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pvtwanteds goodbye

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iv been here over a year and had good times iv been though some rocky times as some peopl will know , with my familiy braking apart and have some medical conditions id rather not go into im sad to put my leave , iv had good times here , by now you can tell iv had a drink or 2 yesterday was a bad day for me and  today becuase of spondy jopple and anthoer apd member woudl not help me in my time of need im leaving the sever ,thank you all for playing with me and i hope you all go on to betterthings , a small part of me hope im rememberd for the good times , there had been bad times but i hope i did more good than bad 


hades you were fair and i think toy do a good job 

gary i stil lwant me dinner 

fugi im sorrry 

moob iv lost a goodfreind but i will stil lalwsy rmember a guy who was there for me and seen my potienal 


ther eare meny more i cant name right now as im wasted but thansk to everyone who iv had the chance to play with 


good bye olypmus


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For some reason I'm picturing a 17 year old blonde girl after 2 Appletinis.


I'm a man, didn't you see my WWIII forum post the other night? I was completely ballbagged and still could at least speak English. Jesus Wanted, are you some sorta bitch or something?

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iv been here over a year and had good times iv been though some rocky times as some peopl will know , with my familiy braking apart and have some medical conditions id rather not go into im sad to put my leave , iv had good times here , by now you can tell iv had a drink or 2 yesterday was a bad day for me and  today becuase of spondy jopple and anthoer apd member woudl not help me in my time of need im leaving the sever ,thank you all for playing with me and i hope you all go on to betterthings , a small part of me hope im rememberd for the good times , there had been bad times but i hope i did more good than bad 


hades you were fair and i think toy do a good job 

gary i stil lwant me dinner 

fugi im sorrry 

moob iv lost a goodfreind but i will stil lalwsy rmember a guy who was there for me and seen my potienal 


ther eare meny more i cant name right now as im wasted but thansk to everyone who iv had the chance to play with 


good bye olypmus

sleep it off sober up bad things happen man i dont see my family im not 100% well either but shits been bad of late multiple things just gotta carry on i wont go into my problems point is i sleep feel better in the morning you should do the same and times are rough for me but i just get on with it theres times im like f*ck it cba but i dont let it or things beat me

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For some reason I'm picturing a 17 year old blonde girl after 2 Appletinis.


I'm a man, didn't you see my WWIII forum post the other night? I was completely ballbagged and still could at least speak English. Jesus Wanted, are you some sorta bitch or something?


iv been here over a year and had good times iv been though some rocky times as some peopl will know , with my familiy braking apart and have some medical conditions id rather not go into im sad to put my leave , iv had good times here , by now you can tell iv had a drink or 2 yesterday was a bad day for me and  today becuase of spondy jopple and anthoer apd member woudl not help me in my time of need im leaving the sever ,thank you all for playing with me and i hope you all go on to betterthings , a small part of me hope im rememberd for the good times , there had been bad times but i hope i did more good than bad 


hades you were fair and i think toy do a good job 

gary i stil lwant me dinner 

fugi im sorrry 

moob iv lost a goodfreind but i will stil lalwsy rmember a guy who was there for me and seen my potienal 


ther eare meny more i cant name right now as im wasted but thansk to everyone who iv had the chance to play with 


good bye olypmus

please note jopple is and was not to blame at the time i knew what i wanted to say but due to intoxicaction i was unable to say the words how i wanted moob in reguards i am leaving the sever and i wish you all the best , i enjoyed being apart of mc and im glad you gave me the chances to prove what i could do im sure mc will continue to grow and hopefully be the better gang on olympus iv had some great times but come to relise of late that times have changed since the sever i once knew , hades you once were the fairest man i knew but times have changed weather that be your attiude to having done the job for well over a year or what i cant say im not you.the staff have changed again have to deal with the same shit over and over can do that. gary i truly think you have stayed the same and been a fantastic player , at this point i have soberd up although my spelling still sucks but as the oldies knew it always did haha many of you have me on steam and i hope i still keep in contact =) 

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l8er WANTED! see you tomorrow. if not, just take this with you. Life sucks, you grow up, pay bills, and its no fun. sounds like you lost the fun and need to find it again. take care and be safe fucker.

Yep life can suck cheers Rick

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