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The Problems with the APD


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The APD needs to be changed. One of the Biggest Problem the APD has is the lower ranks not making their minimum hours in. There should be an incentive for people to actually get their hours in. For example POs and deps have basically been using the same gear since 2016 and the only time there is something new given to them is when a promotion is given but most POs give up after a while because they think they will never get corp so I believe their should be a new Rank or at least something new given to POs to give the Jr APD an incentive to continue playing.

Also their are somethings that some SAPD members do that probably cause Jr APD to be discouraged to get their hours in. Not every SAPD member does this in fact many of the SAPD members Ive played with were cool , friendly , gave advice , and helped me out and actually cared about us but some SAPD just play only among other SAPD members which is just pretty toxic. isolating yourself from the majority of the APD which is made up of Deps and POs kinda makes you seem like you can care less about the Jr APD. The only time where the SAPD are consistently playing with Jr APD is when there are Feds. Then they leave shortly after the Fed is done. This might not be the case ALL the time with certain SAPD members but is definitely the case the majority of the time and I know people have lives and things to do and the SAPD doesn't want their to be channel stacking I get it but all Im saying is their should be less of a disconnect between Jr APD and SAPD and I Know if there was no longer that disconnect people would want to get their hours in.

To those SAPD members who do play with Jr APD I just want to say thank you , guys are cool ! 

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The incentive is no nlr, unlimited loadouts(assuming you don't get robbed or die in wz) and easy methods of money via seizing and tickets. It's the way it is for a reason and I don't see it changing. If people want to use different equipment they can hop on civ or put in the hours and knee padding to got further in the APD.

Also in most the roundtable posts sAPD are just requesting changes that effect Cpl+ and I think its pretty evident that most seniors don't give a fuck about jrAPD

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1 hour ago, Silton said:

The incentive is no nlr, unlimited loadouts(assuming you don't get robbed or die in wz) and easy methods of money via seizing and tickets. It's the way it is for a reason and I don't see it changing. If people want to use different equipment they can hop on civ or put in the hours and knee padding to got further in the APD.

Also in most the roundtable posts sAPD are just requesting changes that effect Cpl+ and I think its pretty evident that most seniors don't give a fuck about jrAPD

Can't make any money on cop. I got 160hrs and made 15mil. For a person like me who has has lots of disciplinary action- im never getting corp. Ever. And PO is boring as shit- you're utterly useless watching some braindead retards with mk1 and t4 vest fuck uo terribly. Playing lower rank cop is zzz. Can hardly impact any situations and 0 money to be made-no fun

With regards to incentive to play, Junior APD, specifically Deputy and PO are receiving an increase in their money in the near future. We as Senior realized that the money reduction that was given went too far and we pulled back some of those reductions.

As for Seniors at Federal Events being the primary person making an impact. That's kind of by design, if we had it where every Deputy or PO made the same impact as even a Corporal, we surely wouldn't have balance.

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Back when I was a PO trying to achieve corporal you would absolutely never see a senior it was a miracle if you did, and a lot of seniors do play in public channels undercover trying to evaluate people for promotions. How it is now is a lot better than it was in 2017 early 2018

4 hours ago, Silton said:

Also in most the roundtable posts sAPD are just requesting changes that effect Cpl+ and I think its pretty evident that most seniors don't give a fuck about jrAPD

Haha imagine the freakout you and civ council would have if we tried doing something for PO+

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7 minutes ago, Bloodmoon said:

Haha imagine the freakout you and civ council would have if we tried doing something for PO+

Would LOVE something to be done with PO honestly. Encourage more cops on, rn alot of us r tryna do majors and often it's hard to get enough cops on to get one started. Would enjoy more active PO's

  • Lead Map Designer
20 minutes ago, CaloomClark said:

Encourage more cops on, rn alot of us r tryna do majors and often it's hard to get enough cops on to get one started. Would enjoy more active PO's

This is also to do with the player pop, when the servers are split so are the cops, server 2 should go back to closing on non peak times.

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2 minutes ago, Zeuse said:

This is also to do with the player pop, when the servers are split so are the cops, server 2 should go back to closing on non peak times.

Maybe, or for now keep all the farbots happy to grind on whatever server they enjoy,and buff cop so more will log on BOTH servers?

  • Lead Map Designer
Just now, CaloomClark said:

Maybe, or for now keep all the farbots happy to grind on whatever server they enjoy,and buff cop so more will log on BOTH servers?

There's a money buff coming to JrAPD which should hopefully encourage some people to re-apply but honestly don't think it's about the money so don't think it will do too much.  Would love to get more buffs for JrAPD but it's difficult to come up with something that's not too Overpowered and then to get it past Civ council and staff.

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1 minute ago, Zeuse said:

Would love to get more buffs for JrAPD but it's difficult to come up with something that's not too Overpowered and then to get it past Civ council and staff.

Yh idk i dont think it should be that big of an issue. At the end of the day it's only a PO and so long as it's nothing extremely Overpowered then i'd love it to be done. A money buff would increase the amount of PO's, not their effectiveness at events. Tbh i think a bit of both is needed- an increase on the PO's effectiveness and on their pay.

  • Lead Map Designer
Just now, CaloomClark said:

Tbh i think a bit of both is needed- an increase on the PO's effectiveness and on their pay.

Got any suggestions?

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1 minute ago, Zeuse said:

Got any suggestions?

Winters was asking myself and a couple other PO's a few weeks back. Couldn't really think of anything and still idk what could be a reasonable suggestion to give them a substantial buff, while keeping them balanced. Just something that can make them useful in events, rather than just baiting for the lethal cops for a 35min blackwater. I'll try think of a few suggestions after my lasagne 🙂

5 hours ago, Silton said:

The incentive is no nlr, unlimited loadouts(assuming you don't get robbed or die in wz) and easy methods of money via seizing and tickets. It's the way it is for a reason and I don't see it changing. If people want to use different equipment they can hop on civ or put in the hours and knee padding to got further in the APD.


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Just now, Noahhh! said:


It’s this mentality that has put this server where it is *RIGHT NOW*. When you realize it, don’t say I told you so. 


So many people have actively tried to make cop not fun to play over the past 2-3 years. This forum post is indicative of the *exact* problem I’ve been saying for the past 6 months. Again, no one listens. 

Pretty soon, you’ll get your wish of NPC’s vs Noble LOL

5 hours ago, Silton said:

Also in most the roundtable posts sAPD are just requesting changes that effect Cpl+ and I think its pretty evident that most seniors don't give a fuck about jrAPD

Also, this is markedly false. Police vests for PO+? A sting for deputies? Forgot how those are cpl+ buffs. Oh, don’t remind them about the money nerfs the civ council and devs BEGGED for

  • Moderator
2 minutes ago, Mr GOAT said:

For about a year.

thank your dev team and civ council for not allowing deputies a POLICE vest

for fucks sake some of these kids still don’t get it

On modded servers-ACTIVE SERVERS the equivilant of a PO has lethals and t3's. We wont even allow vests lol

1 minute ago, CaloomClark said:

On modded servers-ACTIVE SERVERS the equivilant of a PO has lethals and t3's. We wont even allow vests lol

Trust us, it do be hard to get cool things passed 


scratch that, ANYTHING

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