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APD Ticket Guide Update 10/20/20

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APD Ticket Guide
Abbreviations as listed in Wanted+ Menu The listed ticket prices below are mandatory for Deputies, you may not deviate from the current listed amounts unless given approval from a higher up.
SW - Seize Weapon SV - Seize Vehicle Depending on the suspect and the roleplay, Patrol Officers may deviate a ticket up to a range of 25% while Corporals have a range of 50% (Can write half tickets) when no higher ups are available.
VW - Verbal Warning LEO - Law Enforcement Officer Two chances for a suspect to pay a ticket is required, while a third chance to pay may be given as a courtesy. You should not exceed three chances to pay.
VL - Seize Vigi License # - Lower Vigi Tier Suspects MUST to be sent to jail if they fail to pay their tickets or have an escaping jail charge (No ticket to be given).
Gov't - Government Ilg. - Illegal Suspects MAY be sent straight to jail for charges of hostage situation, charges of kidnapping a Gov't Official, 15 or more manslaughters.
Pharm. - Pharmaceutical Veh. - Vehicle All crimes involving a weapon may result in the weapon being seized. The highest ranking officer involved in the situation decides whether a weapon will not be seized. Verbal Warnings are given as a courtesy
Pos. - Possession (*) - Automatic Charge Patrol Officers and higher have the ability to add charges. Proper judgement should be used when adding charges.
Keep in mind that when a charge warrants the seizure of a license it does not mean you have to seize the license at the time of processing.

All crimes involving a weapon may result in the weapon being seized. The highest ranking officer involved in the situation decides whether a weapon will not be seized.

The introduction of this line to the ticket guide is to ensure that Officers confer with their higher-up and get permission from them to allow a civilian to keep the weapon they're in possession of.

As always post any comments or questions below.

@Deputy Chief of Police@Senior APD Member & @APD Member

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34 minutes ago, Winters said:

 comments or questions below.

Don't really agree with this one chief,

I get wanting to reduce the amount of bargaining going on with tickets, but this would be better left to the discretion of Corporals+ or making some combination of charges a must seize weapon like escaping jail is a charge where you can't give a ticket. I just feel like as a supervisor having to deal with a request to not seize weapons once every two minutes in Kav will be extremely annoying. And tbh I haven't personally witnessed many egregious cases of weapons not being seized.

Edited by sploding
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  • Lead Developer

Inb4 I just say "If you don't wanna seize it, up to you"

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7 minutes ago, sploding said:

Don't really agree with this one chief,

I get wanting to reduce the amount of bargaining going on with tickets, but this would be better left to the discretion of Corporals+ or making some combination of charges a must seize weapon like escaping jail is a charge where you can't give a ticket. I just feel like as a supervisor having to deal with a request to not seize weapons once every two minutes in Kav will be extremely annoying. And tbh I haven't personally witnessed many egregious cases of weapons not being seized.

Literally the only time I have seen people not seize a weapon is if they agree to pay their ticket, which at that point you're just taking payment in exchange for them letting have an illegal item, basically corruption.

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59 minutes ago, sploding said:

Don't really agree with this one chief,

I get wanting to reduce the amount of bargaining going on with tickets, but this would be better left to the discretion of Corporals+ or making some combination of charges a must seize weapon like escaping jail is a charge where you can't give a ticket. I just feel like as a supervisor having to deal with a request to not seize weapons once every two minutes in Kav will be extremely annoying. And tbh I haven't personally witnessed many egregious cases of weapons not being seized.

If you are not in the situation then you don’t have to deal with the request and also being in Kavala doesn’t mean you were in involved.

1 hour ago, Bloodmoon said:

basically corruption

Stop trying to erase my culture

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2 hours ago, Bloodmoon said:

Literally the only time I have seen people not seize a weapon is if they agree to pay their ticket, which at that point you're just taking payment in exchange for them letting have an illegal item, basically corruption.

Bruh letting civs keep their weapon(s) for a ticket, which also enables them to build bounties for you to get later, benefits all parties involved.

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17 hours ago, Bloodmoon said:

Literally the only time I have seen people not seize a weapon is if they agree to pay their ticket, which at that point you're just taking payment in exchange for them letting have an illegal item, basically corruption.

"light rp"

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6 hours ago, Lucien said:

Is this only legal firearms or are illegal/cop weapons included?

mainly illegal weapons, ive never seen a civ keep a cop weapon, let alone gear

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17 hours ago, Lucien said:

Is this only legal firearms or are illegal/cop weapons included?

This is all weapons illegal and legal. If a suspect has a charge/committed an action that warrants the seizure of a firearm and a higher-up was involved in the situation you would need to be granted permission by said higher-up.


On 10/20/2020 at 3:06 AM, Scribble said:

Is this involved with the situation or involved in the processing?

If they're involved in the processing at that point they're involved with the situation so they would be the higher-up, at this point an officer would need to confer and be granted permission. 


On 10/20/2020 at 2:36 AM, Revise said:

Don't really agree with this one chief,

I get wanting to reduce the amount of bargaining going on with tickets, but this would be better left to the discretion of Corporals+ or making some combination of charges a must seize weapon like escaping jail is a charge where you can't give a ticket. I just feel like as a supervisor having to deal with a request to not seize weapons once every two minutes in Kav will be extremely annoying. And tbh I haven't personally witnessed many egregious cases of weapons not being seized.

Good explanation - "If you are not in the situation then you don’t have to deal with the request and also being in Kavala doesn’t mean you were in involved". If you were not involved in the situation then the officer(s) involved wouldn't have to ask permission as you wouldn't be the higher-up in the situation. Eg. A Corporal is responding to a Pharma and a Patrol Officer has apprehended a suspect in Kavala and doesn't feel it neccesary to seize the suspect's weapon. As the Corporal or no higher-up was involved in the situation he would not need to ask for permission to allow the suspect to keep their weapon. 


On 10/20/2020 at 11:02 AM, Winters said:

As always post any comments or questions below.

@Winters What are your thoughts on absolute minimum or maximum of illegal weapons that would be given back after;

  1.  Cooperateive murderer with $250,000 Bounty hands himself in but wishes to keep his gun.
  2. Uncooperative murderer is apprehended forcefully, later asks to keep weapon in exchange for paying the ticket.

I disagree we should allow criminals to keep guns after they murder like 10 or more people. 

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48 minutes ago, Tom McCormack said:

@Winters What are your thoughts on absolute minimum or maximum of illegal weapons that would be given back after;

  1.  Cooperateive murderer with $250,000 Bounty hands himself in but wishes to keep his gun.
  2. Uncooperative murderer is apprehended forcefully, later asks to keep weapon in exchange for paying the ticket.

I disagree we should allow criminals to keep guns after they murder like 10 or more people. 

fucking roleplayer 

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