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Bahadur Talks: New Donation System

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Everyone is giving there two thoughts on the donation system, so I concluded I might as well give mine and a fortune for what I believe will happen., and then I give my suggestions.

Many people I'm sure are happy, and many I'm sure aren't too happy. Whether you are happy or not is going to be completely based on how much you donated pre-wipe. Only the people who have donated before have a right to be pissed. I donated $25 and I'm happy for the global donation. For anyone who donated $100+, I think they are not too happy at all. They donated $100 personally and now anyone who plays in a month where $100 donor items get unlocked can buy their gear. For me, it's $25, not like I spent a fortune, but $100+ or even $50+ can be quite a bit of money for some people. This excludes people like _______ and _______ who've donated so much money for the good of the server instead of perks.

Now for my fortune, for the people that donate some money every once and a while or every month, that amount will not reach the required $669. It's too much money for the certain individuals to donate in one month which is obvious. So it needs donations from everybody, but not everybody is going to donate. If everyone donated the minimum $5 donation, it would be 134 people that have to donate, which is less people than the 200 the servers pull on a good night. But people are going to be "smarter" than that, well, they're going to be cheaper. They're going to wait for the donation to get above the monthly goal, then they're going to use the donation perks. When people do that, the donation goal is never going to get above the monthly goal, and the server will be just like before except some people will be pissed about the new donation system. 

My suggestions, one of them might not be viable with the rules Olympus has over donating. But first off I want to mention my thought of reason as to why Poseidon does not give everyone every item and ask for donation for skins to certain cars etc. I think he doesn't want to do that because it could really anger the previous donors who donated specifically for those perks and now their donations are worthless in their point of view. However, a way to have this happen since many people think it's a good idea, is to just take either an all VIP or all pre-wipe donor poll and majority win, give everyone all perks or not. Another one of my suggestions is the one that may not be viable, it is to make whoever donated this month, or this month and last month, able to get the donation perks and whoever didn't does not. It would be an investment and if it doesn't get above the monthly goal, then try again next month. My final solution is to have every item able to be unlocked during the monthly donation period. But have them unlocked at different time intervals. For example, once $50 is donated, everyone can get sports hatchbacks, all race car gear and karts. then when $100, everyone gets rangefinders and the headphones and hats etc. Eventually leading up to the $669 prize which would probably be Mohawks and GA rigs. I think this is a viable idea, and it gives more incentive to donate because if you donate and it didn't reach the monthly goal, people will think their money was wasted. But if there's always something unlocked little by little, they won't think it for a waste but that they didn't get all possible perks they could have gotten.

I changed the colors to represent my three different ideas, I hope you read all of this and please leave your suggestions/thoughts. Constructive criticism instead of insults please.

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21 minutes ago, AnthonyG said:

My final solution is to

Settle down there Hitler... Haha, jk. 

To be serious though, I am going to be a little salty if all this stuff becomes available to everyone. Now I didn't drop all the money i did just for some flashy stuff, I did it to help the server. But when certain things are promised to be exclusive and are then made public, imma get a little salty.

I should be back some time around mid/late March (depending on the weather/snow conditions), and I really am worried that, by then, everything former donor perk will be made public.

Maybe if the stuff was quite a bit more expensive than normal or was even unlocked after a certain amount of time on the server, it would not be as bad, but now all most people have to do to get these perks is just sit back and watch others donate to get the perks for everyone.

I will be salty too if everything gets open to the public lol. But i also donate to help the server, recently before this monthly thing came up I donated $25 knowing it would do nothing just to help.

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5 minutes ago, JBruesch said:

but now all most people have to do to get these perks is just sit back and watch others donate to get the perks for everyone.

I completely believe that and that's why there's any controversy over the perk system. The only way to get around this is to break the rules previously set for Olympus.

i donated 250, not just to see everything become public some time later

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8 minutes ago, SPBojo said:

i donated 250, not just to see everything become public some time later

Stating a problem that has been previously stated with no solution does not help. I know people are pissed, but the fact is global donations are in right now. I don't think they're going to be good for the server but to get the server donations and follow all Tonic rules or w/e someone is going to be unhappy, and the minority are the big donors.

Keep in mind legacy donators will always have their donator discount and increased pay checks. As well as any of the exclusive skins for vehicles. Other things like vehicles will likely be released to everyone. We don't want to keep vehicles locked up forever with new players having no way to ever obtain em. I waited long enough before taking this route, its been 7ish months since we removed the ability for new players to obtain these vehicles.

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2 minutes ago, Poseidon said:

Keep in mind legacy donators will always have their donator discount and increased pay checks. As well as any of the exclusive skins for vehicles. Other things like vehicles will likely be released to everyone. We don't want to keep vehicles locked up forever with new players having no way to ever obtain em. I waited long enough before taking this route, its been 7ish months since we removed the ability for new players to obtain these vehicles.

Imy already guessing that you contacted Bohemia to ask for permission to donatefor in game items. but try again new year new Bohemia. also there can be events where things like this are dropped like air drop event or something similar!

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ya know what i have not liked the idea of unlocking the stuff for non donors because they are not donors buuuuuut i guess its ok as long as no one gets my tron suite 

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I am a 100 dollar donator, and i think all the stuff that legacy donators have should be avalible to everyone 

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I've got the legacy perks for the Tier 5 donor rank.


I think you guys getting pissed are honestly being brats. You didn't buy anything, you donated and you were rewarded. The perks you got were gifts given in appreciation for what you did for the server. You aren't entitled to it at all. 


When Bohemia intervened, it only made sense to have something like a collective goal. It's bullshit that you guys take a stance to say "No fuck everybody else, I donated when the gettin was good so fuck them."


