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APD Officer
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Everything posted by Dejay

  1. also have this three crater for sale if you want to pay a little more
  2. lol, sold a 3 crater even farther from square for 6m
  3. Nah, just an old ss Hit me with the offer
  4. Send me some offers, need money so I can sell it to you for a good price!
  5. Finally got the new Breath Of the Wild Emulator running 46359f93c83355bf0d6f27cae2e976da.jpg

    1. johnny goose

      johnny goose

      Not to be a cuck but why are half of his legs in the ground and why does the ground textures look like a gamecube game.

  6. Toe Knee is the only designer that does anything..
  7. going rate is $3-4 per mil so we will say 20m
  8. yeah rebel, sold the same one on s2 for $90
  9. got a s1 kavala garage
  10. Texture bug fixed or did the hospitals just get removed? xd

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Phizx


      Lose weight dejay

    3. DeadPool


      They will never get removed or nerfed only bigger.....

    4. Muthinator


      They will be HUUUUUUGE!

  11. Ya'll whine about some stupid ass shit.
  12. If anyone has h1 skins they want to give me that are worth money. hit me up,




    tinder is the best place to find me!

    1. I Am Fuzzy

      I Am Fuzzy

      check my steam i got 120 dollars worth

    2. Dejay


      looking for more expensive ones

  13. Should've left montages in 2016


  14. I am going to have to disagree on this one. I played for about 5-10 hours of asylum over the last couple of days, fighting cops and civs, doing drug runs driving around the map and never encountered a single texture bug. Yet I spawn in at pyrgos, go to the jail to fight and get a texture bug the second a cop rolls up to the bridge. Also, I am not stating that the frames are unplayable or anything like that. I still get 30ish in Kavala, 60 at cartels, very playable however I feel that we have a lot of unnecessary items that are clogging up our servers and our mission file that is already crazy gigantic for an altis life server. Also, you can see on other servers across arma that this texture is NO WHERE near prevalent to be mentioned so much. On asylum it happens, on a lot of serves it happens but I believe that our server sets the bar for the amount of texture bugs is unnecessary. You are lucky to not get a texture bug whilst fighting cops or a medic showing up to the scene. I am wondering if maybe it is the advanced loading system that poseidon uses now. I have seen that arma is releasing an update that may fix a lot of the reasons why you get a texture bug but I am still concerned that it will not help as it happens so much. We have had the talk with Muthinator about removing/ reverting back to our old hospitals and he did not like the idea one bit. And I am not bashing for that. I understand that you worked really hard on all of them and they truly do look good. But I ask, at what cost. It seems as though so many people complain about them and yet they are still there. People complained about big towers, they were removed within the month. People complained about the mk-1 and we got that. I just don't see why we cannot get a new hospital. Maybe without using one of the biggest objects in the game just for three vendors that in all honesty could be shortened down to two or maybe even one at that. I talked to some other staff and they informed me that maybe you have found a possible way to stop the bug from happening so often, or maybe that was some arma 3 developer but it was someone that was working on something like that. Now to you Jesse, maybe you can be the sway we need to make this revision to our server. Muthinator has stated that when he enters the hospital he never gets frame drops or anything in that nature but I bet he probably has not had a fire fight or drove past one of his hospitals going 327 km/h on a full server. It isn't a good time. In some cases I have lagged so bad to where my whole screen froze for multiple seconds. Or maybe there is something you can add or change the way we load items in because I find a huge difference in frames once I have loaded everything in. Maybe there is a better way to do it than the way e currently have it. I am not a developer and frankly have no idea/business even trying to tell you how to do your job but maybe there is something you can think of that would help our situation on the server. I know you play a lot and have been to the hospitals and at some points civ life is unplayable. Olympus used to be the server you would come to from asylum and everyone would LOVE the frames on our server. Now all I hear is how unplayable and awful the bugs and frames are on our server. Muthinator, I am not singling you out/ bashing your work. And I want to thank you and all the staff/ designers for your work towards the server however I feel that you and the community have a different perspective of what the word "necessary items" would mean in the hospitals for instance. Please accept my constructive criticism for what it is and know that I am not trying to ruin the hard work you put into this map, just know that it may be hurting the performance and maybe we could try something new unless Jesse is a magician and can fix everything. soz for the paragraph, but I feel that to not hurt anyone's feelings/ make this into a useless thread I need to explain exactly my stance so that we can all have some respect and actually improve this community that we are all apart of. I would love to chat if you do not want to do this whole typing thing and that stretches to anyone that would like to talk, designers, staff, developers, anyone. Thanks again
  15. ALRIGHT BEFORE WE START THIS TOPIC THAT I SPENT HALF AN HOUR ON, Tonight I felt i would challenge the Olympus server to see if their features actually did anything. Turns out, it is actually worse than I thought. Now before I start, I would like to state that prior to each relog, I set my map decor to 100 or 10, clicked save and then relogged out of the server. I let the server load in all that was around me and this is the evidence. When standing in the hospital, you can see a difference between 10 and 100 map decor. Now at 10 map decor, notice the cereal box on the right hand of the screen: I then move to 100 Map decor: You can see that the cereal box actually disappears when I go to 100 map decor. The opposite of it's intended purpose. I then took a trip to the garage when you could see a man working on nothing on his back. Again, at 10% Map Decor: and at 100 Map Decor: There is literally no difference at all between anything in the garage between 10 and 100 map decor that in my head, should be a lot. You can see the bar bell's, map, desks, chairs, tables, etc. In both pictures. Yet, is all of this necessary for someone just trying to receive dopamine or a heal? Now, to my conclusion. It seems as though the developers have made it clear that this button actually means something and that maybe it does help your framerate. But does it really? The answer has to be no. I actually found the opposite. As 100 Map decor actually loaded less objects than having it at 10. So I ask, the developers, does this Map decor option even help our frames? And if it does, how so because in two experiments it actually loaded less materials being on the higher setting. With that, I also ask. If 10 Map decor is supposedly ridding us of all the useless decorations around the map. Why do we still need to load in desks, computers, chairs, maps, boards, shelves, water, sinks? It seems like this option does not actually help anyone but yet hurts them having it lower. When playing with 100% map decor I saw no difference in my frame rate or textures anywhere around the map. Can the developers either remove all the useless items that do not need to be in the game or create a system that actually does that so that people like me and a lot of the other people in this community can stop complaining about this huge building we have to load in for no apparent reason. The texture bug has been apart of playing on Olympus for almost 6 months now ever since Apex was released and it seems that we have only gotten worse at solving the problem. Now I do not want to only bash on the dev team here because they are trying to make this community better but can I ask the designer team if maybe there is something they are not doing to help this problem end? I know Muthinator removed the off road out of the garage but i feel like there is something we are just not doing that is causing so many problems for this community. It has affected my civ and cop life and many others immensely and I just want this to be solved before we lose anymore people because of this bug. There must be a solution because Asylum did it, Koth did it, and a lot of other servers on Arma have figured out what is happening and stopped it. Yet, we are still having this problem and I feel that maybe we can solve this problem. Let me know what you think, Dejay
  16. ~LButton::recoil() am I in?
  17. rust > thinblueline > billcosbywarfare
  18. Dejay

    Disk Usage

    happened to my game all the time, got an ssd for my windows, arma and anything else that I use a lot and it no happen no more
  19. Wait you got chief..
  20. Sad thing is, it was a donation goal. People forked over cash for the ability to purchase those vests, now you want to scrap that and give them carrier lites. I know a few donors that wouldn't like that at all.
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