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Monkeysz last won the day on April 22 2018

Monkeysz had the most liked content!


About Monkeysz

  • Birthday 07/21/1998

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Immigrant (1/7)



  1. Happy Birthday!
    cupcake GIF 

  2. Why is obama's ballsack not getting unbanned?? if you are unbanning other people obama's ballsack should def be unbanned.

  3. Congrats Boo @ Tiger I know you have been waiting for this moment for your entire life xx I hope you have a bright future

  4. Congrats @ Orgondo  on becoming a dad!!

    1. Orgondo


      I hate you

  5. 1 I can`t play anymore anyway XD 2 I will be at my Mums wedding so I couldn`t play and to be honest Arma already has consumed 6000+ hours incl ban evading accounts, I`m actually happy to finally stop playing as GW would have been my last time I ever launched arma and as for "1" I wouldn`t have bought them if I could make GW but in the words of Grandma Gary It`s a little after 2 weeks
  6. Haze the only way you`re getting the win is if it`s in a eating contest
  7. I had the first ever armed hurron THAT WAS CLAIMED fuck you MC tards yours blew up doesn`t count I payed 50 when it was the ONLY one on the server and Ghosthawks wasn`t even being considered to be added but as there are actually a few of them now I`d say about 15 Mill is max they aren`t worth it though you they are like paper better of saving for a ghosthawk 3 PO`s can take your blades with 1 mag each and if you have a HQ full of them + Higher ups you are fucked Literally attacked a hq with mine and I had to go store and pull it out after 1/2 flybys
  8. Never said I was on my old main account ;P
  9. What do you mean I was arma last night probably the last time forever it`s a dead game + I found other shit I enjoy playing
  10. Active Gang BTW Missed 2 out but they have the same as most
  11. That clip is so old I`d slap you anyway
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