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APD amounts

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4 minutes ago, JuanDeaged said:

Just saying if y’all do reduce payments make it different for PO’s and Deps vs Corps and higher bc my dumbass gotta pay for all these god damn orcas

Learn how to fly pleb xd

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I don’t want this to happen as I enjoy cop a lot more than CIV but the only real way to cut down on having many APD members online at any given time is having a system that will figure out the percentage of CIVs online versus how many cop slots there can be open. 

I still think it would be shit and deter people from playing cop all together as it just wouldn’t be fair to not being able to play the faction you want to play. 

I strongly believe if there is so much issue around there being so many APD online then wasteland is a much better option for you. 

Arma is declining in pop. Asylum has maybe 80 players online tops on weekend. We still have over 130 players online between the two servers (for the most part). It’s not Olympus, people just get bored and move on to different things. 


This is a cops versus robbers game mode guys. 

There just needs to be more activities for CIVs to do I believe. 

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8 hours ago, sploding said:

I'm very glad to hear that, if the forums and civ council releases were the only thing to go off of it would seem they hate each other, a decent amount of Jr APD I've interacted with believe the council wants to effectively end the PD and I'm happy to hear that's not the truth.

Couldn't be further from the truth. At no time since the civilian councils inception, almost a year a go now, have we gone out of our way to implement something we thought would help "end" the APD. We've always been about balanced and fair gameplay.

7 hours ago, Informing said:

Yeah okay i agree shutting down the apps is a bit too much but reducing the payments even more is maybe not the right idea like if they already reduced it by allot than i dont know...

We reduced the tickets by 15%. Clearly this wasn't enough.

7 hours ago, JuanDeaged said:

Just saying if y’all do reduce payments make it different for PO’s and Deps vs Corps and higher bc my dumbass gotta pay for all these god damn orcas

8 hours ago, sploding said:

In light of these findings I am strongly in favour of simultaneously reducing lethal money and enacting paycuts across the board, but I still believe those measures will only be a bandaid and for a permanent fix the Civ Council and Sr APD must put aside their differences and work in good faith to reach a permanent solution equitable to both parties.

For me the biggest issue is the APD's mobility and speed in which they cross the map to find individuals. Scout planes are too prevelant now that there are so many active corporals. I'm never going to suggest removing planes from the APD but certainly limiting their use to specific cases is likely a must. Once you reduce the APD payouts I think we'll just encourage the APD to find and supress civilians even more than they do now just to make up from the lost income.

Scout Orcas costing a good amount of money is necessary for balance in my opinion. We all know how aids it is to get dropped on by an Orca full of APD behind cover, not sure I want to encourage that with cheaper vehicles. Ask yourself if you want to get dropped on while your doing a run by as many cheap Orcas as the APD can afford?

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5 hours ago, Mr Majestic said:

Scout planes are too prevelant now that there are so many active corporals. I'm never going to suggest removing planes from the APD but certainly limiting their use to specific cases is likely a must.

+1 removing planes from CPLs, they're way too fast and even using them on APD isn't fun.  Planes should at least be limited to sAPD only.  🙂

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14 hours ago, billdroid said:

Bottom line: 

not enough people playing the server = dead server 

so fix it tysm

And idk about u guys but cop doesn’t really make much money lately since there is barely anybody with bounties on the server. People nowadays aren’t playing cop for money. They are just using this time to grind for ranks because there is not much else to do on the server. The only way to get the server back to being populated and fun is for people to stop sitting on cop and make gangs that actually do stuff.

THIS ^^^^. Everyone in this thread is talking about nerfing the money cop earns to reduce playersize but I don't think that will have a real impact at all. I think there just needs to be more gangs or more things to grind on civ. Nerf the amount of money I get on cop I'll just play more cop, but give me some fights or something new or interesting to do on civ and maybe I'll hop on there. I understand this isn't an easy solution but I do think Bill is right on the money here with why so many people play cop these days and isn't all about the money.

Edited by SystemChips
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We shouldn't reward cops for having to lethal someone period. Lethaling should be a last resort "we have to stop these motherfuckers at all costs situation."

Cops should HAVE to try and be smart and figure out how to capture the criminals instead of always jumping to lethals simply because it's super easy and they make tons from it. I'm not saying take away lethaling, or even change the requirements to lethal.. I'm just saying they deserve nothing if they cannot capture the criminals.

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19 minutes ago, |REAL| Boing said:

We shouldn't reward cops for having to lethal someone period. Lethaling should be a last resort "we have to stop these motherfuckers at all costs situation."

