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The Problems with the APD


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I understand the frustration of a patrol office at times but keep doing what you are doing and you will get Corp. Stop complaining so blatantly about not having lethals and show leadership. 

In regards to sAPD playing with lower ranks? I do agree that seniors should be actively pursuing playtime with lower ranks. Something I did a lot back in the day when I was SGT. This may be one of the reasons a lot of really good players get passed for promotions as sAPD may not even know them.  Missed opportunity. 

I’m retired though. No hate, just giving my 2 cents. 

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1 minute ago, Bubbaloo Burrito said:

I understand the frustration of a patrol office at times but keep doing what you are doing and you will get Corp. Stop complaining so blatantly about not having lethals and show leadership. 

In regards to sAPD playing with lower ranks? I do agree that seniors should be actively pursuing playtime with lower ranks. Something I did a lot back in the day when I was SGT. This may be one of the reasons a lot of really good players get passed for promotions as sAPD may not even know these players. Missed opportunity. 

I’m retired though. No hate, just giving my 2 cents. 

Yeah I agree I know if POs were to continue to play they will get Corp and Im Fine with That all im saying is The Jr APD should get a buff just to keep people playing cuz it sucks to see people leaving the APD because they think they will never get corp maybe some new gear would be nice

But I totally agree with the Corp thing for sure 

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Just now, robBob said:

Yeah I agree I know if POs were to continue to play they will get Corp and Im Fine with That all im saying is The Jr APD should get a buff just to keep people playing cuz it sucks to see people leaving the APD because they think they will never get corp maybe some new gear would be nice

But I totally agree with the Corp thing for sure 

Yeah I see what you are saying. There is a trend here for almost every PO I play with... “I’ll never get Corp”. Either they know something I don’t or are just bitching to bitch. Hopefully is the latter. I wouldn’t want to think it’s that impossible to get Corp nowadays. 

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7 minutes ago, Bubbaloo Burrito said:

I understand the frustration of a patrol office at times but keep doing what you are doing and you will get Corp.

"Keep doing what your doing" This is the statement pisses off hungry PO's hugely. I've known guys who have been told that when they were at 550hrs, up until now over 900.......... this happens to multiple people. A PO literally said it was like sAPD were just dangling it infront of him, he actually used the expression along the lines of being like a minecraft pig and the sAPD having a carrot on a stick lmfao. As silly as that is i understand the guy. PO is dead, they get lead on by sAPD and whenever people with MUCH less hours or conplete retards get corp over them, it completely demoralises them.

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Just now, CaloomClark said:

"Keep doing what your doing" This is the statement pisses off hungry PO's hugely. I've known guys who have been told that when they were at 550hrs, up until now over 900.......... this happens to multiple people. A PO literally said it was like sAPD were just dangling it infront of him, he actually used the expression along the lines of being like a minecraft pig and the sAPD having a carrot on a stick lmfao. As silly as that is i understand the guy. PO is dead, they get lead on by sAPD and whenever people with MUCH less hours or conplete retards get corp over them, it completely demoralises them.

I get it man. I’m just being positive. I’m not actively part of the APD so I’m just bringing my 2016 attitude when stuff like this mattered. I’m not entirely sure how it works nowadays. 

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Just now, Praetorian said:

Corp slots are somewhat limited, you can't just give everyone corp.

The bigger issue is that the only reason to play PO is to get corporal.

Thats true why not add a rank that is just a buffer PO kinda like how Basic para becomes advanced why not do something similar to the APD Like in this new rank give qilins and maybe a m900 or something to encourage people to play and have corp promotions be based on recommendations and have this new rank be given once they hit 166 hours

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1 minute ago, robBob said:

Thats true why not add a rank that is just a buffer PO kinda like how Basic para becomes advanced why not do something similar to the APD Like in this new rank give qilins and maybe a m900 or something to encourage people to play and have corp promotions be based on recommendations and have this new rank be given once they hit 166 hours

Why give it when they get 166??????????? Really dont understand that at all- when looking for corp sAPD already look at the people eligible idk why you'd basically put eligible corporals into a different rank tbh. Idk tho could b good

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Just now, CaloomClark said:

