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Everything posted by Sociopathic

  1. Dammit Walsh
  2. Nothing like some good old freedom of speech
  3. I'll buy 24 ghillies for 2 mil
  4. Good shit mate, congrats on mod! 

  5. I'd rather not.
  6. Smfh Deadpool, guess I'll have to start making your posts legible again. We should have titan rockets for Sr. APD only usable when Ghosthawks are stolen and when an armed huron is out.
  7. How was your trip to Mexico?
  8. Wouldn't work unless they were in large groups, due to the travel time of the shell they'd just fire for effect and hope for the best, I think my solution has less collateral damage and more bang for the buck. Another solution is just a single drunk @Mercury with an MLRS.
  9. Seems hard to sell launchers with no proof eh?
  10. We already have guns with grenade launchers as CPL+ Why not remove teargas and add frag rounds?
  11. Issue is, that sounds too much like a rebel. If we are gonna do it, we gotta be original, people gotta see it rolling down the street like "oh fuck". I suggest this. M45 Quadmount - 4 .50 Caliber Machine Guns.
  12. @G.O.A.T. Aren't the APD Blackfoots in progress?
  13. @Poseidon


    Server 1 and 2 Machine = broke

    1. TheKoreanNation


      I think there fuckin with the update that rolled out

  14. I would stop, as it specifies a Corporal Online has to give you permission, if he goes offline he can no longer give you permission to recon.
  15. Key word, knowingly disregard. I've been told if you let a lower rank use your heli and they break a rule with it, it's on you. Just curious if you authorizing them to use theirs would put you in the same liable position. But thanks for quoting a part of the handbook anyways.
  16. Let's say a PO wants to do recon and a CPL+ Auths it, if they break a rule could the CPL be punished? If not, if a PO that WAS a CPL asks to do recon in one of their helis (Orca/Hummingbird) and a CPL+ Auths it would it then become their fault?
  17. Nice, when POs beg to do air patrols I can have them pull their helis
  18. mfw I was literally talking to you about this earlier today about how if a SGT slot opened up there was no CPL more qualified than you to get it, I take a nap, wake up, and poof, your SGT.

    Fuckin' hell, Congrats!

  19. stop

    1. falcon



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