Cops should HAVE to try and be smart and figure out how to capture the criminals instead of always jumping to lethals simply because it's super easy and they make tons from it. I'm not saying take away lethaling, or even change the requirements to lethal.. I'm just saying they deserve nothing if they cannot capture the criminals.

I like the idea boing, buttttttttt to roleplay

On 11/16/2019 at 12:20 PM, Informing said:

Honestly they really should start limitting the amount of cops being let in to the APD like nowadays like 1/4 of the players online are cops currently at this time CEST 7:18PM there is 8 cops online on server 1 47 people online total on the server and 10 cops on server 2 while there is 55 people online total like thats so many cops for a server thats really been having a hard time having a good population on the servers like having a good population while having most of the people on that time are cops isn't really a good population to me... Who fills in with me on this?

Truthfully that's not really that many. Most group up anyways and just move as one big group. The cops who do separate from those groups (me for example) are usually the ones who patrol cities and the MSR. 

8 hours ago, ChillX said:

I like the idea boing, buttttttttt to roleplay

This argument is invalid. Lethaling clears an individual's bounty and thus eliminates any need to process a person, completely doing away with role playing part of a cop's job, which is processing.

On 11/16/2019 at 10:20 AM, Informing said:

Honestly they really should start limitting the amount of cops being let in to the APD like nowadays like 1/4 of the players online are cops currently at this time CEST 7:18PM there is 8 cops online on server 1 47 people online total on the server and 10 cops on server 2 while there is 55 people online total like thats so many cops for a server thats really been having a hard time having a good population on the servers like having a good population while having most of the people on that time are cops isn't really a good population to me... Who fills in with me on this?

Ez solution. Limit the number of cops aloud in a red zone. at a time. Rebels obviously being different amounts, but this way you cant get gang banged by 10 cops. 

On 11/16/2019 at 1:20 PM, Informing said:

Honestly they really should start limitting the amount of cops being let in to the APD like nowadays like 1/4 of the players online are cops currently at this time CEST 7:18PM there is 8 cops online on server 1 47 people online total on the server and 10 cops on server 2 while there is 55 people online total like thats so many cops for a server thats really been having a hard time having a good population on the servers like having a good population while having most of the people on that time are cops isn't really a good population to me... Who fills in with me on this?

agreed/ cops should be capped on each server - based on the IN GAME  player base. Maybe make it 10-20% idk

On 11/16/2019 at 1:31 PM, Vigi Gang said:

Then do legal runs

Dont be one of those people. Many people on the server know it takes too long and legal runs are not worth it. On top of the fact you can still get robbed by other gangs and if you  have lgeal guns and cars you dont stand a chance. Any real person who does runs to make money knows. I think they should maybe even buff legal or illegal runs. Most players play medic and cops to make money and to log on hours. So if we buff the amount of money civs make more people will play civ. We also need to make a max money made by cops. So when the price goes up cops also dont make more. I have predicted this from when I started playing by this server is very cop based when it should be civ based. That will be and has been the death of this server. Sad to see. 

On 11/16/2019 at 2:54 PM, Sagebrush said:

if you actually know how to do runs, those lazy doughnut eaters will never find you, get gud at doing runs. ive literally done massive illegal runs with 15+cops on a 45 person server.

Ive see someone tell me this and when they showed me what they did to "be good at pressing windows key and hiding" I saw that they has max houses just for one runs and at any sign of trouble they just bailed. They even had 2 spotters for them. In the end it took him 3 hours to do a run that should take 30 mins. Not worth it in my op

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On 11/16/2019 at 3:48 PM, [SC] Upsurge said:

There should be like a cop to civ amount allowed, like a 1 cop to every 4 civs, or like a rule if there's a certain amount of cops on they have NLR sense its already like a real police force

Been saying this for time. with the NLR. apparently thats never gonna happen even though ive explained to staff and apd members that it would solve everything.


Also all the butthurt apd always tell me that its sizing up the real life police force. but they dont understand its just a video game



BUTTTTT since facts dont care about your feelings let me show ya some




what to take note at here is that police per 100K people




Being that the average was around 350 that means that 350/100,000


= 0.0035 % Cops per population.


THAT MEANS if you want a real representation of cops


on a server of 100 people there should be maybe one cop or 0.35 cops on

like LMAO


stop using this as an argument its a video game there isnt a real life size of the force its bull shit.


Even at the biggest possible number which is 15,000 - 1 its still only 15%. This is obviously an outlier as these police are there to protect the pope. and the vatican city (which I have been there) is very very small and doesnt have many people at all.