Stop being pricks, enjoy the fact that there's incentive for folks to donate to keep the server afloat. I know a lot of you believe Olympus is sitting on fat reserves, and it may indeed be doing so(DISCLAIMER: I have no idea). But it's not going to last forever, it only makes sense to create incentive to generate income for the sake of keeping the community afloat. 


So stfu and deal with it.

44 minutes ago, McDili said:

I've got the legacy perks for the Tier 5 donor rank.


I think you guys getting pissed are honestly being brats. You didn't buy anything, you donated and you were rewarded. The perks you got were gifts given in appreciation for what you did for the server. You aren't entitled to it at all. 


When Bohemia intervened, it only made sense to have something like a collective goal. It's bullshit that you guys take a stance to say "No fuck everybody else, I donated when the gettin was good so fuck them."


Stop being pricks, enjoy the fact that there's incentive for folks to donate to keep the server afloat. I know a lot of you believe Olympus is sitting on fat reserves, and it may indeed be doing so(DISCLAIMER: I have no idea). But it's not going to last forever, it only makes sense to create incentive to generate income for the sake of keeping the community afloat. 


So stfu and deal with it.

Now i may be wrong and if i am i am sorry but were you even a VIP or did you get tier 5 perks because of staff

I think the real pricks here are Bohemia for not allowing donation like we used to have 'em. Hosting ArmA 3 servers is very expensive as we all know. I feel like Bohemia is just hurting them selves by enforcing this.

Just now, McDili said:

Tier 5 perks were from donations. I didn't donate all 250 on my own so I didn't get VIP but I did donate as well.

o ok was just curious i am with you btw i want to keep my mohawk all to myself i dot care about hatchbacks but not the mohawk

1 hour ago, Poseidon said:

Keep in mind legacy donators will always have their donator discount and increased pay checks. As well as any of the exclusive skins for vehicles. Other things like vehicles will likely be released to everyone. We don't want to keep vehicles locked up forever with new players having no way to ever obtain em. I waited long enough before taking this route, its been 7ish months since we removed the ability for new players to obtain these vehicles.

Personally, if you are going to release vehicles to everyone, I think that all items that give an ADVANTAGE to other such as vehicles and GA Rigs should be released to everyone.

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i dont normally post on these topics but I shall here.

I am well over the 250 donation level and it was since day 1 of me being here. 

Here are my thoughts. Legacy got vip rooms, better paychecks, and discounts. 

Keep it so we get better paychecks, discounts and add chrome skins to all vehicles. Release the rest to the public no reason to hold people back. We should be looking at trying to grow this mofo as large as we can so let the people have access to the stuff but leave the special skins for the Old dogs so to speak. or hell give us legacy a Legacy only skin. I know muth has been making some top notch skins i dont think it would be to hard *points out admins have the lightning skin.

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instead of releasing items like said above why not do weekly air drops where you can get mk-1 ga carriers. and other vehicles. maybe have a mohawk get shot down and have apd secure it and rebels fight for it. maybe even have Hatchbacks and whoever is able to fly of with it will get it. of course big gangs will have a lead but maybe have something for smaller gangs to?

McDili had hes donations come from a indian kid who donated like 20k or someshit, and for this, asking for more donations to unlock something that is already just for donators? dam poseidon, might have to send you another text on steam to complain, but yeah, just unlock all that shit but let vips continue to have that chrome and tron suit shit, and for the love of god, remove the pink suit and im suing you guys. keep it up olympus, always a pleasure!


and hey, no hard feelings in this post, just me ranting for shit n giggles whilst still proving a point.

22 minutes ago, Tragic said:

instead of releasing items like said above why not do weekly air drops where you can get mk-1 ga carriers. and other vehicles. maybe have a mohawk get shot down and have apd secure it and rebels fight for it. maybe even have Hatchbacks and whoever is able to fly of with it will get it. of course big gangs will have a lead but maybe have something for smaller gangs to?

I don't think that will work because then it's just Wasteland.

58 minutes ago, Lonnie85 said:

i dont normally post on these topics but I shall here.

I am well over the 250 donation level and it was since day 1 of me being here. 

Here are my thoughts. Legacy got vip rooms, better paychecks, and discounts. 

Keep it so we get better paychecks, discounts and add chrome skins to all vehicles. Release the rest to the public no reason to hold people back. We should be looking at trying to grow this mofo as large as we can so let the people have access to the stuff but leave the special skins for the Old dogs so to speak. or hell give us legacy a Legacy only skin. I know muth has been making some top notch skins i dont think it would be to hard *points out admins have the lightning skin.

Agreed. Channels paychecks and chroming for people who donated before. Everyone else should get donated perks as a default  

  • Head Admin

I donated $250 back when Zeus was still around and at no point since then would it have phased me in the slightest if donation perks where opened to everyone.  It's a game broskis.

Alternative is offering no incentives for donations and the servers being shut down cause they are expensive as shit.

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$50 donator here.


GA rigs and mohawks are legacy pay-to-win stuff at the moment...that's not hugely fair to most of the playerbase.


I mean, I'd love to be able to get the purple suit for the RP, but accept that cosmetic items such as that and the VR suit should probably be exclusive. I agree with rewarding future donors with other cosmetic items such as vehicle skins etc.


I think Posiedon and the crew has come up with a air way to benefit everyone with their current system (which I only just learned about) given the situation they're in with legacy perks and no other way to obtain them. I know I'd be donating more if I could just because but my income isn't exactly disposable at the moment, being unemployed :(


Just out of curiosity, I remember over a year ago there was a guy who donated tens of thousands to this server and various streamers, can't remember his name and I believe he kind of disappeared silently...were his donations legit? Am I even allowed to ask that yet? lol

Edited by The Gent
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