continuously or a tracker was placed on it, then I agree that this is a reason for a search.

I believe the discussion here is that opening a door should not be grounds for search.  Having a name over a players head, should not be grounds for engagement.  I understand that if a person is being super difficult, then yes, you can use the name over their head to get things moving.  I understand this server is light RP, but it should not be No RP.  

I personally player in full ghillie and pilot helmet on all the time.  I should not be recognizable by a “poster”.  

23 minutes ago, RDyer216 said:

I believe the discussion here is that opening a door should not be grounds for search.  Having a name over a players head, should not be grounds for engagement.

Why shouldn't opening a door when you have a bounty, or an illegal weapon, warrant probable cause to search a house? It's no different from a vehicle.

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20 minutes ago, an overweight giant retard said:

Why shouldn't opening a door when you have a bounty, or an illegal weapon, warrant probable cause to search a house? It's no different from a vehicle.

Illegal vehicle should be allowed.

Illegal gun should be allowed, but if stated earlier that many APD members think a spar-16 is illegal.  If my house got raided cause I opened the door with a spar-16, it would be pretty BS.

Bounty should not be enough of a reason.  Who doesn’t have a 30k bounty.  How do you know they have a bounty? You haven’t confirmed their identity yet.

Opening a door itself shouldn’t be enough to search.  Something should happen for a search to be warranted.  

10 minutes ago, RDyer216 said:

Illegal gun should be allowed, but if stated earlier that many APD members think a spar-16 is illegal.  If my house got raided cause I opened the door with a spar-16, it would be pretty BS.

The people that would be raiding your house know the difference. 

On 3/16/2019 at 1:32 PM, ehKyler said:

So yesterday I was chillin in DP 11, when a cop car was coming up from the distance, not code 3 or anything. I see that I have a 173k bounty and an illegal weapon so I run through through my house, in through the front door and out the back, keep in mind they weren't initiated on me, or said anything to me. I didn't store anything in my house, or take anything out I didn't even look in the trunk. All I did was run through my house. Next thing you know my house is being raided, doors broken down and I was like okay thats fine they wont find me there. THEN I GET A MESSAGE SAYING THEY ARE SEARCHING MY HOUSE, and they ended up seizing 8 mil worth of drugs.

I just think that the house raiding probable cause is kind of stupid and should be nerfed, for all they know I could have been at someone else's house with keys, or cops can just CAMP for hours at a house with a lot of drugs and just siezing everything after seeing someone come out the front door when they re-spawned, and the fact that I wasn't even in the house or initiated makes it 10x worse, and I was veryyy upset.

I think the rule should be changed if the cops visibly see someone accessing the house, or if they go in and come out with a different load out, or if the cops are initiated on you and you lock the doors. etc should be probable cause. However not being initiated and running THROUGH your house shouldn't be probable cause, because they shouldn't have the need to search the house if no one is in it.

Opinions? +1 or -1


Edited by SixNain
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Heres my 2 cents :

House raiding is too op and gives SAPD the ability to potentially destroy a civs in game career over something as stupid as opening a door at the wrong time while being stalked by a sarge. There should be a limit of some kind implemented so that you cant go losing 30 mil worth of gear because you had a 30k bounty and you opened your door while a cop was watching. Maybe if they made it so that they cant take absolutely everything, just some of the stuff. just my opinion on the matter


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17 minutes ago, SixNain said:


So never open your house?  Almost everyone meets this criteria in one way or another 

What about add something like civs have for doing a blackwater, a charge needs to be placed by the apd to break open the houses "vault", this would  add a timer and give give the civ the opportunity to defend their house during a raid. 

just add the blasting charge to sAPD market

6 minutes ago, MBPslyr said:

What about add something like civs have for doing a blackwater, a charge needs to be placed by the apd to break open the houses "vault", this would  add a timer and give give the civ the opportunity to defend their house during a raid. 

just add the blasting charge to sAPD market

If I’m not mistaken, APD can raid for 30 minutes after you log off? 

3 minutes ago, RDyer216 said:

If I’m not mistaken, APD can raid for 30 minutes after you log off? 

45 after probable cause is given

apd shouldnt even know where your house is, thats using player knowledge which is META. 

if someone is camping a house they should be demoted, change my mind

3 minutes ago, SixNain said:

with cops near u

You can almost never know nowadays since we have some SAPD who like to sit and wait for hours on end just to catch someone using a house to raid it.

2 minutes ago, SixNain said:

with cops near u

So a big issue throughout this thread has been the mention of sAPD camping houses and sheds.  Waiting for the player to fk up.  If you’re just playing and open a door and have no idea sAPD is watching, then ur fked.  

4 minutes ago, KrispyK said:

apd shouldnt even know where your house is, thats using player knowledge which is META. 

if someone is camping a house they should be demoted, change my mind

This has been a thing that was openly displayed in other posts.  I’m sure pinpointing the exact person who is doing it would be impossible.clearly it is done by some though.

9 minutes ago, RDyer216 said:

So a big issue throughout this thread has been the mention of sAPD camping houses and sheds.  Waiting for the player to fk up.  If you’re just playing and open a door and have no idea sAPD is watching, then ur fked.  

This has been a thing that was openly displayed in other posts.  I’m sure pinpointing the exact person who is doing it would be impossible.clearly it is done by some though.

usually a corp or a po. not hard to identify

7 minutes ago, KrispyK said:

usually a corp or a po. not hard to identify

Ur joking right? K picture this, I’m coming back from a run, drive to my shed and see no cars around and not previously engaged.  Open my doors and next thing I know my sheds being searched.  

Reason?  My shed is being camped my a senior.  How do they know where it is? Meta I would assume because nonprevious engagement.  How do they know to camp? Player list I would assume because again, no previous engagement.

This has happened to my gang because an unwanted player, doing a legal run with no bounty and WPL, had an MK-1 on his back.  Had only been on for a short while.  Hadn’t robbed anyone of seen anyone.  He opened the gang shed door with a MK-1 on his back!!!  Reason for search? Gtfo.

6 minutes ago, RDyer216 said:

Ur joking right? K picture this, I’m coming back from a run, drive to my shed and see no cars around and not previously engaged.  Open my doors and next thing I know my sheds being searched.  

Reason?  My shed is being camped my a senior.  How do they know where it is? Meta I would assume because nonprevious engagement.  How do they know to camp? Player list I would assume because again, no previous engagement.

This has happened to my gang because an unwanted player, doing a legal run with no bounty and WPL, had an MK-1 on his back.  Had only been on for a short while.  Hadn’t robbed anyone of seen anyone.  He opened the gang shed door with a MK-1 on his back!!!  Reason for search? Gtfo.

Gl proofing meta lol

2 hours ago, RDyer216 said:

Ur joking right? K picture this, I’m coming back from a run, drive to my shed and see no cars around and not previously engaged.  Open my doors and next thing I know my sheds being searched.  

Reason?  My shed is being camped my a senior.  How do they know where it is? Meta I would assume because nonprevious engagement.  How do they know to camp? Player list I would assume because again, no previous engagement.

This has happened to my gang because an unwanted player, doing a legal run with no bounty and WPL, had an MK-1 on his back.  Had only been on for a short while.  Hadn’t robbed anyone of seen anyone.  He opened the gang shed door with a MK-1 on his back!!!  Reason for search? Gtfo.

Bitch tard im making that point monkey ass brain dead retard look above next time

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