sAPD used to tell us "jUsT gET MOrE pEoPLe" when we would lose a fed or bw. Now that the roles are reversed you keep buffing yourselves without talking to anyone or trying to find a better solution. And it's not like anyone has tried to get cops to mass log for a fed or bw. I'm sure that if a sAPD member went into APD Lounge and messaged "fed s1" or something you'd get more people. Buffing APD at feds is not going to fix the problem, it's going to hurt the other gangs that want to do a federal event but don't have 20+ people. Then we can go back to where there were a few feds done a week, which is really exciting for everyone. No matter the buff we'll still womp these dog shit career cops every time if we have the numbers. but go ahead and keep buffing yourselves and ruining the fun for everyone else