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Police miss use of ghost hawk

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  • Lead Map Designer
1 hour ago, Y A Y O said:

I agree, it's not very hard to win against cops, most of the time. I'm arguing about the patrolling in ghost hawks, pulling 20 hunters last wave, on federal events, and overall experience of the server.

If I lose a my boxtruck of moonshine, whatever, buy another and start proing from gang shed again, if a new player loses his 2 hours worth of getting his box truck, then figuring out how to pick something, then something going terribly wrong? They will never hop on the server again. And that's assuming they even make it to the part of owning a box truck.

Still complaints about APD pulling hunters I see.  The APD has mostly only been pulling mass amounts of Hunters in response to the insanely Civ sided Blackwater, even with the Hunters being pulled the win rate for Civs is 78%.  

As for new players losing their trucks, if they're new and have limited vehicles they shouldn't be doing illegal runs, just because they are new doesn't mean the APD should let them get away with illegal runs, it's a part of the game.

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8 minutes ago, Zeuse said:

Still complaints about APD pulling hunters I see.  The APD has mostly only been pulling mass amounts of Hunters in response to the insanely Civ sided Blackwater, even with the Hunters being pulled the win rate for Civs is 78%.  

As for new players losing their trucks, if they're new and have limited vehicles they shouldn't be doing illegal runs, just because they are new doesn't mean the APD should let them get away with illegal runs, it's a part of the game.

Completely agree that blackwater has been civ sided, however it's been adjusted. We'll just have to wait and see how this new update pans out.

  • Lead Map Designer
2 minutes ago, Y A Y O said:

Completely agree that blackwater has been civ sided, however it's been patched. We'll just have to wait and see how this new update pans out.

Then stop bringing up the same arguments about Hunters which are only really relative to Blackwaters, thanks.

3 minutes ago, Zeuse said:

Then stop bringing up the same arguments about Hunters which are only really relative to Blackwaters, thanks.

Hunters are definitely not only relative to bw's, last time I did a fed and got out with some good gold I had a solid amount of ghawks, hunters, and striders pulled.

Would you like to talk about the ghosthawks being pulled by sAPD as if they're hatchbacks. I understand the "high gang activity" isn't specified in the handbook, but it really should be.

The only reason it might seem to hunters being more relative to bw's is because for the past few weeks bw's have been getting smashed by civ, in a quantitative relation to feds at least.

  • Lead Map Designer
6 minutes ago, Y A Y O said:

Hunters are definitely not only relative to bw's, last time I did a fed and got out with some good gold I had a solid amount of ghawks, hunters, and striders pulled.


10 hours ago, Y A Y O said:

Sorry to say I can't remember the last time I completed a fed successfully

Is this still relevant today then?

7 minutes ago, Y A Y O said:

Would you like to talk about the ghosthawks being pulled by sAPD as if they're hatchbacks. I understand the "high gang activity" isn't specified in the handbook, but it really should be.

Not everything can be written down, that's why it has been left to SAPD members to determine "high gang activity", which seems fine to me.  Personally I rarely pull Ghosthawks, I prefer to drive around in hatchbacks, a lot of other SAPD members are the same.

11 minutes ago, Y A Y O said:

The only reason it might seem to hunters being more relative to bw's is because for the past few weeks bw's have been getting smashed by civ, in a quantitative relation to feds at least.

Going to be honest, I can't remember the last time I saw more than a few Hunters at most pulled for a Fed.  A couple months ago sure, they were definitely a problem then, but since the SAPD has cut down on the Hunter usage at Feds.

1 hour ago, AlwaysBaked said:

"Exner if you go after me for this one little thing, i'm going to get all of your gang members banned" LOL

yup exactly what I get threatened with all them time

3 hours ago, Y A Y O said:

Completely agree that blackwater has been civ sided, however it's been adjusted. We'll just have to wait and see how this new update pans out.

It's going to be adjusted in a couple of weeks when the update is out. For now, it stays the same.