On 11/16/2019 at 5:40 PM, ThatNerdyGuy said:

I've noticed a bunch of cops on recently, we've tried to lower the amount of cops on my reducing the minimums. Unfortunately we aren't going to tell people to log off the game if there are plenty on, Senior APD can redeploy across servers so it balances out in some sense. However, I'm not sure that there is a clear way to limit the amount of cops online but also allow them to hit their times. That issue comes from people only being able to play at certain times of the week.

Just a heads up i think the redeployment this is dogshit.


they SAPD just sabotage the enture thing and abuse it. Many time when I am trying to do a fed I see

3 cops server 1

4 cops server 2

18 cops server 3.


LIKE SO MUCH FOR RE DEPLOYING. I have waited over 4 hours for them to switch and nothing happens. so you are forced to not do one or face 15 SAPD.

I have even gone as far to has someone go in as an apd and ask why its so even evenly distributed and the said to stop feds and because we want to play together. Like that doesn't justify an uneven balance. But I find it more bullshit when you say oh lets start a run on server 1. Then 10 mins 1 cop spots you and all of a sudden your server is stacked...



On 11/16/2019 at 6:19 PM, JuanDeaged said:

Yea lemme just 1v10 the cops

I Agree with this. First off fighting off 10 cops when ur by youself makes its very hard. I think already its hard to hold the processors. They really need to fix this because its easier to attack them then defend because you know most of them even if they have guards outside must be in the pro area to do stuff.


Fixes to this could be to increase power of defenders and make it so you pro without sitting 5 M away from the dude. Maybe make it so you can pro 150M or in the whole redzone.


I can say from personal experience its easier to raid a run then to defend it.

On 11/16/2019 at 7:18 PM, Richard said:

Not a good idea to stop people from playing a dead game.  I agree that the ratio is off, but closing apps isn’t the way to do it.

Lowering the pay may discourage help with the issue.  Would need to see some numbers before justifying this though.

I agree you shouldnt close applications but this is part of the reason why its a dead game. If they revived gang life I can personal unsure lots of people would play again but this isnt the case. 

On 11/16/2019 at 7:35 PM, ThatNerdyGuy said:

Here would be what I'd recommend for the jail money amounts:

50% for 3 or more cops

33% for 2 cops

24% for one cop

so 2 things. I dont think more cops should get more money. If 1 cop takes down an entire gang good form him he should get the mill bounty. If it took the entire police fore to take down  2 guys worth a mill I dont think that should be boosted. Secondly if you want this to be more realistic I dont think lower ranks should make more money then hire ranks. If they do everyone (like what is happening now) will just become robo cop PO's.


So high ranks should make more and lower ranks should put in the hours to make more. This will decrease the number of cops that will also want to play as there ROI is lower in the short term.


This would kill 2 bird with one stone

On 11/18/2019 at 11:29 AM, ChillX said:

I like the idea boing, buttttttttt to roleplay

You dont need to roleplay. In the police we have IRL there last resort is to shot. Why make it so if your loosing you just lethal right aways its stupid. I agree we need to make them fight smarter. I did an experiment and without NLR and no cost of gear sets the cops just keep coming back. I could take a cartel with a pdub if I had unlimite lives and 10 spawns on the map. It doesnt matter how good of a player you are. This isnt like a battle ground game where you get more loot for killing people and its not like a cs game that makes a playing field equal.

1 hour ago, PURE P.K said:

agreed/ cops should be capped on each server - based on the IN GAME  player base. Maybe make it 10-20% idk

Dont be one of those people. Many people on the server know it takes too long and legal runs are not worth it. On top of the fact you can still get robbed by other gangs and if you  have lgeal guns and cars you dont stand a chance. Any real person who does runs to make money knows. I think they should maybe even buff legal or illegal runs. Most players play medic and cops to make money and to log on hours. So if we buff the amount of money civs make more people will play civ. We also need to make a max money made by cops. So when the price goes up cops also dont make more. I have predicted this from when I started playing by this server is very cop based when it should be civ based. That will be and has been the death of this server. Sad to see. 

Ive see someone tell me this and when they showed me what they did to "be good at pressing windows key and hiding" I saw that they has max houses just for one runs and at any sign of trouble they just bailed. They even had 2 spotters for them. In the end it took him 3 hours to do a run that should take 30 mins. Not worth it in my op

I use tempests pussy and solo, i dont use spotters, in a single solo run i make about 4 mill, takes about 4 hours of work tho.

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