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Genghis Khan

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Everything posted by Genghis Khan


    1. Raine


      Some one call Dr Phill this kid needs help bro

    2. Sociopathic


      What in the actual fuck.


    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. FlapJack


      why do he look like a rat

    3. bigPat


      I just watched this entire video.


    4. Genghis Khan

      Genghis Khan

      Guys There is more coming! lol hes going to be a bigger meme then @snipeZ

  3. I have 1 3crater will sell for 4 mill.
  4. I would NEVER!!! Lmao I'm not sure I don't remember his name.
  5. The lock pick idk But the frog is a gift from somebody I have long forgotten. I got him my 2nd day on the force his name is Larry, and he is more qualified to be a corporal than you.
  6. Apparently I pay randoms to throw grenades at KS lmao!
  7. Can someone teach me how to drive Ifrit's I dont want to be a [Tree] Mac

  8. Jesse You left bc the community is "Toxic" Then you say some dumb ass shit like this. You are fucking toxic.
  9. @TheRandomOne We all know the News Team is not going to go anywhere, With out ya boy @Frank Castle 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. TheRandomOne


      I see, unfortunately I'm still waiting on the go ahead because it's not implemented yet (it should be coming with the update). As soon as that's good, we'll be doing interviews and accepting applications

    3. Genghis Khan

      Genghis Khan

      Sweet cant wait! 

    4. TheRandomOne


      1 hour ago, buckie said:

      its not going anywhere anyways 

      Thanks for the words of encouragement!

  10. I think its cool that cops are able to be restrained.
  11. So I feel like there are to many cops, Everyday when I get on I face a police force of 9+ cops, At this time there were 20 of us....
  12. Wow they really deleted my deadpool meme. I didn't even get to read the comments. :FeelsBad: 

  13. Used to black screen a long ass time ago, then that went away, Then the 3 frame was bad. But now I'm getting those and random 5-7sec freezing when ever I get into a gun fight. This game just keeps getting worse!

    1. silton
    2. Tman15tmb


      Sounds like you should stop getting into gun fights.. ^_____^

    3. Aress


      I had this issue a few times but since I updated my graphics drivers not had any issues for a couple of months


  14. thats worth a lot...
  15. Dp 25 4 crater!
  16. Selling dp25 4crater!!! SERVER 2

    1. Raine


      pm me interested tell me how much you askin

    2. JoeL


      I'll start it with 15 mill

  17. 3 or 4 crater Server 2
  18. Looking to buy 100rd MX mags and 12.7 mags. Hmu if you know anyone who has them Spread the word!!!

  19. wheres a satchel charge when you need one?
    1. Poseidon


      He'll be dead by then probably, or become fully retarded due to bein so old.

    2. Genghis Khan
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