15 hours ago, rabid said:



LMFAOOOOO The irony couldn't be better ik those ALF kids are heated I can feel it on the next page of the thread. 

I Have noticed a pattern in posts similar to this one about the APD Breaking rules or doing something against the handbook. And there is a problem with this pattern. It is that People are making claims about APD members breaking rules or doing stuff that can get them banned/Rank Ripped and then getting their friends to +1 it or comment on it, to make it seem like its actually happening. I don't know the logic and I don't understand it. I guess people think, if enough people complain about it,  something will be done about it. And I am not going to lie but its getting really annoying seeing a zerg of people come onto the forums and just throw claims around left and right without providing definitive Evidence/Proof. Now granted some people do and I totally respect that, props to those guys. The same people (ones making claims with no proof) will also post short videos claiming it to be evidence when in fact it doesn't even show the whole situation nor does it have the context to explain it (because its too short). And the same people will be quick to ALT F10 and report the randy from asylum that just logged in to RDM Everyone moving in kav square. Stop with the he said/she said bullshit, you cant bullshit a bullshitter. IF you THINK someone broke a rule or did something that goes against any whitelist handbook REPORT IT. Remember guys if you want to report someone click the support tab in the forums! Lastly if you want to call ppl or things out on the forums get real proof otherwise you are all clowning yourselves. This isn't the #MeTooMovement its a forum for a server on a video game. 


TLDR: If you are going to accuse people of breaking rules or accuse an Member of the APD "dOInG sUs tHIngS" Bring forth Definitive Full Contextual video and submit a Report/IA. Don't Make Claims that you 100% cannot support.  

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24 minutes ago, BillyBobJoe said:

LMFAOOOOO The irony couldn't be better ik those ALF kids are heated I can feel it on the next page of the thread. 

No ones heated. We want the server to be a fair and better place. Having APD try and brag or show they can break rules here. Makes players leave. I have stood up for the server. To keep players here. But its players like you that have been pushing them off the server for fair to long. I don’t think I will be standing up for the server anymore. 

1 minute ago, BillyBobJoe said:

I Have noticed a pattern in posts similar to this one about the APD Breaking rules or doing something against the handbook. And there is a problem with this pattern. It is that People are making claims about APD members breaking rules or doing stuff that can get them banned/Rank Ripped and then getting their friends to +1 it or comment on it, to make it seem like its actually happening. I don't know the logic and I don't understand it. I guess people think, if enough people complain about it,  something will be done about it. And I am not going to lie but its getting really annoying seeing a zerg of people come onto the forums and just throw claims around left and right without providing definitive Evidence/Proof. Now granted some people do and I totally respect that, props to those guys. The same people (ones making claims with no proof) will also post short videos claiming it to be evidence when in fact it doesn't even show the whole situation nor does it have the context to explain it (because its too short). And the same people will be quick to ALT F10 and report the randy from asylum that just logged in to RDM Everyone moving in kav square. Stop with the he said/she said bullshit, you cant bullshit a bullshitter. IF you THINK someone broke a rule or did something that goes against any whitelist handbook REPORT IT. Remember guys if you want to report someone click the support tab in the forums! Lastly if you want to call ppl or things out on the forums get real proof otherwise you are all clowning yourselves. This isn't the #MeTooMovement its a forum for a server on a video game. 


TLDR: If you are going to accuse people of breaking rules or accuse an Member of the APD "dOInG sUs tHIngS" Bring forth Definitive Full Contextual video and submit a Report/IA. Don't Make Claims that you 100% cannot support.  

Did you not watch the video? Your not very observant are you? 

9 hours ago, ThatNerdyGuy said:

certain individuals would camp and shed and get a watchtogether of YouTube videos going.


