Tonight I felt i would challenge the Olympus server to see if their features actually did anything. Turns out, it is actually worse than I thought.
Now before I start, I would like to state that prior to each relog, I set my map decor to 100 or 10, clicked save and then relogged out of the server. I let the server load in all that was around me and this is the evidence.
When standing in the hospital, you can see a difference between 10 and 100 map decor.
Now at 10 map decor, notice the cereal box on the right hand of the screen:
I then move to 100 Map decor:
You can see that the cereal box actually disappears when I go to 100 map decor. The opposite of it's intended purpose.
I then took a trip to the garage when you could see a man working on nothing on his back.
Again, at 10% Map Decor:
and at 100 Map Decor:
There is literally no difference at all between anything in the garage between 10 and 100 map decor that in my head, should be a lot. You can see the bar bell's, map, desks, chairs, tables, etc. In both pictures. Yet, is all of this necessary for someone just trying to receive dopamine or a heal?
Now, to my conclusion. It seems as though the developers have made it clear that this button actually means something and that maybe it does help your framerate. But does it really? The answer has to be no. I actually found the opposite. As 100 Map decor actually loaded less objects than having it at 10. So I ask, the developers, does this Map decor option even help our frames? And if it does, how so because in two experiments it actually loaded less materials being on the higher setting.
With that, I also ask. If 10 Map decor is supposedly ridding us of all the useless decorations around the map. Why do we still need to load in desks, computers, chairs, maps, boards, shelves, water, sinks? It seems like this option does not actually help anyone but yet hurts them having it lower. When playing with 100% map decor I saw no difference in my frame rate or textures anywhere around the map. Can the developers either remove all the useless items that do not need to be in the game or create a system that actually does that so that people like me and a lot of the other people in this community can stop complaining about this huge building we have to load in for no apparent reason.
The texture bug has been apart of playing on Olympus for almost 6 months now ever since Apex was released and it seems that we have only gotten worse at solving the problem. Now I do not want to only bash on the dev team here because they are trying to make this community better but can I ask the designer team if maybe there is something they are not doing to help this problem end? I know Muthinator removed the off road out of the garage but i feel like there is something we are just not doing that is causing so many problems for this community. It has affected my civ and cop life and many others immensely and I just want this to be solved before we lose anymore people because of this bug. There must be a solution because Asylum did it, Koth did it, and a lot of other servers on Arma have figured out what is happening and stopped it. Yet, we are still having this problem and I feel that maybe we can solve this problem.
Let me know what you think, Dejay