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Everything posted by Sociopathic

  1. Download Avast on another PC, you can use your PC but I'd recommend a different one. create a rescue disk with Avast and a USB Drive and boot from the USB Drive, Avast will boot before windows and scan for anything nefarious. I'd also follow up with Malwarebytes, but becareful with what you delete with Malwarebytes, I've had family members use it and just delete everything it recommends which has included registry files.
  2. I vote for texas hold'em @Lethal I'd be down, sounds dope.
  3. Happy Birthday!

    I remember when we were both Corps 1v_ people at jail's in the middle of the night... What happened ;) 

  4. I sure do enjoy just simply reposting my status updates when they get deleted for no reason :D 

  5. BM-59 Giveaway for those gun lovers on this server.


    Direct Link for those who have issues with the above

    Who's the fucker that deleted my status update?

    1. -dante-


      He actually means this link —-> https://wn.nr/REr7Lc


    2. Sociopathic


      Ha ha ha, lemme just. uh delete this clearly inappropriate reply

  6. @McDili

    Server Rule update 2/4/2018

    So I can still leave people restrained in the middle of bum fuck nowhere as long as I don't rob them or call a hostage situation right?

  7. Yes, because that's when I will be "active" again. Me being active is 60+ hours a week compared to my current 1-2 hours if that.
  8. Yeah, doesn't mean I won't pop in for a few hours to GW ;), never said I was leaving, just that I wasn't gonna be active.
  9. Will you start perming Necroposters? @McDili
  10. If anyone wants a shooter for GW hmu

  11. c r i n g e
  12. If you are falling drunkenly unconscious around me your missing wallet is the least of your worries.
  13. @Google

    When you are correcting someone's spelling, spellcheck your own post, you look like a hypocrite. :P


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Phizx


      Can confirm he's not good with commas either xd

    3. Google


      I place commas all over the place.

    4. buckie


      Knowing how to use commas and having them everywhere are different

  14. To be fair it doesn't matter though, anyone with half a brain knows that @Mercury runs this server from the shadows.
  15. When an individual is unconscious it is implied consent that we can treat them, I would argue that it's also implied consent that I secure their wallets and it's contents.
  16. Jesus DeadPool, got enough tags? I see your teamspeak obession with tags spread to the forums too eh?



    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. DeadPool


      people wanted me as civ rep so I gave back more than just civ rep.

    3. ThatNerdyGuy


      2 hours ago, DeadPool said:

      people wanted me as civ rep so I gave back more than just civ rep.

      Still trying to find the people that wanted you as Civ Rep. 

    4. Piner


      Aids personified

  17. IRL windows key simulator, how hard could it be?
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