@ChrisGG @Hoonter

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2 hours ago, BillyBobJoe said:

LMFAOOOOO The irony couldn't be better ik those ALF kids are heated I can feel it on the next page of the thread. 

who said we were heated? i even suggested the picture. xD


Edited by Bad Weed Dealer
4 hours ago, Exner21 said:

No ones heated. We want the server to be a fair and better place. Having APD try and brag or show they can break rules here. Makes players leave. I have stood up for the server. To keep players here. But its players like you that have been pushing them off the server for fair to long. I don’t think I will be standing up for the server anymore. 

Did you not watch the video? Your not very observant are you? 

Sorry dude but I watched your video and I didn't see any broken rules

11 hours ago, Y A Y O said:

I agree, it's not very hard to win against cops, most of the time. I'm arguing about the patrolling in ghost hawks, pulling 20 hunters last wave, on federal events, and overall experience of the server.

If I lose a my boxtruck of moonshine, whatever, buy another and start proing from gang shed again, if a new player loses his 2 hours worth of getting his box truck, then figuring out how to pick something, then something going terribly wrong? They will never hop on the server again. And that's assuming they even make it to the part of owning a box truck.

ghosthawks are a sergeant+ thing, patrolling in a hawk isn't the most frequent thing, and while yes when it happens it can be annoying, but why should we limit them from using the vehicles/gear they've put thousands of hours working towards?

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49 minutes ago, m o n s t e r said:

ghosthawks are a sergeant+ thing, patrolling in a hawk isn't the most frequent thing, and while yes when it happens it can be annoying, but why should we limit them from using the vehicles/gear they've put thousands of hours working towards?

Just because you work thousands of hours towards something shouldn't make it balanced. I'm not here to argue whether or not they deserve their rank, I'm arguing about making the server balanced.

The argument you just gave is completely off topic and ignorant.

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14 hours ago, Y A Y O said:

I'm arguing about the patrolling in ghost hawks

nothing i said was off topic, you were arguing about patrolling in ghawks (as you mentions here) and i argued back saying we shouldn't limit what gear people use after they have grinded thousands of hours, they should be allowed to use the gear they earned so long as they follow the rules, and contrary to popular beliefs, just because there is a ghosthawk, doesn't instantly make everything unbalanced, they are actually quite easy to counter if you have half a braincell.

Just now, m o n s t e r said:

nothing i said was off topic, you were arguing about patrolling in ghawks (as you mentions here) and i argued back saying we shouldn't limit what gear people use after they have grinded thousands of hours, they should be allowed to use the gear they earned so long as they follow the rules, and contrary to popular beliefs, just because there is a ghosthawk, doesn't instantly make everything unbalanced, they are actually quite easy to counter if you have half a braincell.

At this point I'm not going to bother arguing with you, just because someone has put a tremendous amount of time into a game, doesn't instantly make it "ok" for them to do what they please with what they have unlocked given that time put in and the rank they have achieved. The seniors aren't breaking rules because the rules aren't specified. Of course I wouldn't ask to specify every rule but there are some things such as "high gang activity" that could really be someone with a protector if the senior feels like it. Can you imagine a cop ghosthawk loaded with kids against a new player robbing a gas station? Am I saying this is every case, if most at all? Of course not, but I'm saying given the rules at hand that it's possible.

Excuse the poor language, but your argument is retarded. To say that someone has dumped hours into a game and deserves everything they have is one thing, but to claim that it can't be taken away because they put so many hours in is another. Just to clarify I'm asking for the rules be clarified and changes to be made to increase the player count.

I didn't want to bring it up, but I'm arguing with someone currently permed, or at the very least inactive. So don't take this offensively, but you have no idea how the server is right now. When it's full, it still feels like it empty, because you can't find anyone at times.

3 minutes ago, Y A Y O said:

At this point I'm not going to bother arguing with you, just because someone has put a tremendous amount of time into a game, doesn't instantly make it "ok" for them to do what they please with what they have unlocked given that time put in and the rank they have achieved. The seniors aren't breaking rules because the rules aren't specified. Of course I wouldn't ask to specify every rule but there are some things such as "high gang activity" that could really be someone with a protector if the senior feels like it. Can you imagine a cop ghosthawk loaded with kids against a new player robbing a gas station? Am I saying this is every case, if most at all? Of course not, but I'm saying given the rules at hand that it's possible.