Why give it when they get 166??????????? Really dont understand that at all- when looking for corp sAPD already look at the people eligible idk why you'd basically put eligible corporals into a different rank tbh. Idk tho could b good

Im just throwing ideas out but I do believe there should be a buff tho or something new ya know

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8 hours ago, CaloomClark said:

Players from olympus are leaving, they leave and go play servers like anzus, they play cop on anzus, as you have almost the same gear as your most senior. Not saying deputies should get mk-1s. But i do think our server, which is losing cops e.g christopher walken to go and play anzus, should take a note of the things they do, and try improve what we have rn

Lmao exactly what I did 

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23 hours ago, robBob said:

Also their are somethings that some SAPD members do that probably cause Jr APD to be discouraged to get their hours in. Not every SAPD member does this in fact many of the SAPD members Ive played with were cool , friendly , gave advice , and helped me out and actually cared about us but some SAPD just play only among other SAPD members which is just pretty toxic. isolating yourself from the majority of the APD which is made up of Deps and POs kinda makes you seem like you can care less about the Jr APD. The only time where the SAPD are consistently playing with Jr APD is when there are Feds. Then they leave shortly after the Fed is done. This might not be the case ALL the time with certain SAPD members but is definitely the case the majority of the time and I know people have lives and things to do and the SAPD doesn't want their to be channel stacking I get it but all Im saying is their should be less of a disconnect between Jr APD and SAPD and I Know if there was no longer that disconnect people would want to get their hours in.

I definately agree. I already knew about the elitism before I was accepted as Deputy last year and now that I've come back and clocked 80+ hours on APD here so far and seen nothing change, they should be interrogation channels ONLY when doing interrogations. Being out of the PD, Patrol or Unit channels should be outright a strikable offence.

Edited by Tom McCormack
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9 hours ago, Praetorian said:

Corp slots are somewhat limited, you can't just give everyone corp.

The bigger issue is that the only actual progression to PO is to get corporal.

For the sake of transparency, there never has been a finite amount of corporal slots people are promoted if the sAPD believes they deserve a chance. The way we determine this is based on many factors, but in general, we look for POs who stand out from the herd. So if you're a PO who’s just kind of there and doesn’t contribute or say anything, you’ll probably remain at the rank of PO. Seniors are actively looking for PO’s who stand out and could be promoted in the future.

Regarding the buffer rank between PO and CPL, I don’t see much of a point as exceptional PO’s will get promoted to CPL.  

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17 hours ago, CaloomClark said:

Encourage more cops on, rn alot of us r tryna do majors and often it's hard to get enough cops on to get one started. Would enjoy more active PO's

+1 this massively, it is sad however that in the past 3 days there have been multiple occasions of cops seeing us prepare for a fed/bw and the higherups telling all of the APD to log off, changing channel names in teamspeak to "dont join" among other things. really defeats the purpose of having those events if whenever it is about to be attempted the APD log off.

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Just now, Poon said:

+1 this massively, it is sad however that in the past 3 days there have been multiple occasions of cops seeing us prepare for a fed/bw and the higherups telling all of the APD to log off, changing channel names in teamspeak to "dont join" among other things. really defeats the purpose of having those events if whenever it is about to be attempted the APD log off.

Best of part is that it's metagaming information to players who aren't online or in their faction but hey admins won't police that shit so my guess is they'll gloss over it.

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17 minutes ago, Airborne said:

For the sake of transparency - blah blah blah --- The way we determine this is based on many factors, but in general, we look for POs who stand out from the herd. So if you're a PO who’s just kind of there and doesn’t contribute or say anything, you’ll probably remain at the rank of PO. --- blah blah blah.

Why not for the sake of transparency you articulate "contribution" and "say something" exactly? You guys endorse SAPD elitism wholesale to a level I've not seen since for almost 3 years on Life Servers. I mean you discriminate and ostracize anyone who points out a intellectually disabled SAPD who refuse take proper command during FED and BW where we can earn a lot from our time spent on APD for the day. I've seen more then 10 Blackwaters literally spoonfed to civilians because all your guys do is suicide into walls like League of Legends trash and then 10 waves later the moment a Deputy or PO who is just wanting to help and starts suggesting tactics you punish them for trying to command higher ups.

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1 hour ago, Tom McCormack said:

Why not for the sake of transparency you articulate "contribution" and "say something" exactly? You guys endorse SAPD elitism wholesale to a level I've not seen since for almost 3 years on Life Servers. I mean you discriminate and ostracize anyone who points out a intellectually disabled SAPD who refuse take proper command during FED and BW where we can earn a lot from our time spent on APD for the day. I've seen more then 10 Blackwaters literally spoonfed to civilians because all your guys do is suicide into walls like League of Legends trash and then 10 waves later the moment a Deputy or PO who is just wanting to help and starts suggesting tactics you punish them for trying to command higher ups.

Everytime I read posts with you regarding issues with APD I feel like for all this experience you claim you have, the reality is that you've got none. Clearly you do not understand how pushing a Federal Event works, nor do you understand how suggesting ideas works either. Each of your comments are filled with hate towards the Senior APD and for that matter anyone higher than PO. Why should we listen to someone who continually talks shit about every Senior anytime they come into contact with one? Whether it be in an interrogation or during a simple play session, you refuse to ever take accountability for your own actions. So until you want to have civil conversations without always thinking you're right, then your ideas or comments are going in my left and out my right ear.

1 hour ago, Poon said:

+1 this massively, it is sad however that in the past 3 days there have been multiple occasions of cops seeing us prepare for a fed/bw and the higherups telling all of the APD to log off, changing channel names in teamspeak to "dont join" among other things. really defeats the purpose of having those events if whenever it is about to be attempted the APD log off.

Please provide myself, Winters, or Mako evidence of such. If you're going to say it happens then provide evidence and report it.

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4 minutes ago, ThatNerdyGuy said:

Everytime I read posts with you regarding issues with APD I feel like for all this experience you claim you have, the reality is that you've got none. Clearly you do not understand how pushing a Federal Event works, nor do you understand how suggesting ideas works either. Each of your comments are filled with hate towards the Senior APD and for that matter anyone higher than PO. Why should we listen to someone who continually talks shit about every Senior anytime they come into contact with one? Whether it be in an interrogation or during a simple play session, you refuse to ever take accountability for your own actions. So until you want to have civil conversations without always thinking you're right, then your ideas or comments are going in my left and out my right ear.





4 minutes ago, ThatNerdyGuy said:

Please provide myself, Winters, or Mako evidence of such. If you're going to say it happens then provide evidence and report it.

definitely will be in the future

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1 hour ago, ThatNerdyGuy said:

Everytime I read posts with you regarding issues with APD I feel like for all this experience you claim you have, the reality is that you've got none.

Then disagree with it. I don't care what personal problem you have with me. Come see me if you can't get over yourself.

1 hour ago, ThatNerdyGuy said:

Clearly you do not understand how pushing a Federal Event works

Prove me wrong then. Take for example a Federal Reserve 2 days ago. You lot decided 5 continuous waves end on end into Fed smashing into the ONLY gate (Gate #1) being defended at Fed. No one bothering to call this out because you retards want to sit out and snipe rather then push with and command. Robbers were proven in real time by myself AND others to not be defending any other locations excedpt the vault. If you can't work it out, that means the 3 east gates were undefended but still wouldn't control shit. You  want to tell us what to do but don't want to be intelligent about it so why the fuck should we listen to you guys then? You sit here and claim you want others to speak up but guys cry when someone is like: "Hey the 3 gates on East aren't being defended, come east side? I noticed you clued on after 2 waves because thats when the Mk200 came out of the Dome and sat in the tower spraying you all down.

On a side note: I honestly question if some who lead the apd responding to fed are taking bribes to deliberately suicide into the gates.
The reason I say this is because when I asked if I could hit Gates 2, 3 and 4 are undefended the sAPD yelled no, hit gate 1 as if I was undermining him.

1 hour ago, ThatNerdyGuy said:

Each of your comments are filled with hate towards the Senior APD and for that matter anyone higher than PO

Only thing I really comment about is shit comms. Like if someone is outside of visual distance and they say "enemy over there!" like as if I see where he is pointing.
Shift+T or bearing/distance is all it takes.