Excuse the poor language, but your argument is retarded. To say that someone has dumped hours into a game and deserves everything they have is one thing, but to claim that it can't be taken away because they put so many hours in is another. Just to clarify I'm asking for the rules be clarified and changes to be made to increase the player count.

I didn't want to bring it up, but I'm arguing with someone currently permed, or at the very least inactive. So don't take this offensively, but you have no idea how the server is right now. When it's full, it still feels like it empty, because you can't find anyone at times.

I'm not saying that they can do whatever they want, even though not everything is specified (most things are left up to common sense) doesn't mean theres no rules, if you actually look at the Ghosthawk section of the APD Handbook, you would realize, that actually shooting a ghosthawk at anyone requires a certain criteria to be met, such as, the Ghosthawk has been fired upon, there is a titan launcher pointed at the ghosthawk, the players are in an illegal/airial vehicle AND have been texted the ghosthawk text and given ample time to react to the message.

As for your other points, I have in no way, shape or form said just because they have dumped a lot of hours and effort towards there rank that they "couldn't have it taken away" I have simply said that they should be able to use it so long as they follow the specified rules, and while yes i am permed, that does not mean that i have no clue what is going on within the server, can i experience it for myself? no, still doesn't mean i have "no idea"

2 minutes ago, m o n s t e r said:

I'm not saying that they can do whatever they want, even though not everything is specified (most things are left up to common sense) doesn't mean theres no rules, if you actually look at the Ghosthawk section of the APD Handbook, you would realize, that actually shooting a ghosthawk at anyone requires a certain criteria to be met, such as, the Ghosthawk has been fired upon, there is a titan launcher pointed at the ghosthawk, the players are in an illegal/airial vehicle AND have been texted the ghosthawk text and given ample time to react to the message.

As for your other points, I have in no way, shape or form said just because they have dumped a lot of hours and effort towards there rank that they "couldn't have it taken away" I have simply said that they should be able to use it so long as they follow the specified rules, and while yes i am permed, that does not mean that i have no clue what is going on within the server, can i experience it for myself? no, still doesn't mean i have "no idea"

No idea is an absolute, you're right about that. "Much less idea", thank you for informing me of the rules I already know, don't shoot ghosthawk and it doesn't shoot you, but that makes the ghosthawk essentially invincible, unless of course you go with the route of titaning or the sorts. I am arguing that the rules should be specified, and while right now it is up to discretion, it should still be specified in the rules, because every sapd is different and act differently to given situations.

1 minute ago, Y A Y O said:

No idea is an absolute, you're right about that. "Much less idea", thank you for informing me of the rules I already know, don't shoot ghosthawk and it doesn't shoot you, but that makes the ghosthawk essentially invincible, unless of course you go with the route of titaning or the sorts. I am arguing that the rules should be specified, and while right now it is up to discretion, it should still be specified in the rules, because every sapd is different and act differently to given situations.

if it can't shoot you, then its basically just an orca, you just cant try to rip the pilot out.

  • Admin

Listen. Play the game and don’t bitch and moan. 

This is for the original poster. Everyone else is cool in my book 🙂 

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3 hours ago, m o n s t e r said:

ghosthawks are a sergeant+ thing, patrolling in a hawk isn't the most frequent thing, and while yes when it happens it can be annoying, but why should we limit them from using the vehicles/gear they've put thousands of hours working towards?

Because cops save their gear, cops have no nlr, Cops are already extremely over powered. They ruin the server being so over powered.

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2 minutes ago, Exner21 said:

Because cops save their gear, cops have no nlr, Cops are already extremely over powered. They ruin the server being so over powered.

im gonna go hire a brain surgeon to find your brain cause i certainly cant.

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