1 hour ago, ThatNerdyGuy said:

Whether it be in an interrogation or during a simple play session, you refuse to ever take accountability for your own actions.

I never blew up the Mohawk, so i dont care anymore (Touch me~) ArMa 3 PhYsIcS. nOt My FaUlT, mAtE.
Not really civil when you kick me from the support and a admin has to move me back in and apologise on behalf of others.

1 hour ago, ThatNerdyGuy said:

Why should we listen to someone who continually talks shit about every Senior anytime they come into contact with one?

Every senior? I mean majority relevant to the situation and nothing else.

1 hour ago, ThatNerdyGuy said:

So until you want to have civil conversations without always thinking you're right, then your ideas or comments are going in my left and out my right ear.

I welcome any civil conversation. Leave your ego at the front door and all is fine.

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4 hours ago, Tom McCormack said:

I definately agree. I already knew about the elitism before I was accepted as Deputy last year and now that I've come back and clocked 80+ hours on APD here so far and seen nothing change, they should be interrogation channels ONLY when doing interrogations. Being out of the PD, Patrol or Unit channels should be outright a strikable offence.

Now I dont think there is an "elitism" among the SAPD because when I have played with SAPD members they have always been chill for the most part which is why I included the part of the how SAPD members helped me all I was saying is that maybe play more with the Jr APD when they have free time ya know no hate to them the SAPD isn't an evil force there just regular people who earned their roles because of their dedication to oly and they deserve their rank so again no hate to them 

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15 minutes ago, Praetorian said:

Maybe not a buffer rank, but I would like to see some sort of reward to very tenured PO's in the form of possibly a promet and tear gas. Something that's given to PO's with like 300 hours or more who might not yet fit corporal, but deserve something for commitment.

No on the Promet ffs 

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2 hours ago, ThatNerdyGuy said:

Everytime I read posts with you regarding issues with APD I feel like for all this experience you claim you have, the reality is that you've got none. Clearly you do not understand how pushing a Federal Event works, nor do you understand how suggesting ideas works either. Each of your comments are filled with hate towards the Senior APD and for that matter anyone higher than PO. Why should we listen to someone who continually talks shit about every Senior anytime they come into contact with one? Whether it be in an interrogation or during a simple play session, you refuse to ever take accountability for your own actions. So until you want to have civil conversations without always thinking you're right, then your ideas or comments are going in my left and out my right ear.

Please provide myself, Winters, or Mako evidence of such. If you're going to say it happens then provide evidence and report it.

yeah man I think some people took my post the wrong way. Im not trying to hate on the SAPD I just suggested that when they have free time with nothing to do they could play with Jr APD . the Jr's would love that. at the end of the day were all regular people with lives so we should all be civil,

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Yeah naw, the people that get Corp have well earned it, if you are a PO with 300+ hrs and you haven’t gotten Corp it’s for a reason. Someone doesn’t like something that you are doing and they probably have a legitimate reason for it...

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Just now, Doke TV said:

Yeah naw, the people that get Corp have well earned it, if you are a PO with 300+ hrs and you haven’t gotten Corp it’s for a reason. Someone doesn’t like something that you are doing and they probably have a legitimate reason for it...

100% agree and that goes for every rank in the APD you put the Hours in ya earn it 

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5 minutes ago, Doke TV said:

Yeah naw, the people that get Corp have well earned it, if you are a PO with 300+ hrs and you haven’t gotten Corp it’s for a reason. Someone doesn’t like something that you are doing and they probably have a legitimate reason for it...

@CHAZ 2.0 😥

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On 10/25/2020 at 6:50 AM, Silton said:

The incentive is no nlr, unlimited loadouts(assuming you don't get robbed or die in wz) and easy methods of money via seizing and tickets. It's the way it is for a reason and I don't see it changing. If people want to use different equipment they can hop on civ or put in the hours and knee padding to got further in the APD.

Also in most the roundtable posts sAPD are just requesting changes that effect Cpl+ and I think its pretty evident that most seniors don't give a fuck about jrAPD

no nlr and unlimited loadouts are overpowered and it needs to be removed, because civs have to pay for their loadouts. 

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